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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

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Post by Sir_Fz »

Sorry everybody for not replying to your questions/requests as I'm not very close to the script these days. I'll reply quickly to the last hanging posts.

As I said, I've tested the latest version on my bot and it worked perfectly. If it helps, I'll upload the version I'm using just in case it's any different from the one already uploaded.

The antispambot uses the same list of servers as the bot itself (i.e. the list configured in your eggdrop.conf), so you cannot specify an independent list for the antispambot.

That's not supposed to happen, it's supposed to just remove the lock-mode (-i). Please show me what settings you're using.

I do not intend to implement channel commands for the script. Feel free to do it yourself or ask someone to do it here at the forum (I might answer to your request myself :wink:)
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allprotection4.5 problem

Post by SnM »

am using allprotection4.5 on my eggdrop,
but i have a problem , or its an option maybe which i dont wana to use !!
when other ops ban some one the bot will automaticly kick it !!
i dont want to kick user when other op ban him !!
what to do ?
and how to add a badd channel proection to it ?
ill be happy if someone helps me .
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Post by SnM »

am using allprotection4.5 on my eggdrop,
but i have a problem , or its an option maybe which i dont wana to use !!
when other ops ban some one the bot will automaticly kick it !!
i dont want to kick user when other op ban him !!
what to do ?
and how to add a badd channel proection to it ?
ill be happy if someone helps me .
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Re: allprotiction4.5

Post by gogers »

SnM wrote:am using allprotection4.5 on my eggdrop,
but i have a problem , or its an option maybe which i dont wana to use !!
when other ops ban some one the bot will automaticly kick it !!
i dont want to kick user when other op ban him !!
what to do ?
and how to add a badd channel proection to it ?
ill be happy if someone helps me .

i think you should have set the channel to -enforcebans

on dcc chat
.chanset #channel -enforcebans
this will not steal other ops/bots kicks
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Post by Lucifer »

Can u make this Antispam Send CTCP finger ?
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Post by Sir_Fz »

No, but you can make your eggdrop do that (use the ap:ctcpchecks setting).
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Post by Geo »

im using the last beta allpro and there is issue of antispam bot which has same vhost as main eggdrop.. in fact i changed it in tcl.. any idea what happenes?
and then.. Blacklisted channels not working.. i added them on tcl (channels i mean)
following setting is on .chaninfo ... <(Backdoor> ap:bchans: {+ 90 kb 2 5}
<(Backdoor> ap:echans: {0 60 w:kb 2 0}

but its not working..
Anyone can help me?
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Geo wrote:im using the last beta allpro and there is issue of antispam bot which has same vhost as main eggdrop.. in fact i changed it in tcl.. any idea what happenes?
Please post the antispam settings you have set.
Geo wrote:and then.. Blacklisted channels not working.. i added them on tcl (channels i mean)
following setting is on .chaninfo ... <(Backdoor> ap:bchans: {+ 90 kb 2 5}
<(Backdoor> ap:echans: {0 60 w:kb 2 0}

but its not working..
Anyone can help me?
You must always use the .ap:add command to add elements to any list (including bad channels), adding the channels into the script won't load them into your bot's lists.
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Post by Geo »

I got antispam proble.. was stupid issue lol.
.ap:add <list> <chan/global> <elements> tell me example of this even on ONE feature.. .for example how to add blacklist channel by this command.. thanks
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Post by Sir_Fz »

To add to the channel-specifc bad channels list:
.ap:add bchans #yourchan #badchan1 #badchan2 #badchan3
To add to the global list:
.ap:add bchans global #badchan1 #badchan2 #badchan3
Note that when a channel has its own list, the script will not use the global list on that channel.
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Post by Geo »

Thanks. It Worked. ;) any difference between excess chans and bchans?
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Post by Geo »

And One Things, After i set the bchans It seems to be working BUt When it kicks The User ( with blacklist chan) It doesnt ban it, so it makes join flood.. here are the logs:

* courtenay_arnold ( has joined #lol
* courtenay_arnold was kicked by Backdoor (Banned: (Cyborgs) -= BlackListed Channel In Whois ( Spammers ) -= Spammer/Inviter.)
* courtenay_arnold ( has joined #lol
* courtenay_arnold was kicked by Backdoor (Banned: (Cyborgs) -= BlackListed Channel In Whois ( Spammers ) -= Spammer/Inviter.)
* courtenay_arnold ( has joined #lol
<@ha_ha_ha> oh duh ya
* courtenay_arnold was kicked by Backdoor (Banned: (Cyborgs) -= BlackListed Channel In Whois ( Spammers ) -= Spammer/Inviter.)

Any idea Why it happenes?
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Post by Luminous »

In the random drone protection.. how is that triggered? I thought that was when people came with nicks like hhhhhh, but my bot doesn't kick those people. Not that all of the mare drones, they usually aren;t; just newbs who don't know what the chat box on my forum is for, but still, how does that work exactly? Does it need random ident as well?
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Post by VampireLord »

=it seems it still kicks ops :(
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Post by VampireLord »

* ChanServ sets mode: +o ``ysa
<``ysa> aw
<``ysa> tae naman
<Legion^> wb
<``ysa> bat nang kkick
<n33k33> wb
<Legion^> ahehehe
<``ysa> amf
<``ysa> hehehehe
<yuki``> looool
<n33k33> ano na
<``ysa> ty mga adik
<``ysa> mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
<n33k33> LoLS
<n33k33> bwahahahaha
<``ysa> ano na
* ``ysa was kicked by Kilabot (flood)
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