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Public IP Information Checker [SOLVED]

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Public IP Information Checker [SOLVED]

Post by holycrap »


I tried emailing the author of this script, but no luck. Can someone please modify the following script to pull the data from "" instead of "". I find that ip2location do not have very accurate information.


Code: Select all

#	Public IP Information Checker by Hawkee -	#
# This script uses to check for info on ip adresses #
# i'm not quite sure if the login method i made work 100 %, but it 	#
# seemd to work for me. I have spotted a bug by now, i will review it 	#
# in a future version.									#
#	You can use it in 2 modes: THE FREE ONE or THE Account one		#
#												#
# The free one works for 20 IP lookups per day, because this is the 	#
# maximum number of lookups, offers for unregistered 	#
# users - per ip -. Set ip2loc(account) (default) to use this.		#
#												#
# The Account one works for 200 lookups per day if you have a 		#
# account. The login method for this mode is not 		#
# guaranteed to work. But you can try. You must set ip2loc(account) to 	#
# 1 and you must set ip2loc(mail) & ip2loc(pass) with your ip2location  #
# account details.									#
# Thats all about the important info.						#
#												#
# Works on all channels, and it can be used by all users. Requires TCL	#
# HTTP PACK											#
#												#
# USAGE: !whereis <IP>									#
# 					HAVE PHUN						#
#		Email me with suggestions and bug reports				#
#												#
#								    grtz HWK @ undernet	#

bind pub -|- !whereis whereis

set ver "0.1"

set ip2loc(account) "0"
set ip2loc(mail) "your account email adress"
set ip2loc(pass) "your account password"

package require http


proc whereis {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global ip2loc

set ip [lindex $args 0]

	::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 ; Gecko"

if {![info exists authed] && $ip2loc(account) == "1"} {
set auth [::http::formatQuery txtEmailAddress $ip2loc(mail) txtPassword $ip2loc(pass) chkRememberMe on]
::http::geturl "" -timeout 2000 -query $auth -type mime-type
puthelp "privmsg $chan :Authentificating to website"
set authed "1"
putlog "IP INFO - Logging in to website"
if {![string match -nocase *.*.*.* $ip]} {puthelp "NOTICE $nick Invalid IP pattern. \037Syntax\037: \002!whereis\002 <>" ; putlog "IP INFO $chan $nick - INVALID IP PATTERN"; return 0}

	set que [::http::formatQuery ipaddresses $ip]
   	set http_req [::http::geturl "" -timeout 2000 -query $que]

	set data [::http::data $http_req]
	::http::cleanup $http_req

	regexp {<span id="dgLookup__ctl2_lblICountry">([^<]+)</span></TD>} $data x country
	if {![info exists country] || [string equal $country -]} {puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$nick, no information found for IP: \00302$ip\003" ; putlog "IP INFO $chan $nick - No results" ; return 0}
	regexp {<span id="dgLookup__ctl2_lblICity">([^<]+)</span></TD>} $data x city
	regexp {<span id="dgLookup__ctl2_lblIISP">([^<]+)</span></TD>} $data x isp
	regexp {<span id="dgLookup__ctl2_lblIDomain">([^<]+)</span></TD>} $data x domain

	puthelp "privmsg $chan \037Location\037 - \002Country:\002 \00304$country\003, \002City:\002 \00304$city\003"
	putlog "IP INFO $chan $nick"


putlog "*Ip Information v$ver* Loaded"
Last edited by holycrap on Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:33 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by speechles »

<speechles> !whereis
<sp33chy> : ~ country code: US ~ country: United States ~ state: California ~ city: Mountain View ~ IP postcode: 94043 ~ latitude: 37.4192 ~ longitude: -122.0574 ~ ISP of this IP : Google
<sp33chy> Organization: Google ~ Host of this IP: : ~ Local time in United States: 2009-04-22 18:19

Code: Select all

bind pub -|- !whereis whereis
setudef flag whereis

proc whereis {nick uhost hand chan text} {
   # flag
   if {![channel get $chan whereis]} { return }
   # useragent
   ::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 ; Gecko"
   # geturl, with error handler
   catch { set http [::http::geturl "$text" -timeout 5000] } error
   # error condition 1: invalid http session
   if {![string match -nocase "::http::*" $error]} {
      putserv "privmsg $chan :[string totitle $error] \($text \)"
      return 0
   # error condition 2: http error
   if {![string equal -nocase [::http::status $http] "ok"]} {
      putserv "privmsg $chan :[string totitle [::http::status $http]] \($text \)"
      return 0
   # no error, get data
   set data [::http::data $http]
   # cleanup http token
   ::http::cleanup $http
   # cleanse html for parsing
   regsub -all {\[<.*?>\]} $data "" data
   regsub -all "<script.*?>.*?</script>" $data "" data
   regsub -all "<a href.*?</a>" $data "" data 
   regsub -all "<img src=.*?>" $data "" data
   regsub -all {(?:\n|\t|\v|\r|</span>)} $data "" data
   regsub -all {<span.*?>} $data "" data
   # can we retrieve table fields?
   while {[regexp -nocase -- {<th>(.*?)</th>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>} $data x type attrib]} {
      # yes, store table fields into output list
      lappend output "[string map {"IP country code" "country code" "IP address" ""} [string trim $type]] [string trim $attrib]"
      # remove table field already retrieved and loop
      regsub -nocase -- {<th>.*?</th>.*?<td>.*?</td>} $data "" data
   # do we have output?
   if {[info exists output]} {
      # yes, spam first 9
      puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $output 0 8] " ~ "]"
      # more than 9?
      if {[llength $output] > 8} {
         # yes, spam the rest
         puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $output 9 [llength $output]] " ~ "]"
   } else {
      # we have no output, declare
      puthelp "privmsg $chan :$text returns no useful information for me to reply with... ;/"
# eof
That other one had no error handlers what so ever, except for not being able to scrape useful results. This one has robust and complete error handling. Have a fun ;)

Remember to " .chanset #yourchan +whereis " to enable functionality as usual. And keep in mind, this site throttles your requests eventually into a blackhole known as... well, very quickly after using this script your going to be seeing alot of the output shown below...
<speechles> !whereis
<sp33chy> Timeout ( )
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Post by Sydneybabe »

Good day speechles, I try your script but an error occured on partyline which bot doesn't response.
Tcl error [whereis]: invalid command name "::http::config"
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Post by tomekk »

Sydneybabe wrote:Good day speechles, I try your script but an error occured on partyline which bot doesn't response.
Tcl error [whereis]: invalid command name "::http::config"
add line:

Code: Select all

package require http

Code: Select all

setudef flag whereis
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Post by holycrap »

Sorry to bother you guys again,

Anyway to modify the output to show only "city" and "country" and nothing else, like the original script?

Thanks much!

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Post by speechles »

holycrap wrote:Sorry to bother you guys again,

Anyway to modify the output to show only "city" and "country" and nothing else, like the original script?

Thanks much!


Code: Select all

#top of script somewhere add this new variable
#these are simply masks, one entry may match many
#craft these carefully and experiment. the order shown
#here is the order shown in the output.
variable whereisFilter [list "*city:*" "*country:*"]

... snipped parts not relevant... down here begin your changes... the very next comment...

# Start your changes with this line, copy everything below
# over what is presently in your script. use the first line below
# as an indicator of where to start this pasting over.

   while {[regexp -nocase -- {<th>(.*?)</th>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>} $data x type attrib]} {
      lappend output "[string totitle [string trim [string map {"IP country code" "country code" "IP address" " "} $type]]] [string trim $attrib]"
      regsub -nocase -- {<th>.*?</th>.*?<td>.*?</td>} $data "" data
   # do we have output?
   if {[info exists output]} {
     # yes, determine what exactly to output...
     foreach entry $::whereisFilter {
        foreach attribute $output {
           # does the attribute match any filter masks?
           if {[string match -nocase $entry [lindex [split $attribute] 0]]} {
              # yes, add to spam list
              lappend spamline $attribute
      # was a spam list created?
      if {[info exists spamline]} {
         # if created, does it have any contents?
         if {[llength $spamline]} {
            # yes, spam first 9
            puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $spamline 0 8] " ~ "]"
            # more than 9?
            if {[llength $spamline] > 8} {
               # yes, spam the rest
               puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $spamline 9 [llength $spamline]] " ~ "]"
      } else {
         # we have output but nothing in the spam list, declare
         puthelp "privmsg $chan :$text returns some useful information for me to reply with, but filtering is preventing me from showing you... ;/"
   } else {
      # we have no output at all, declare
      puthelp "privmsg $chan :$text returns no useful information for me to reply with... ;/"
# eof
These changes will allow you a variable known as whereisFilter which will contain the masks you want to show on irc. Any masks that do not fit your list will _not_ be shown. In this way you can add them all back, whatever. The order you put does matter, so you can now have them pop up in any order you desire as well as a benefit. Enjoy. ;)

If you experience errors shout em out, this code is untested simply off the top of my head in 5 minutes.

edit: corrected missing bracket ( ] )
Last edited by speechles on Sun May 31, 2009 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by holycrap »

Hello again,

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The bot is not responding and I'm not getting any error on partyline. :(

Thanks again.


Code: Select all

bind pub -|- !whereis whereis
setudef flag whereis
package require http

variable whereisFilter [list "*city:*" "*country:*"]

proc whereis {nick uhost hand chan text} {
   # flag
   if {![channel get $chan whereis]} { return }
   # useragent
   ::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 ; Gecko"
   # geturl, with error handler
   catch { set http [::http::geturl "$text" -timeout 5000] } error
   # error condition 1: invalid http session
   if {![string match -nocase "::http::*" $error]} {
      putserv "privmsg $chan :[string totitle $error] \($text \)"
      return 0
   # error condition 2: http error
   if {![string equal -nocase [::http::status $http] "ok"]} {
      putserv "privmsg $chan :[string totitle [::http::status $http]] \($text \)"
      return 0
   # no error, get data
   set data [::http::data $http]
   # cleanup http token
   ::http::cleanup $http
   # cleanse html for parsing
   regsub -all {\[<.*?>\]} $data "" data
   regsub -all "<script.*?>.*?</script>" $data "" data
   regsub -all "<a href.*?</a>" $data "" data
   regsub -all "<img src=.*?>" $data "" data
   regsub -all {(?:\n|\t|\v|\r|</span>)} $data "" data
   regsub -all {<span.*?>} $data "" data
   # can we retrieve table fields?
   while {[regexp -nocase -- {<th>(.*?)</th>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>} $data x type attrib]} {
      lappend output "[string totitle [string trim [string map {"IP country code" "country code" "IP address" " "} $type]]] [string trim $attrib]"
      regsub -nocase -- {<th>.*?</th>.*?<td>.*?</td>} $data "" data
   # do we have output?
   if {[info exists output]} {
     # yes, determine what exactly to output...
     foreach entry $::whereisFilter {
        foreach attribute $output {
           # does the attribute match any filter masks?
           if {[string match -nocase $entry [lindex [split $attribute] 0]} {
              # yes, add to spam list
              lappend spamline $attribute
      # was a spam list created?
      if {[info exists spamline]} {
         # if created, does it have any contents?
         if {[llength $spamline]} {
            # yes, spam first 9
            puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $spamline 0 8] " ~ "]"
            # more than 9?
            if {[llength $spamline] > 8} {
               # yes, spam the rest
               puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $spamline 9 [llength $spamline]] " ~ "]"
      } else {
         # we have output but nothing in the spam list, declare
         puthelp "privmsg $chan :$text returns some useful information for me to reply with, but filtering is preventing me from showing you... ;/"
   } else {
      # we have no output at all, declare
      puthelp "privmsg $chan :$text returns no useful information for me to reply with... ;/"
# eof
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Post by speechles »

holycrap wrote:Hello again,

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The bot is not responding and I'm not getting any error on partyline. :(

Thanks again.

In testing, because to troubleshoot this required testing what I wrote, seems I simply forgot a closing bracket ( ] ).. I've since fixed this and just pasted the entire thing for you This is tested, it works perfectly as designed.
<speechles> !whereis
<bot> City: Mountain View ~ Country: United States

Code: Select all

bind pub -|- !whereis whereis
setudef flag whereis
package require http

# Set your filtered list here with or without wildcards, 
# only these will be displayed and the order you choose
# here is the exact order in which it will be output. To
# display everything, all the site has to offer and see
# what there is to choose from, use a single wildcard,
# "*", in the list below.

variable whereisFilter [list "city:" "country:"]

proc whereis {nick uhost hand chan text} {
   # flag
   if {![channel get $chan whereis]} { return }
   # useragent
   ::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 ; Gecko"
   # geturl, with error handler
   catch { set http [::http::geturl "$text" -timeout 5000] } error
   # error condition 1: invalid http session
   if {![string match -nocase "::http::*" $error]} {
      putserv "privmsg $chan :[string totitle $error] \($text \)"
      return 0
   # error condition 2: http error
   if {![string equal -nocase [::http::status $http] "ok"]} {
      putserv "privmsg $chan :[string totitle [::http::status $http]] \($text \)"
      return 0
   # no error, get data
   set data [::http::data $http]
   # cleanup http token
   ::http::cleanup $http
   # cleanse html for parsing
   regsub -all {\[<.*?>\]} $data "" data
   regsub -all "<script.*?>.*?</script>" $data "" data
   regsub -all "<a href.*?</a>" $data "" data
   regsub -all "<img src=.*?>" $data "" data
   regsub -all {(?:\n|\t|\v|\r|</span>)} $data "" data
   regsub -all {<span.*?>} $data "" data
   # can we retrieve table fields?
   while {[regexp -nocase -- {<th>(.*?)</th>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>} $data x type attrib]} {
      lappend output "[string totitle [string trim [string map {"IP country code" "country code" "IP address" " "} $type]]] [string trim $attrib]"
      regsub -nocase -- {<th>.*?</th>.*?<td>.*?</td>} $data "" data
   # do we have output?
   if {[info exists output]} {
     # yes, determine what exactly to output...
     foreach entry $::whereisFilter {
        foreach attribute $output {
           # does the attribute match any filter masks?
           if {[string match -nocase $entry [lindex [split $attribute] 0]]} {
              # yes, add to spam list
              lappend spamline $attribute
      # was a spam list created?
      if {[info exists spamline]} {
         # if created, does it have any contents?
         if {[llength $spamline]} {
            # yes, spam first 9
            puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $spamline 0 8] " ~ "]"
            # more than 9?
            if {[llength $spamline] > 8} {
               # yes, spam the rest
               puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $spamline 9 [llength $spamline]] " ~ "]"
      } else {
         # we have output but nothing in the spam list, declare
         puthelp "privmsg $chan :$text returns some useful information for me to reply with, but filtering is preventing me from showing you... ;/"
   } else {
      # we have no output at all, declare
      puthelp "privmsg $chan :$text returns no useful information for me to reply with... ;/"
# eof
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Post by holycrap »


The bot keeps giving me this:

<holycrap> !whereis
<bot> Timeout ( )
Last edited by holycrap on Sun May 31, 2009 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by speechles »

holycrap wrote:Hi,

The bot keeps giving me this:

"Timeout ( )"
Maybe raise the timeout in this line from 5000 to 10000?

Code: Select all

catch { set http [::http::geturl "$text" -timeout 5000] } error 
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Post by holycrap »

Thanks much, it works now!

One last question. Which line do I modify if I want to add color to the output and such?

It's cool that it can find the location of a website... better if you can !whereis <nick> and not just IP.

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Post by speechles »

holycrap wrote:Thanks much, it works now!

One last question. Which line do I modify if I want to add color to the output and such?

It's cool that it can find the location of a website... better if you can !whereis <nick> and not just IP.

It isn't a single line you would need to change. The method of deployment must be changed as well. The script simply builds a list to spam to the screen based upon the output list it received and comparing this to your filter list. So it doesn't really know which order you've done or anything, only you do.

Code: Select all

         # if created, does it have any contents?
         if {[llength $spamline]} {
            # yes, spam first 9
            puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $spamline 0 8] " ~ "]"
            # more than 9?
            if {[llength $spamline] > 8} {
               # yes, spam the rest
               puthelp "privmsg $chan :[join [lrange $spamline 9 [llength $spamline]] " ~ "]"
You can change this and "hard-code" it to always assume city and country are those 2.

Code: Select all

         # if created, does it have any contents?
         if {[llength $spamline]} {
           # pluck just the city from the spamline
           set city [string trim [lindex [split [lindex $spamline 0] :] 1]]
           # pluck just the country from spamline
           set country [string trim [lindex [split [lindex $spamline 1] :] 1]]
           # spam our newly created variables
           puthelp "privmsg $chan :City: $city ~ Country: $country"
This assumes your filter list will only ever be city and country, and in that order. If you change the filter list you will need to change this "hard-coded" segment. This should allow you to customize it as you wish.

To make it able to do it by nick requires that nick be in the channel you issue the command in. So find this:

Code: Select all

   # flag
   if {![channel get $chan whereis]} { return } 
Then under it, add this code.

Code: Select all

if {![string match "*.*" $text]} {
   set wnick [lindex [split [getchanhost [lindex [split $text] 0] $chan] @] 1]
   if {[string length $wnick]} { set text $wnick }
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Post by holycrap »

That "nick" part didn't work, but it's all good, thanks for your time.


Code: Select all

To make it able to do it by nick requires that nick be in the channel you issue the command in. So find this:
   # flag
   if {![channel get $chan whereis]} { return }
Then under it, add this code.
if {![string match "*.*" $text]} {
   set wnick [lindex [split [getchanhost [lindex [split $text] 0] $chan] @] 1]
   if {[string length $wnick]} { set text $wnick }
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Post by speechles »

holycrap wrote:That "nick" part didn't work, but it's all good, thanks for your time.


Code: Select all

To make it able to do it by nick requires that nick be in the channel you issue the command in. So find this:
   # flag
   if {![channel get $chan whereis]} { return }
Then under it, add this code.
if {![string match "*.*" $text]} {
   set wnick [lindex [split [getchanhost [lindex [split $text] 0] $chan] @] 1]
   if {[string length $wnick]} { set text $wnick }
It does work, but getchanhost has a limitation of course that being the fact it is tied to a particular channel. If the nick is in the same channel as the person issuing the command, this does work. It should work equally for you If you insert the code correctly below the line with ![channel get].
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Post by holycrap »

Is it possible the server I'm running on masked the trailing digits of the IP address and is messing with the code?

Code: Select all

# flag
   if {![channel get $chan whereis]} { return }
   if {![string match "*.*" $text]} {
   set wnick [lindex [split [getchanhost [lindex [split $text] 0] $chan] @] 1]
   if {[string length $wnick]} { set text $wnick }
Last edited by holycrap on Sun May 31, 2009 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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