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Restrict eggdrop scripts by channel

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Restrict eggdrop scripts by channel

Post by Ikaa »

Is there a way in the .conf that eggdrop scripts can be restricted to certain channels if the script itself does not have that functionality?

Example: I want to run timebomb (below) in the trivia channel, and Bogus Trivia has a setting on what channel it will play in. Timebomb does not. Is this something that can be set easily, or would it involve a complete mod of the script?

I did try making an entry in the line "set gTimebombChannel "", but i dont think that thats what it's for. It was still useable in other channels.

Code: Select all

#  Name:                                        Timebomb
#  Author:                            
#  Web Site:                          
#  Eggdrop Version:     1.6.x
#  Description:
#  This is a small TCL script for Eggdrop.  Timebomb is a game where one person
#  asks the Eggdrop bot to plant a timebomb in another users pants.  The target
#  user then needs to diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire, or be
#  kicked from the channel.
#  To start the game a user must type:
#    timebomb <nickname>
#  This will cause the target user to have a timebomb "stuffed in their pants"
#  once this occurs the user will have a number of seconds to diffuse the bomb.
#  Diffusing the bomb is done by typing:
#    cutwire <color>
#  The wire colors you can choose from are displayed when the bomb is planted.
#  This script will not allow bots (Users who are +b), or the bot running the
#  script, to be timebombed.
#  I know it sounds very silly but it is a rather fun game.

bind  pub   -   timebomb  doTimebomb
bind  pub   -   cutwire   doCutWire

# Configuration

set gTimebombMinimumDuration 20
set gTimebombMaximumDuration 60
set gWireChoices "Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet Black White Grey Brown Pink Mauve Beige Aquamarine Chartreuse Bisque Crimson Fuchsia Gold Ivory Khaki Lavender Lime Magenta Maroon Navy Olive Plum Silver Tan Teal Turquoise"
set gMaxWireCount 6

# Internal Globals

set gTheScriptVersion "0.4"
set gTimebombActive 0
set gTimerId 0
set gTimebombTarget ""
set gTimebombChannel ""
set gCorrectWire ""
set gNumberNames "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve"


proc note {msg} {
  putlog "% $msg"

proc IRCKick {theNick theChannel theReason} {
  note "Kicking $theNick in $theChannel (Reason: $theReason)"
  putserv "KICK $theChannel $theNick :$theReason"

proc IRCPrivMSG {theTarget messageString} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG $theTarget :$messageString"

proc IRCAction {theTarget messageString} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG $theTarget :\001ACTION $messageString\001"

proc MakeEnglishList {theList} {
  set theListLength [llength $theList]
  set returnString [lindex $theList 0]
  for {set x 1} {$x < $theListLength} {incr x} {
    if { $x == [expr $theListLength - 1] } {
      set returnString "$returnString and [lindex $theList $x]"
    } else {
      set returnString "$returnString, [lindex $theList $x]"
  return $returnString

proc SelectWires {wireCount} {
  global gWireChoices
  set totalWireCount [llength $gWireChoices]
  set selectedWires ""
  for {set x 0} {$x < $wireCount} {incr x} {
    set currentWire [lindex $gWireChoices [expr int( rand() * $totalWireCount )]]
    if { [lsearch $selectedWires $currentWire] == -1 } {
      lappend selectedWires $currentWire
    } else {
      set x [expr $x - 1]
  return $selectedWires

proc DetonateTimebomb {destroyTimer kickMessage} {
  global gTimebombTarget gTimerId gTimebombChannel gTimebombActive
  if { $destroyTimer } {
    killutimer $gTimerId
  set gTimerId 0
  set gTimebombActive 0
  IRCKick $gTimebombTarget $gTimebombChannel $kickMessage

proc DiffuseTimebomb {wireCut} {
  global gTimerId gTimebombActive gTimebombTarget gTimebombChannel
  killutimer $gTimerId
  set gTimerId 0
  set gTimebombActive 0
  IRCPrivMSG $gTimebombChannel "$gTimebombTarget cut the $wireCut wire.  This has defused the bomb!"

proc StartTimeBomb {theStarter theNick theChannel} {
  global gTimebombActive gTimebombTarget gTimerId gTimebombChannel gNumberNames gCorrectWire
  global gMaxWireCount gTimebombMinimumDuration gTimebombMaximumDuration
  if { $gTimebombActive == 1 } {
    note "Timebomb not started for $theStarter (Reason: timebomb already active)"
    if { $theChannel != $gTimebombChannel } {
      IRCPrivMSG $theChannel "I don't have a single bomb to spare. :-("
    } else {
      IRCAction $theChannel "points at the bulge in the back of $gTimebombTarget's pants."
  } else {
    set timerDuration [expr $gTimebombMinimumDuration + [expr int(rand() * ($gTimebombMaximumDuration - $gTimebombMinimumDuration))]]
    set gTimebombTarget $theNick
    set gTimebombChannel $theChannel
    set numberOfWires [expr 1 + int(rand() * ( $gMaxWireCount - 0 ))]
    set listOfWires [SelectWires $numberOfWires]
    set gCorrectWire [lindex $listOfWires [expr int( rand() * $numberOfWires )]]
    set wireListAsEnglish [MakeEnglishList $listOfWires]
    set wireCountAsEnglish [lindex $gNumberNames $numberOfWires]
    IRCAction $theChannel "stuffs the bomb into $gTimebombTarget's pants.  The display reads \[\002$timerDuration\002\] seconds."
    if { $numberOfWires == 1 } {
      IRCPrivMSG $theChannel "Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There is $wireCountAsEnglish wire. It is $wireListAsEnglish."
    } else {
      IRCPrivMSG $theChannel "Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are $wireCountAsEnglish wires. They are $wireListAsEnglish."
    note "Timebomb started by $theStarter (Bomb handed to $theNick it will detonate in $timerDuration seconds)"
    set gTimebombActive 1
    set gTimerId [utimer $timerDuration "DetonateTimebomb 0 {\002*BOOM!*\002}"]

# Eggdrop command binds

proc doCutWire {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global gTimebombActive gCorrectWire gTimebombTarget
  if { $gTimebombActive == 1 } {
    if { [string tolower $nick] == [string tolower $gTimebombTarget] } {
      if { [llength $arg] == 1 } {
        if { [string tolower $arg] == [string tolower $gCorrectWire] } {
          DiffuseTimebomb $gCorrectWire
        } else {
          DetonateTimebomb 1 "\002snip...*BOOM!*\002"

proc doTimebomb {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global botnick
  set theNick $nick
  if { [llength $arg] == 1 } {
    set theNick [lindex [split $arg] 0]
  if { [string tolower $theNick] == [string tolower $botnick] } {
    set theNick $nick
    IRCKick $theNick $chan "I will not tollerate this!"
  if { [validuser $theNick] == 1 } {
    if { [matchattr $theNick "+b"] == 1 } {
      set theNick $nick
      IRCKick $theNick $chan "I will not tollerate that!"
  StartTimeBomb $nick $theNick $chan


note "timebomb$gTheScriptVersion: loaded";
note " with $gMaxWireCount wire maximum,"
note " and time range of $gTimebombMinimumDuration to $gTimebombMaximumDuration seconds.";
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Create a list gTimebombChannel

Code: Select all

set gTimebombChannel [list #chan1 #chan2]
and inside the procs doTimebomb and doCutWire add

Code: Select all

if {[lsearch -exact $::gTimebombChannel $chan] == -1} {
 return 0
Should solve your problem.
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Post by nml375 »

That would be unwize, as ::gTimebombChannel is used to keep track of which channel the timebomb was activated, and is overwritten within StartTimeBomb. Considder using some other name, or use custom channel settings (setudef flag)
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Post by Sir_Fz »

My bad, I didn't notice that the variable-name is already in use (thought Ikaa made it up). You can use any other unused name for it Ikaa.
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Post by Ikaa »

Ill try that. Thanks so much for your help guys.

*edit* Works great! Thanks again!
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