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Absolute path in Windrop?

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Absolute path in Windrop?

Post by henasraf »

Yes, I know it's tricky. But I tried and I can't find the trick! What do I do to be able to refer to a file using an absolute path in Tcl used by Windrop? Please help D:
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Post by arfer »

I tend to use the 'file join' command to add whatever separator is appropriate for the operating environment. This would work irrespective of the bot being an Eggdrop on a Linux shell or a Windrop on your Windows based PC.

For example you could enquire if the directory c:\windows and/or d:\windows exists using the following Tcl via the windrops partyline (providing of course partyline .tcl commands are activated on in the bot's .conf file) :-

[13:41] <arfer> .tcl set x [file isdirectory [file join c: windows]]
[13:41] <osmosis> Tcl: 1

[13:55] <arfer> .tcl set x [file isdirectory [file join d: windows]]
[13:55] <osmosis> Tcl: 0

If I was opening a file for reading with a path relative to the bots root directory, I could use something like the following for example :-

set id [open [file join scripts data whatever.txt] r]
I must have had nothing to do
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