So I will use this solution. thank youBLaCkShaDoW wrote:Well i think your arhive was compiled with 9 characters.
if you want and can compile the arhive again..get the arhive from , then untill you use ./configure , go in the director src using cd src , then pico eggdrop.h and look for set ..handle or NICKMAX 9 then replace the 9 with 12.then type cd .. and compile the egg again and you will have the nick with 12 chars.
well if you cant compile the arhiva again..a solution is to add the user like this : the user is BLaCKShaDoW - > .add op BLaCkShaD
then the host will be *!*
then use .delhost BLaCkShaD *!* (removes host)
and the use .addhost BLaCkShaD *!* (adds host)
These are the posibilites
Nathema wrote:BlackShadow, did u implement Speechles's suggestions? Many of the people in my channels have [{'s and so do have my bots. If so i'm very interested.
Actually, you did.. and then you didn't...BLaCkShaDoW wrote:yes i did
Code: Select all
proc pub:add {nick host hand chan arg} {
global botnick user
# forgot to [split $arg] - brace problems
set level [lindex $arg 0]
set args [lrange [split $arg] 1 end]
proc pub:addhost {nick host hand chan arg} {
global botnick user
set user [lindex [split $arg] 0]
# forgot to [split $arg] - brace problems
set hosts [lrange $arg 1 end]
proc pub:delhost {nick host hand chan arg} {
global botnick user
set user [lindex [split $arg] 0]
# forgot to [split $arg] - brace problems
set hosts [lrange $arg 1 end]
proc pub:chuser {nick host hand chan arg} {
global botnick user
set user [lindex [split $arg] 0]
# forgot to [split $arg] - brace problems
set chandle [lindex $arg 1]
proc pub:ub {nick host hand chan arg} {
global botnick edu
set ban [lindex [split $arg] 0]
# forgot to [split $arg] - brace problems
set why [lindex $arg 1]
proc pub:d {nick host hand chan arg} {
global botnick edu
set days [lindex [split $arg] 0]
set dnick [lindex [split $arg] 1]
set mask [lindex [split $arg] 1]
# forgot to [split $arg] - brace problems
set reason "[lrange $arg 2 end]"
proc pub:ops {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global botnick
set arg [split $arg]
# why do you split $nick? braces will now cause problems here.
set nick [split $nick]
set arg [split $arg]
# then you do it again further
set nick [split $nick]
... too much wrong to keep going ...
... How do you figure it will only be that?... It's public input, they can put anything they want and crash your script. Possibly exploit the bot with injected commands (I haven't checked your coding very deeply.. it's not indented properly and hard as hell to read). But it's fixable, all I'm asking is have you even tested this yourself?lazy wrote:the why doesnt need to be split because the why will be only the word "global"Code: Select all
proc pub:ub {nick host hand chan arg} { global botnick edu set ban [lindex [split $arg] 0] set why [lindex $arg 1]
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(19:20) <BLaCkShaDoW> .add op {user}
(19:20) -BlackToolS- Am adaugat user-ul {user} cu host :*!*@{user}
(19:20) -BlackToolS- {user} are access de op pe #tcltesting.
(19:20) <@{andreiut}> .o
(19:20) * BlackToolS sets mode: -o {andreiut}
(19:20) <{andreiut}> .o
(19:20) * BlackToolS sets mode: +o {andreiut}
(19:20) <@{andreiut}> .o {andreiut}
(19:20) * BlackToolS sets mode: -o {andreiut}
(19:20) <{andreiut}> .o {andreiut}
(19:20) * BlackToolS sets mode: +o {andreiut}
(19:21) <@{andreiut}> .b *!*@host out
(19:21) * BlackToolS sets mode: +b *!*@host
(19:21) <@{andreiut}> .ub *!*@host
(19:21) * BlackToolS sets mode: -b *!*@host
(19:21) <BLaCkShaDoW> .addowner {andreiut}
(19:21) <BLaCkShaDoW> .del andreiut
(19:22) <@{andreiut}> .h
(19:22) -BlackToolS- NIVEL ACCESS -= OWNER =-
(19:22) -BlackToolS- Poti folosi: .h cmds | .h ban | .h add | .h modif | .h chaninfo | .h module | .h owner |
(19:22) <@{andreiut}> .b *!*@user 25 global
(19:22) * BlackToolS sets mode: +b *!*@user
(19:22) <@{andreiut}> .sb *!*@user
(19:22) -BlackToolS- Ban Local : *!*@user | Setat de : {andreiut} | Motiv : ({andreiut}) 25 global (Nr. Kick 7) | Creat in data de : Sun May 24 18:22:17 2009 | Expira la : Tue May 26 18:22:17 2009
(19:23) <@{andreiut}> .gb *!*@user 25 out !
(19:23) -BlackToolS- Am adaugat ban global pe host :*!*@user pe timp :25 ore
(19:23) <@{andreiut}> .sb *!*@user
(19:23) -BlackToolS- Ban Local : *!*@user | Setat de : {andreiut} | Motiv : ({andreiut}) 25 global (Nr. Kick 7) | Creat in data de : Sun May 24 18:22:17 2009 | Expira la : Tue May 26 18:22:17 2009
(19:23) <@{andreiut}> .sb *!*@user global
(19:23) -BlackToolS- Ban Global : *!*@user | Setat de : {andreiut} | Motiv : ({andreiut}) (GLOBAL) out ! | Creat in data de : Sun May 24 18:22:48 2009 | Expira la : Mon May 25 19:22:48 2009
(19:23) -BlackToolS- Ban Local : *!*@user | Setat de : {andreiut} | Motiv : ({andreiut}) 25 global (Nr. Kick 7) | Creat in data de : Sun May 24 18:22:17 2009 | Expira la : Tue May 26 18:22:17 2009
(19:23) <BLaCkShaDoW> .del {andreiut}
(19:24) <BLaCkShaDoW> .b {andreiut} out !
(19:24) * BlackToolS sets mode: -o+b {andreiut} *!*
(19:24) * You were kicked from #tcltesting by BlackToolS (Banned: (BLaCkShaDoW) out ! (Nr. Kick 8))
(19:24) <BLaCkShaDoW> .ub *!*
(19:24) * BlackToolS sets mode: -b *!*
(19:24) * Joins: {andreiut} (
(19:24) <BLaCkShaDoW> .addowner {andreiut}
(19:24) -BlackToolS- Am adaugat user-ul {andreiut} cu host :*!*
(19:25) -BlackToolS- {andreiut} are access de OWNER.
(19:25) <BLaCkShaDoW> .addhost {andreiut} *!*
(19:25) -BlackToolS- Am adaugat :*!* la {andreiut}
(19:25) <BLaCkShaDoW> .delhost {andreiut} *!*
(19:25) -BlackToolS- Am sters host-ul :*!* de la user-ul :{andreiut}
(19:25) <BLaCkShaDoW> .info {andreiut}
(19:25) -BlackToolS- Informatii despre {andreiut}
(19:25) -BlackToolS- Timpul curent : Sun May 24 18:25:18 2009 GMT
(19:25) -BlackToolS- Nivel de access :OWNER
(19:25) -BlackToolS- Ultima oara modificat de :BLaCkShaDoW
(19:25) -BlackToolS- HOSTURI: *!*
(19:25) -BlackToolS- Statistici pentru {andreiut} : numar de banuri .dr (0) | numar de banuri .b (0) | numar de banuri .spam (0) | numar de banuri .n (0) | numar de invite .i (0) | numar de banuri .black (0) | numar de kick-uri .w (0) | numar de banuri tip .d (0) | numar de kick-uri .k (0). | numar de banuri .stick (0)
(19:25) -BlackToolS- Ultima oara vazut ONLINE :Nu l-am vazut niciodata pe {andreiut}
Code: Select all
proc gethost {user chan} {
set host "*![getchanhost $user $chan]"
if {[regexp -all {[0-9]} $host] > 0} {
set host [maskhost $host]
return $host