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Channelhelper by Djoezy

Support & discussion of released scripts, and announcements of new releases.
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Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:56 am

Channelhelper by Djoezy

Post by Djoezy »

Here users can ask questions about the channelhelper script from djoezy

Current version : 2.0

Script features
Topic protection
Welcome message
Badword protection
Badnick protection
Badchan protection
Badident protection
Private mode
Bitch mode
Q protection
Q login
Password security
Log system
User protection
Spam protection (spam detection is from metroid)
Dynamic limit
VIP scan
Flyby protection
Anti-Idle protection
Chanmode protection
Various Operator commands like op,deop,kick,kickban etc.
Displayed userlist/banlist
Userhost managing
The script has been made too ensure that the user can manage his channel easier then by dcc chat.
The script use the bot userlist/banlist.
For extra easy managing if have made a mIRC script too use all commands in the nicklist/channellist.

If anybody found bugs or suggesting extra features please inform me about it.
If its a big problem msg email me at
Do you know what reallife means ? And where i can download it ?
Posts: 27
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:56 am
Location: Hungarian

need help

Post by lenooxx »

hey i want use this script , but i got an error message every time

wrong # args: should be "bot:check:chanmodes nickname uhost handle channel modechange modeslist totallist channelkey"

whats the prob.. ?
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