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pickup bot request

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Posts: 27
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:56 am
Location: Hungarian

pickup bot request

Post by lenooxx »

im found one PUGBot for UT2004, i wanna download it, tried search in google but all PUGbot is deleted :(
That bot have much op commands and user commands , UT2004 server query script etc ..
if you have a similar bot or you can creat one , please , we need this bot , very usefull and nice bot , i searched this bot for since 4-5 month , but nothing :(

Regards !

Code: Select all

-Public Commands-

   .server         -> displays the pugserver.
   .ip<number>     -> used to find out the ut server ip.
   .ts<number>     -> used to find out the ts server ip.
   .vent<number>   -> used to find out the vent server ip.
   .puginfo        -> used to display the current pug information.
   .rules          -> displays the rules for the pug channel.
   .active         -> view status of pug chans with at least 1 person pugging.
   .site           -> displays channel .site link
   .utv            -> displays channel .utv link
   .maps           -> displays channel .maps link
   .sc             -> displays channel .sc link
   .count          -> displays how many people and ops are in the channel
   .stats          -> displays the utstats link.
   .forum          -> displays the link to the channel forums.
   .ircstat        -> displays the link to the channel stats website.
   .match          -> view if any match information is set for the channel.
   .member         -> used to view clan/channel members.
   .theme          -> displays the current theme
   .ping           -> used to see how you ping to the bot.
                      (only works if CTCPs are enabled)
   .access         -> see if you have admin access to Abot in the chan
   .access <nick>  -> check if the person specified is an admin of the bot.
   .admin          -> used to view ALL admins of the current channel.
   .channeladmin   -> used to view all channel admins of the bot in the current channel.
   .semiadmin      -> used to view all semi-admins of the bot in the current channel.
   .superadmin     -> used to view all superadmins of the bot.
   .globaladmin    -> used to view all globaladmins of the bot.

ADMIN  Commands:

    .setpug <on/off>       -> use to turn off all pug commands in the channel.
    .setmulti <on/off>     -> set to on for 4-team pugs.
    .setjoin <on/off>      -> use to enable/disable the .join command.
    .setletter <on/off>    -> use to enable/disable letter joining.
    .setvpug <on/off>      -> use to enable/disable voice & op only pug.
    .setrpug <on/off>      -> use to enable/disable registered users only pug.
    .setgametype <text>    -> use to set the gametype for the pug.
    .setendmsg <text>      -> sets the message sent when the pug gets finished.
    .setautopm <on/off>    -> use to enable/disable auto-pm everyone when pug fills.
    .setmode <on|off>      -> If on, when the pug is filled, and captains are
                                     picked, it will voice captains and moderate the chan.
    .setautoban <on|off
    .setautopick <on/off>  -> If on, ABot auto-picks captains & teams.
    .setrule<number>       -> use to set rules for the pug channel.
    .delrule<number>       -> use to delete the specified rule#.
    .setquery <on/off>     -> use to enable/disable querying UT
    .setqmsg <on/off>      -> When enabled, all queries go to private messages.
                                     When disabled, all queries go to the channel.
    .settsquery <on/off>   -> use to enable/disable querying TS and Vent servers
    .setweather <on/off>   -> use to enable/disable weather query
    .setletter <letter>    -> sets the given pug letter, ONLY IF it is not
                                     currently in use. (YES I know there is a .setletter <on/off>

  .forceletter <letter>  -> overrides pug letter, even if it's already taken.
  .newletter             -> use to generate a new pug letter
  .setlimit <number>     -> use to set number of people in pug.
  .setip<number> <ip>    -> use to set the ip for ut server.
  .setts<number> <ip>    -> use to set the ip for ts server.
  .setvent<number> <ip>  -> use to set the ip for vent server.
  .setstats <website>    -> use to set the utstats website for your server
  .reset                 -> reset pug with the CURRENT letter.
  .fullreset             -> reset pug with NEW letter.
  .promote               -> Notices everyone in the channel to join the pug.
  .spam <ip>             -> use to spam the ip for the utserver in the channel.
  .randcapt              -> force random captains when a pug gets filled.
  .addplayer <nick>      -> use to add a player to the pug.
  .delplayer <nick>      -> use to remove a player from the pug.
  .rename <pugnick> <newpugnick> -> use to rename a player in a pug to another nick.
                                      Mainly for when people ping out and come back while
                                      their other nick is still in the chan.
    .mergestats <nick1> <nick2> -> use to merge pug stats from nick2 to nick1.
                                   This will delete pug stats for nick2

General Admin Commands:

   .addsuperadmin <nick> -> adds an admin to the super admin list. (can only be
                            done by globaladmins)
   .delsuperadmin <nick> -> use to delete a superadmin. (can only be done by

   .addcadmin <nick>     -> adds an admin to the channel admin list. (can only be
                            done by superadmins and above)
   .delcadmin <nick>     -> use to delete a channel admin. (can only be done by
                            super admins and above)

   .addadmin <nick>      -> use to add a semi-admin to the current channel. (can
                            only be done by superadmins and above)
   .deladmin <nick>      -> use to delete an admin. (can only be done by
                            channel admins and above)

   .addpadmin <nick>     -> adds an admin to the channel peon-admin list. (can only
                            be done by semi-admins and above)
   .delpadmin <nick>     -> use to delete a channel peon-admin. (can only be done by
                            super admins and above)

   .addchan <#chan>      -> adds a channel to the autojoin list (can only be
                            done by superadmins)
   .delchan <#chan>      -> use to remove a channel from the autojoin list (can
                            only be done by superadmins)

   -The following commands can be used by semi-admins and above:

   .addut <alias> <IP:port>   -> use to add a UT99 alias for the given server
                                 ip:port (for querying only, NOT FOR PUG .IP COMMANDS)
   .addut2 <alias> <IP:port>   -> use to add a UT2k4 alias for the given server
                                 ip:port (for querying only, NOT FOR PUG .IP COMMANDS)
   .addut3 <alias> <IP:port:qport>   -> use to add a UT3 alias for the given server
                                 ip:port (for querying only, NOT FOR PUG .IP COMMANDS)
   .addts <alias> <IP:port>   -> use to add a TS alias for the given server
                                 ip:port (for querying only, NOT FOR PUG .TS COMMANDS)
   .addvent <alias> <IP:port> -> use to add a Ventrillo alias for the given server
                                 ip:port (for querying only, NOT FOR PUG .VENT COMMANDS)
   .addet <alias> <IP:port>   -> use to add a Enemy Territory alias for the given
                                 server ip:port (for querying only)

   .delut <alias>             -> removes the given UT alias from UT alias list
   .delut2 <alias>            -> removes the given UT2k* alias from UT alias list
   .delut3 <alias>            -> removes the given UT3 alias from UT alias list
   .delts <alias>             -> removes the given TS alias from TS alias list
   .delvent <alias>           -> removes the given VENT alias from VENT alias list
   .delet <alias>             -> removes the given ET alias from ET alias list

   .setcolor<scheme> <color>  -> use to set the specified color number to the
                                 specified color.

                                 Color scheme is the following:
                                 -> qc1    => main color
                                 -> qc2    => secondary color & comma color in query
                                 -> qc3    => Fragcount color
                                 -> qc4    => Red team color
                                 -> qc5    => Blue team color
                                 -> qc6    => Green team color
                                 -> qc7    => Gold team color
                                 -> qbeg   => Beginning text & color
                                 -> qend   => End text & color
                                 -> qsep   => Seperator text & color
                                 -> qlbrac => Left bracket text & color
                                 -> qrbrac => Right bracket text & color

   .themes               -> displays all available themes
   .settheme <theme>     -> use to change the current theme
   .savetheme <theme>    -> use to save the current color scheme in the channel

   .setmatch             -> use to set the .match message
   .setforum             -> use to set the forum website for your clan/channel
   .setircstats          -> use to set the utstats website for your server

   .addmember <name>     -> use to add a member in the member list
   .delmember <name>     -> use to delete a member in the member list

/-UT, Teamspeak & Ventrilo Query Usage-/

   To begin querying teamspeak server, connect to your favorite
   IRC server and message yourself in the following format:

     !ut <ip:port>
     q <ip:port>

     !ut2 <ip:port>

     !ts <ip:port>
     !vent <ip:port>

Posts: 27
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:56 am
Location: Hungarian


Post by lenooxx »

uhhmm nobody? :(
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