I just ran a test to confirm what has been said previously
Code: Select all
bind PUB - .flood pFlood
proc pFlood {nick uhost hand chan text} {
set id [open flood.txt r]
set data [split [read -nonewline $id] \n]
close $id
foreach line $data {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$line"
return 0
The content of the text file is as follows :-
this is line one
this is line two
this is line three
this is line four
this is line five
this is line six
this is line seven
this is line eight
this is line nine
this is line ten
The first 4 lines are output to the IRC channel pretty much immediately and the remainder every second or two.
As nml375 suggested, this may well improve using putdccraw but I would not wish to try. DALnet is fairly relaxed up to a point, then pretty draconian. I am using my Windrop (same host as my connection) for the testing.
It does beg the question, why would you wish to deliberately output many lines at once? Unless it is your intention to flood. Knowing the likely outcome, this is something that most people would wish to avoid.