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Problems with NickServ identify on IRCNet

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
Posts: 23
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Post by deejayb »

Hi again!!!!!!!'s not change anything..... :(
The BOT enter without problems, but seems to don't identify itself to nickserv.....
Tnx so much!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:13 pm

I've resolved the problem!!!!!!!! (we can mark as "SOLV

Post by deejayb »

Here we are the modify to the eggdrop.conf file:

# This is a Tcl script to be run immediately after connecting to a server.
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
adduser services *!*
chattr services +f
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"
utimer 8 putserv "/ns identify montagna"


# This line loads script.tcl from the scripts directory inside your Eggdrop's
# directory. All scripts should be put there, although you can place them where
# you like as long as you can supply a fully qualified path to them.
# source scripts/script.tcl
source scripts/identify.tcl
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl


# Ident script for Windrop by FireEgl@EFnet <>
# uses username value for ident name by default
# read the start of script for more documentation
# uncomment (remove # in front of line) next line to activate
#source scripts/winident1.2.tcl
source scripts/identify.tcl

And here the identify.tcl script:

# Identify 1.0 tcl for eggdrop (20/01/2005)
# by lnx85 at #lnxlabs on AzzurraNet (
# E-mail:
# Impostare la password del nick nella variabile identify(pass) (vedi GLOBALS)
# Lo script è pensato per Azzurra ma, con qualche piccola modifica, è adattabile
# anche ad altri Network

### GLOBALS ###
set identify(pass) "montagna"
set identify(ns) "NickServ!"
set identify(cs) "ChanServ!"

### BINDS ###
bind evnt - init-server identify:identify
bind notc - *nick*registrato*altro*utente* identify:notice
bind notc - *rimangono*secondi*cambiare*automaticamente* identify:notice
### END BINDS ###

### PROCS ###
proc identify:identify { type } {
set ns [ lindex [ split $::identify(ns) "!" ] 0 ]
putserv "PRIVMSG $ns :IDENTIFY $::identify(pass)"

proc identify:notice { nick host handle text dest } {
set ns [ lindex [ split $::identify(ns) "!" ] 0 ]
putserv "PRIVMSG $ns :IDENTIFY $::identify(pass)"
### END PROCS ###

### INITIAL ###
if { ! [ validuser [ finduser $::identify(ns) ] ] } {
adduser NS [ lindex [ split $::identify(ns) "!" ] 1 ]
chattr NS +f
if { ! [ validuser [ finduser $::identify(cs) ] ] } {
adduser CS [ lindex [ split $::identify(cs) "!" ] 1 ]
chattr CS +f
putlog "\037IDENTIFY\037 \002::\002 \037LOADED\037 version 1.0 by lnx85
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Re: I've resolved the problem!!!!!!!! (we can mark as "

Post by speechles »

deejayb wrote:proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
adduser services *!*
chattr services +f
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"
utimer 8 putserv "/ns identify montagna"
This shows you cannot listen to advice and probably are a bad candidate for actual help. You've used / in your putserv again clearly thinking eggdrop behaves as mIRC does. You should just create an mIRC bot for your projects and give up ever trying to get eggdrop to work. Clearly since you can't listen to the help already given, then repeating it several times causing this thread to span 15 pages won't do much good either (expect bump my post count higher which is irrelevant anyways). My advice to you is to seriously re-read this entire thread from front to back several hundred times until you figure it out. All the advice you need is already here.
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Post by Callisto »

hi deejayb, have you even looked in the tcl archive? there are a load of id scripts in there for many services types. I use the dalnet ones myself and tweak the scripts to fix any differences between the services. You have not really given enough info either, what is the services challenge? how does it ask for id ? is this your own ircd/services? need loads more info. Also listen to what these guys say, they been doing this long enough. And if the whole concept of ircd/services/eggdrops leave you confused? give up and join someone elses network.
Good luck
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:42 am

Post by gogers »

add these line anywhere in conf file.


bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
putquick "PRIVMSG :IDENTIFY yourbotnick yourbotnickpassword" }

note: do /nickserv help, you will get more info about nickserv and its mask.

example of dalnet

.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- ***** NickServ Help *****
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- NickServ permits users to 'register' a nickname, and stop
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- others from using that nick. NickServ allows the owner of a
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- nick to disconnect a user using the owners registered nick.
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- If a registered nick is not used by the owner for 30 days,
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- NickServ will drop it, leaving it up for grabs by another user.
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- Please do NOT register more nicks than you will actively use! =)
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ-
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- For more information on a command, type
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- /msg help <command>
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ-
.:13:33:45:. -NickServ- Core Commands:

some IRCD's will not show it. in that case do /whois nickserv
and find the hostmasks

NickServ is Nick Registration Service (Internic Network)
NickServ using DALnet services home base

that will be your hostmask, ie

hope this one helps
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