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change a line in a file

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change a line in a file

Post by HÒóme »


How can i change a line in a file using eggdrop?

Thanks in advance
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Post by TCL_no_TK »

There is loads ov posts about this on the forum, try search'ing for them, best bet would be this post thou :idea:
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Post by arfer »

Code: Select all

set oldline "This is how the line reads before replacement"
set newline "This is how the line should read after replacement"

set id [open filename.txt r]
set data [split [read -nonewline $id] \n]
close $id

for {set loop 0} {$loop < [llength $data]} {incr loop} {
    if {[string equal $oldline [lindex $data $loop]]} {
        lreplace $data $loop $loop $newline

set id [open filename.txt w]
puts -nonewline $id [join $data \n]
close $id
There are obviously variations on this theme. You might only know part of the line and need to use 'string match' or 'string match -nocase' or even a 'regexp' to determine if it is the line to be replaced.

You may also only require the first incidence of a line to be changed, in which case you would have to break out of the 'for' loop after finding it.
I must have had nothing to do
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Post by HÒóme »

I cant run it.... Or has any error in code, or i am doing some thing wrong...

Well... i wanted something like this:

Code: Select all

bind pub - !line changeline

proc changeline { nick uhost hand chan text } {
set line "3"
set file "scripts/script.tcl"
set changelineto "$text"

[[ Code to change the line ]]

putserv "privmsg $chan :Changed"
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Since you have a specific line you wish to replace (3), then as demonstrated by arfer you can use [lreplace] to replace it.

Code: Select all

# read data from file
set data [split [read [set id [open $file]]][close $id] \n]
# replace 4th line (index 3)
set data [lreplace $data 3 3 $changelineto]
# rewrite the file with changed data
puts [set id [open $file w]] [join $data \n]
close $id
Note that index 3 in Tcl means the 4th line (starting from 0).
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Post by HÒóme »

It works fine.

Thank you very much
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