I wonder how can I bind snotices? I read tcl-commands.doc and it seems like bind NOTC will not be triggered by servernotices. I have to make a script that is activaterd by a server notice. How can I bind it?
(7) NOTC (stackable)
bind notc <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <text> <dest>
Description: dest will be a nickname (the bot's nickname,
obviously) or a channel name. mask is matched against the entire
notice and can contain wildcards. It is considered a breach of
protocol to respond to a /notice on IRC, so this is intended for
internal use (logging, etc.) only. Note that server notices do
| not trigger the NOTC bind. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will
| not log the message that triggered this bind.
New Tcl procs should be declared as
proc notcproc {nick uhost hand text {dest ""}} {
global botnick; if {$dest == ""} {set dest $botnick}
for compatibility.
Module: server
Anyway, I discovered how I can do it. bind raw will solve it.