I've not found any errors with the script at all. it works fine. Can you post your error message or more information? like the output of .set errorInfo
[19:43] Tcl error in file 'EPL.conf':
[19:43] invalid channel: #channel
while executing
"chanlist $chan"
(procedure "pxi2h:make" line 5)
invoked from within
"pxi2h:make $ele"
("foreach" body line 3)
invoked from within
"foreach ele [array names pxi2h_chan] {
if {![info exists pxi2h_history($ele)]} { set pxi2h_history($ele) "" }
pxi2h:make $ele
(file "scripts/pxi2h.tcl" line 241)
invoked from within
"source scripts/pxi2h.tcl"
(file "EPL.conf" line 1378)
This is the pix2h.tcl file:
# The channel set to show online:
set pxi2h_chan(#channel) "/home/xabriel/eggdrop/public_html/epl.html"
# The prefix to prevent stuff from being shown on the web:
set pxi2h(secret) "."
# Maximum number of lines shown on the web:
set pxi2h(maxlines) 15
# The page is set to refes every X seconds:
set pxi2h(refresh) 10
# The title of the page:
set pxi2h(title) "#EPL Quakenet - English Premier League Community"
# Text color:
set pxi2h(text) "#FFFFFF"
# Background color:
set pxi2h(bgcolor) "#000000"
# Heading color:
set pxi2h(heading) "#6666EE"
# Font type:
set pxi2h(font) "monospace"
Even if I change #channel to #EPL it doesn't work, what am I doing wrong?
but it doesn't seem to work, it didn't create a public_html folder or a epl.html file.
* Is there an option to make it auto-update/auto-upload the file to a ftp/website?
The public_html folder on a shell host is normally the physical folder of the 'website' given by said shell host. Didn't have a public_hmtl folder before? Then your shell host probably doesn't give you free web space with your account or it's not directly linked up with your shell account.
I think that one of the reasons nothing is generating for you is because your output folder does not exist. Read - you need to make the public_html folder within your eggdrop folder before it will output at all. It probably checks if the path exists before trying to output the file - since it sees the path doesn't exist, it just doesn't output a file. So the simplest solution? Make the folder or change the output path.
As for uploading? You may need a ftp uploading script (check the script database) that does it for you. I use one with my bot that uploads my pisg stats pages on to my web host every hour. You can probably find one to do the same for you too.
I wouldn't know what would be causing it to not creat the html file then.
The script was made for versions 1.3 so at best i'd hope for someone to update or creat a newer script for you sorry
Good news, the script finally works properly for me.
Though the bot doesn't display his own words, any chance someone could modify it will?
My bot is using rssnews.tcl, and I would like to see it logged into the file aswell..