Sir_Fz wrote:You'll have to edit the bad channel kick message:VinceDalnet wrote:how can i edit the badchannel kickmsg, so that it wont show the exact bad channel in it? its like im re-advertising the said "bad channel" if its included in the kickmsg.where kckcount(form) isCode: Select all
# Bad chans kick message: set bchan(kmsg) "Bad chan detected. $kckcount(form)"
in the bad channel's case, %rate is the channel-name. So you can edit the message to(%rate) :: \[%date\] - Banned %btime minutes ·%kcount·so the bad channel won't be mentioned in the kick message.Code: Select all
set bchan(kmsg) "Bad chan detected :: \[%date\] - Banned %btime minutes ·%kcount·"
thanks for the help Sir_Fz