Actually, that's pretty much what I've said all along... it really is that simple..
Why I'm saying far from trivial, is that you either need a php-environment or make sure external softwares such as netpbm or ImageMagick is installed. Once that's fulfilled, you need to know how to use these tools (thus we're really not talking of native tcl anymore).
I generally try not to assume that the ones reading my posts have a perfect knowledge in 20+ different languages, libraries, software packages, etc... Here on egghelp, I do assume some basic knowledge in tcl scripting, or the interrest of gaining such knowledge using various available resources.
Unfortunately, in your posts you start rambling about IFrames, mod_rewrite rules, etc, making me very confused at which location you want the image created, what resources are available there, and so on.
To avoid confusion, keep your posts simple and descriptive. Whether your myspace-page allows javascript or not is really of no interrest at all...
To use php to generate an image, just do something like this:
Code: Select all
catch {exec php -f ./generateImage.php -- $text} result
This would save any output from the generateImage.php script into the variable
result. Whether you then want your php-script to output the image data, or write the image to disk, or ftp it to some offsite location is entirely up to you.
Edit: dropped the list command that managed to sneak in there.