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Bot doesnt accept dcc chat

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:24 pm

Bot doesnt accept dcc chat

Post by McMilan »


My eggdrop doesnt accept dcc chat. I don't know why. My Host is added in .user file.

Any idea?
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Post by arfer »

Quite often a router/firewall issue. Do you have a router? Possibly a host issue ie. has your host/ip changed since you were added to to bot's userfile such that it no longer recognises you?

The first thing to do is establish whether you can get on the bot's partyline by any of the available methods.

1. /dcc chat <botnick>
2. /ctcp <botnick> chat
3. use a telnet client such as putty to telnet to the bot's host and listening port (set in the .conf file)

The latter option would maybe need the default 'set protect-telnet 0' in the .conf file, just in case your host has changed.
I must have had nothing to do
Posts: 24
Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:24 pm

Post by McMilan »

arfer wrote:Quite often a router/firewall issue. Do you have a router? Possibly a host issue ie. has your host/ip changed since you were added to to bot's userfile such that it no longer recognises you?

The first thing to do is establish whether you can get on the bot's partyline by any of the available methods.

1. /dcc chat <botnick>
2. /ctcp <botnick> chat
3. use a telnet client such as putty to telnet to the bot's host and listening port (set in the .conf file)

The latter option would maybe need the default 'set protect-telnet 0' in the .conf file, just in case your host has changed.
Hello arfer.

I use vhost and the host added in bot is my vhost.

By /dcc chat <botnick> the bot doesnt reply
With /ctcp <botnick> chat respond.

Well. That command works like i wanted. :)

Thank you very much.
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