We have a serious problem. On our irc network many lamers are using clone attacks ( from 20 till 500 and much more ). I liked script sentinel.tcl (2.6 v), but it seems doesn't help. Bot usually quit ( maxQsendexcceded ).
Can someone modifie sentinel.tcl script, that on large clone attack ( each clone uses different proxy server ), bot changes nick to a random nick, or from a list. Or is here script what does it. Help, we don't know how to avoid it. It is terrible to look at bot logs files :[, whole added ignores.
if someone wants to load up that many bots and sendQ your bots, then there isn't much you can do about it. either get a faster pipe between your bot and the server, so the sendQ never fills up that much, or work with some opers to get those lamers k/d/glined
Basicaly the problem, does not lie with sentinal, or eggdrop.
The "maxQsendexcceded" message, tells you that the queue (memory space that has all the messages stored while it sends data to you) is full, and that data is still being added to it.
A better version, different type or any other script related thing is going to get around this problem. To test this theory, try removeing all scripts from the bot, and restart the bot, when they flood, you will notice the same quit message. You should get the basic idea by then.