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antitrojan.tcl by me :)

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Post by Thunderdome »

Code: Select all

One of the nick scorer modules is quite harsh, I know. There is a 5% chance innocent people can get kicked. Best thing is not to place bans when kicked. Drone nicks do no join back, however a real user can join in back. 
since you are the maker, maybe you can help me out...
I do only kick (never ban) with the script... however..,. when one person get's kicked, it always get's way in coming back...
How do I change this?
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Post by awyeah »

Well there are other types of scripts available for that. For pub msgs, you can see repeat, joinflood, or for specific channels, bad channels, or bind msg to check if it messages the bot.

The only main thing for detecting drone nicks is: nick!ident -- nothing else other than that. I've seen alot of logics built by people, some also use nick! and mostly they use the small format given above.

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
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Post by awyeah »

Thunderdome wrote:

Code: Select all

One of the nick scorer modules is quite harsh, I know. There is a 5% chance innocent people can get kicked. Best thing is not to place bans when kicked. Drone nicks do no join back, however a real user can join in back. 
since you are the maker, maybe you can help me out...
I do only kick (never ban) with the script... however..,. when one person get's kicked, it always get's way in coming back...
How do I change this?
If you have enabled punishment levels 5-6 or the last two, which ever they are 'newchanban' and 'newban' those are the sticky and global bans and redundant to any exemption options -- because they are the bots built in banning system.

Other than that, the first four options should work fine as they are. If the bot detects someone as a drone kicks it only, drone doesnt join back, however if same is applied to a user and it joins back, yes it would get kicked again because it was detected again.

I may add an array not to kick someone so fast when they rejoin back again if they have been already kicked -- but this is when you only kick and never ban.

Again as I said there is no easy way to detect drone nicks, its a matter of chance, just how good script can work, it is bound to kick innocent people, unless you limit the script to be very precise -- in that case alot of drone nicks would not be kicked. I had that type of a script before 99.9% accuracy but it used to miss alot of drones, so then whats the use?

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by monster »


I had raise the value ie.

set trojan_away_with_badword 30

and the user away matches the badword is not being kick. What went wrong?

It just has this in the partyline

[15:12] trojan:join: sammy -- *!* -- #channel
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need a bit help

Post by lenooxx »


i added fzcommand script to my bot but and i get always a error message when i type .chanset #uic.ut +antitrojan

i get thhis : Error trying to set +antitrojan for #uic.ut, invalid mode.

i tried other scripts and other commands (.chanset +awaycheck ,etc... ) and i get same message , but dunno why :S any idea?

Thank you ^^
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Post by nml375 »

The fzcommand script found in the script archive does not implement any kind of custom channel properties. Also, this thread is in no way related to that script.

The script posted by sKy in the very first post in this thread does implement a custom channel property named "antitrojan"; is this the script you need help with?
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Post by lenooxx »

aham i understand and thank you :)
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