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sBNC Scripts. - Pls help?!

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Joined: Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:07 pm

sBNC Scripts. - Pls help?!

Post by Hardliner »

Before from, I look not 3-4-5 different Scripts separate rather 1-2 all this in one unite, provided that it is possible.

It concerns around all round sBNC script, extinguish, however, not for only easy add or.

it has to do different ones orders can explain, orders outside standart:

- X sBNC - XX occupied - it another XX can be added sBNC.

- Trigger variably adjustable by (trigger) sbnc-trigger.

- should register me Stats how many servers Connected are with vhost and port.

- had to go after (trigger) check check whether everybody awarded sBNC in home channel are with which erweiterung by (trigger) check more #Channel with clan sponsorship whether also bncs there in channel are and with both fell leute beyond channels are same after him check car Re join admit.

- Specially funktion for PUB - area *del me* with .sbnc delme, somebody should give from the Staff team befehl nothing happens except, he agrees admin is and should not extinguish itself.

- if one had to go sBNC add or once password reset then please with befehl (trigger) sbnc add IDENT CUSTOMER or just (trigger) sbnc restpass IDENT CUSTOMER. Should come up just directly to the customer and not the Admin/Supporter what ever.

- Admin add (EVERYTHING except Founder extinguishing, Founder provide)

- Trail add (EVERYTHING except extinguishing, Supporter, Founder and Admin do not provide)

- Supporter add (EVERYTHING except extinguishing of Admin or Founder, Admin provide)

- Founder add (EVERYTHING)

this would be everything would be grateful for hilfe.

If it acted with pleasure itself, but I am able to do myself grad sometimes one bind add about eggdrop.: (
Posts: 101
Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 7:57 am

Post by Fraud »

Digga. ich würd mal nen anderen Online Übersetzer nehmen. Das ja grauselig was du da von dir gibts. Kein Wunder das hier niemand antwortet. Es versteh keiner... lol

BTW... Von dem was ich entziffern kann. Klingt haargenau wie unser Script ;)
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