I think the easiest way for you to do this (apart from searching on sites to learn about eggdrop conf files) Is login to your shell via ftp, (in your ftp tool/ options depending on your shell provider, protocol might be SFTP) and download to your box the 'bots.conf' file.
You find this file in your bot's root directory.
For example: /home/yourname/botsname/bots.conf
Open that with wordpad and start reading. You'll learn a lot just from that one file
Further more in that file it will tell you which lines to remove.
Btw, if a line is preceded with: #
It's called 'commented'. This means that the program won't read whats on that line. Its generally instructions for the user or various optional commands.
So to 'uncomment' a line is simply to remove the preceding: #
It's also good to have a look around via FTP- get to know the paths and whats on there.