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help-- Output a text file to channel

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by Crypto »

Hi -

I am trying to output a text file to a channel via my bot. I have tried all the !trigger scripts I could find, but they all have the same problem. They will not output 2 lines of text that are the same.


The text file looks like this:

commands you can use in this chan
commands you can send to bot
commands you can send to ops

Ok ... but this is the output I get in the channel:

commands you can use in this chan
commands you can send to bot
commands you can send to ops

Notice the period that I use as a seperator is now gone between each line. I have tried other characters in place of the period, thinking that was the problem, but it was not. No matter what I put on the line as a seperator, it will not print that line *if* it has allready printed it before.

Here is the code:

set bfile "/home/eggdrop/info.file"
set cmd "!help"
set bwhere 0

bind pub -|- $cmd dumpfile
proc dumpfile {nick handle host chan text } {
global bfile bwhere
set foo [open $bfile r]
while { ! [eof $foo] } {
set line [gets $foo]
if {!$bwhere} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$line"
} else {
puthelp "NOTICE $chan :$line"

Thanks :smile:
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Posts: 959
Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm

Post by stdragon »

Look in your config file for this section:

# [0/1] allow a msg being twice in a queue?
set double-mode 0
set double-server 0
set double-help 0

That controls whether duplicate messages are allowed in the queue. Since you're using puthelp, try setting double-help to 1 instead of 0.

Post by Crypto »

Thanks alot !!
