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Pisg Stats - by Morten Brix Pedersen

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Posts: 205
Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:08 pm
Location: Quakenet, #Football

Pisg Stats - by Morten Brix Pedersen

Post by Football »

Hey, I`ve modified and trying to modify even more the Pisg Stats.
I`m trying to alter the 'Most Active Gender' to 'Most Active Supporters'
As can be seen in this link:

I don't know how to add further 'genders' or in this case 'teams', and could use some help

You should notice that in this code, everywhere that was written "Male" I replaced it with "Man Utd"; "Female" was replaced with "Chelsea" and "Bots" were replaced with "Liverpool", please help me add another option, let's call it "Tottenham", and I could continue adding others from there..

The file I configured is;

package Pisg::HTMLGenerator;

# $Id:,v 1.189 2007/09/07 23:17:23 df7cb Exp $
# Copyright and license, as well as documentation(POD) for this module is
# found at the end of the file.

use strict;
$^W = 1;

# test for Text::Iconv
my $have_iconv = 1;
eval 'use Text::Iconv';
$have_iconv = 0 if $@;

sub new
my $type = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = {
cfg => $args{cfg},
stats => $args{stats},
users => $args{users},
tmps => $args{tmps},
topactive => {},

# Import common functions in Pisg::Common
require Pisg::Common;

bless($self, $type);
return $self;

sub create_output
# This subroutine calls all the subroutines which create their
# individual stats. The name of the functions is somewhat saying - if
# you don't understand it, most subs have a better explanation in the
# sub itself.

my $self = shift;
$self->{cfg}->{lang} = shift;

# save table width as multiplie files would just increase tablewidth
my $tablewidth_original = $self->{cfg}->{tablewidth};

# remove old iconv if it exist as it could mess up recode.
delete $self->{iconv} if $self->{iconv};

my $lang_charset = $self->{tmps}->{$self->{cfg}->{lang}}{lang_charset};
if($lang_charset and $lang_charset ne $self->{cfg}->{charset}) {
if($have_iconv) {
# convert from template charset to our
$self->{iconv} = Text::Iconv->new($lang_charset, $self->{cfg}->{charset});
} else {
print "Text::Iconv is not installed, skipping charset conversion of language templates\n"
unless ($self->{cfg}->{silent});


if($self->{cfg}->{bignumbersthreshold} =~ /^sqrt/) {
$self->{cfg}->{bignumbersthreshold} = int(sqrt($self->{stats}->{topactive_lines}));

my $fname = $self->{cfg}->{outputfile};
$fname =~ s/\%t/$self->{cfg}->{outputtag}/g;
$fname =~ s/\%l/$self->{cfg}->{lang}/g;
print "Now generating HTML ($self->{cfg}->{lang}) in $fname...\n"
unless ($self->{cfg}->{silent});

open (OUTPUT, "> $fname") or
die("$0: Unable to open outputfile($fname): $!\n");

if ($self->{cfg}->{showlines}) {
$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} += 40;
if ($self->{cfg}->{showtime}) {
$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} += 40;
if ($self->{cfg}->{showlinetime}) {
$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} += 100;
if ($self->{cfg}->{showwordtime}) {
$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} += 100;
if ($self->{cfg}->{showwords}) {
$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} += 40;
if ($self->{cfg}->{showwpl}) {
$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} += 40;
if ($self->{cfg}->{showcpl}) {
$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} += 40;
if ($self->{cfg}->{userpics}) {
$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} += $self->{cfg}->{userpics} * ($self->{cfg}->{picwidth} || 60);
$self->{cfg}->{headwidth} = $self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} - 4;
if ($self->{cfg}->{pagehead} ne 'none');

if ($self->{cfg}->{dailyactivity}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showactivetimes}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showactivenicks}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showmostactivebyhour}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showbignumbers}) {
_html("<table width=\"$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth}\">"); # Needed for sections
_html("</table>"); # Needed for sections

if ($self->{cfg}->{showmostnicks}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showactivegenders}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showmuw}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showmrn}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showsmileys}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showkarma}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showmru}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showcharts}) {

if ($self->{cfg}->{showbignumbers}) {
_html("<table width=\"$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth}\">"); # Needed for sections
$self->_mostop() if $self->{cfg}->{showops};
$self->_mosthalfop() if $self->{cfg}->{showhalfops};
$self->_mostvoice() if $self->{cfg}->{showvoices};
_html("</table>"); # Needed for sections

if ($self->{cfg}->{showtopics}) {
_html("<table width=\"$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth}\">"); # Needed for sections


_html("</table>"); # Needed for sections

my %hash = ( lines => $self->{stats}->{parsedlines} );
_html($self->_template_text('totallines', %hash) . "<br /><br />");

if ($self->{cfg}->{pagefoot} ne 'none');



# restore tablewidth
$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth} = $tablewidth_original;

sub _htmlheader
my $self = shift;
my %hash = (
network => $self->{cfg}->{network},
maintainer => $self->{cfg}->{maintainer},
days => $self->{stats}->{days},
nicks => scalar keys %{ $self->{stats}->{lines} }

my $CSS;
if($self->{cfg}->{colorscheme} =~ /([^\/.]+)\.[^\/]+$/) { # use external CSS file
$CSS = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" title=\"$1\" href=\"$self->{cfg}->{colorscheme}\" />";
} elsif($self->{cfg}->{colorscheme} ne "none") { # read the chosen CSS file
my $css_file = $self->{cfg}->{cssdir} . $self->{cfg}->{colorscheme} . ".css";
open(FILE, $css_file) or open (FILE, $self->{cfg}->{search_path} . "/$css_file") or die("$0: Unable to open stylesheet $css_file: $!\n");
local $/; # enable "slurp" mode
$CSS = "<style type=\"text/css\" title=\"$self->{cfg}->{colorscheme}\">\n". <FILE>. "</style>";
$CSS =~ s/\/\*/\/\* <!--/g;
$CSS =~ s/\*\//--> \*\//g;
close FILE;

# use alternate CSS file
if($self->{cfg}->{altcolorscheme} ne "none" and $self->{cfg}->{altcolorscheme} =~ /[^\w]/) {
foreach (split /\s+/, $self->{cfg}->{altcolorscheme}) {
$CSS .= "\n<link rel=\"alternate stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" title=\"$1\" href=\"$_\" />";

my $title = $self->_template_text('pagetitle1', %hash);
if($self->{cfg}->{colorscheme} ne "none") {
_html( <<HTML );
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$self->{cfg}->{charset}" />
<div align="center">
_html("<span class=\"title\">$title</span><br />");
_html("<br />");
_html($self->_template_text('pagetitle2', %hash) . " " . $self->get_time());

_html("<br />" . $self->_template_text('pagetitle3', %hash) . "<br /><br />");


sub get_time
my $self = shift;
my ($tday, %hash);

my $month = $self->_template_text('month', %hash);
my $day = $self->_template_text('day', %hash);

my @month = split(" ", $month);
my @day = split(" ", $day);

# Get the Date from the users computer
my $timezone = $self->{cfg}->{timeoffset} * 3600;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday) = localtime(time+$timezone);

$year += 1900; # Y2K Patch

$min =~ s/^(.)$/0$1/; # Fixes the display of mins/secs below
$sec =~ s/^(.)$/0$1/; # it displays 03 instead of 3

if ($hour > '23') { # Checks to see if it Midnight
$hour = 12; # Makes it display the hour 12
$tday = "AM"; # Display AM
} elsif($hour > '12') { # Get rid of the Military time and
$hour -= 12; # put it into normal time
$tday = "PM"; # If past Noon and before Midnight set
} else {
$tday = "AM"; # If it's past Midnight and before Noon
} # set the time as AM

# Use 24 hours pr. day
if ($tday eq "PM" && $hour < '12') {
$hour += 12;

return "$day[$wday] $mday $month[$mon] $year - $hour:$min:$sec";

sub _htmlfooter
my $self = shift;

my %hash;

my $pisg_hp = $self->_template_text('pisghomepage');
$hash{pisg_url} = "<a href=\"\" title=\"$pisg_hp\" class=\"background\">pisg</a>";

my $author_hp = $self->_template_text('authorhomepage');
$hash{author_url} = "<a href=\"\" title=\"$author_hp\" class=\"background\">Morten Brix Pedersen</a>";

$hash{version} = $self->{cfg}->{version};

my $hours = $self->_template_text('hours');
my $mins = $self->_template_text('minutes');
my $secs = $self->_template_text('seconds');
my $and = $self->_template_text('and');

my $h = $self->{stats}->{processtime}{hours};
my $m = $self->{stats}->{processtime}{mins};
my $s = $self->{stats}->{processtime}{secs};
$hash{time} = "$h $hours $m $mins $and $s $secs";

my $stats_gen = $self->_template_text('stats_gen_by', %hash);
my $author_text = $self->_template_text('author', %hash);
my $stats_text = $self->_template_text('stats_gen_in', %hash);

_html( <<HTML );
<span class="small">
$stats_gen<br />
$author_text<br />

_html( sprintf( qq(<!-- NFiles = "%s"; Format = "%s"; Lang = "%s"; LangFile = "%s"; Charset = "%s"; LogCharset = "%s"; LogCharsetFallback = "%s"; LogPrefix = "%s"; LogSuffix = "%s"; NickTracking = "%s"; TimeOffset = "%s" -->),

if($self->{cfg}->{colorscheme} ne "none") {
_html( <<HTML );

sub _headline
my $self = shift;
my ($title) = (@_);
_html( <<HTML );
<br />
<table width="$self->{cfg}->{headwidth}" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td class="headlinebg">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td class="headtext">$title</td>

sub _pageheader
my $self = shift;
unless(open(PAGEHEAD, $self->{cfg}->{pagehead})) {
warn("$0: Unable to open $self->{cfg}->{pagehead} for reading: $!\n");
while (<PAGEHEAD>) {

sub _pagefooter
my $self = shift;
unless(open(PAGEFOOT, $self->{cfg}->{pagefoot})) {
warn("$0: Unable to open $self->{cfg}->{pagefoot} for reading: $!\n");
while (<PAGEFOOT>) {

sub _activedays
# The most actives days on the channel
my $self = shift;
my $days = $self->{stats}->{days};
my $ndays = $self->{cfg}->{dailyactivity};

my $highest_value = 1;
for (my $day = $days; $day > $days - $ndays ; $day--) {
if (defined($self->{stats}->{day_lines}->[$day])) {
if ($self->{stats}->{day_lines}->[$day] > $highest_value) {
$highest_value = $self->{stats}->{day_lines}->[$day];
} else {
#there are only $days - $day days :)
$ndays = $days - $day;

my %hash = (
n => $ndays
$self->_headline($self->_template_text('dailyactivitytopic', %hash));

_html("<table border=\"0\"><tr>");

for (my $day = $days - $ndays + 1; $day <= $days ; $day++) {
my $lines = $self->{stats}->{day_lines}[$day];
_html("<td align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\" class=\"asmall\">$lines<br />");
for (my $time = 4; $time >= 0; $time--) {
if (defined($self->{stats}->{day_times}[$day][$time])) {
my $size = int(($self->{stats}->{day_times}[$day][$time] / $highest_value) * 100);

my $image = "pic_v_".$time*6;
$image = $self->{cfg}->{$image};
_html("<img src=\"$self->{cfg}->{piclocation}/$image\" width=\"15\" height=\"$size\" alt=\"$size\" title=\"$size\" /><br />") if $size;



for (my $day = $ndays - 1; $day >= 0 ; $day--) {
_html("<td class=\"rankc10center\" align=\"center\">$day</td>");


if($self->{cfg}->{showlegend} == 1) {

sub _activetimes
# The most actives times on the channel
my $self = shift;

my (%output);


my @toptime = sort { $self->{stats}->{times}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{times}{$a} } keys %{ $self->{stats}->{times} };

my $highest_value = $self->{stats}->{times}{$toptime[0]};

for my $hour (sort keys %{ $self->{stats}->{times} }) {

my $size = int(($self->{stats}->{times}{$hour} / $highest_value) * 100);
my $percent = sprintf("%.1f", ($self->{stats}->{times}{$hour} / $self->{stats}->{parsedlines}) * 100);
my $lines_per_hour = $self->{stats}->{times}{$hour};

my $image = "pic_v_".(int($hour/6)*6);
$image = $self->{cfg}->{$image};

$output{$hour} = "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\" class=\"asmall\">$percent%<br /><img src=\"$self->{cfg}->{piclocation}/$image\" width=\"15\" height=\"$size\" alt=\"$lines_per_hour\" title=\"$lines_per_hour\"/></td>" if $size;

_html("<table border=\"0\"><tr>");

for ($b = 0; $b < 24; $b++) {
$a = sprintf("%02d", $b);

if (!defined($output{$a})) {
_html("<td align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\" class=\"asmall\">0%</td>");
} else {


# Remove leading zero
$toptime[0] =~ s/^0//;

for ($b = 0; $b < 24; $b++) {
# Highlight the top time
my $class = $toptime[0] == $b ? 'hirankc10center' : 'rankc10center';
_html("<td class=\"$class\" align=\"center\">$b</td>");


if($self->{cfg}->{showlegend} == 1) {

sub _activenicks
# The most active nicks (those who wrote most lines)
my $self = shift;


my $output = "";
$output .= "<table border=\"0\" width=\"$self->{cfg}->{tablewidth}\"><tr>";
$output .= "<td> </td>";
$output .= "<td class=\"tdtop\"><b>" . $self->_template_text('nick') . "</b></td>";

$output .= "<td class=\"tdtop\"><b>" . $self->_template_text('numberlines') . "</b></td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showlines});
$output .= "<td class=\"tdtop\"><b>" . $self->_template_text('show_time') . "</b></td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showtime});
$output .= "<td class=\"tdtop\"><b>" . $self->_template_text('show_words') . "</b></td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showwords});
$output .= "<td class=\"tdtop\"><b>" . $self->_template_text('show_wpl') . "</b></td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showwpl});
$output .= "<td class=\"tdtop\"><b>" . $self->_template_text('show_cpl') . "</b></td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showcpl});
$output .= "<td class=\"tdtop\"><b>" . $self->_template_text('show_lastseen') . "</b></td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showlastseen});
$output .= "<td class=\"tdtop\"><b>" . $self->_template_text('randquote') . "</b></td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showrandquote});

$output .= "\n";

my @active;
my $nicks;
if ($self->{cfg}->{sortbywords}) {
@active = sort { $self->{stats}->{words}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{words}{$a} } keys %{ $self->{stats}->{words} };
$nicks = scalar keys %{ $self->{stats}->{words} };
} else {
@active = sort { $self->{stats}->{lines}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{lines}{$a} } keys %{ $self->{stats}->{lines} };
$nicks = scalar keys %{ $self->{stats}->{lines} };

if ($self->{cfg}->{activenicks} > $nicks) { $self->{cfg}->{activenicks} = $nicks; }

for (my $c = 0; $c < $self->{cfg}->{activenicks}; $c++) {
last unless $self->{cfg}->{userpics};
my $nick = $active[$c];
if ($self->{users}->{userpics}{$nick} or $self->{cfg}->{defaultpic}) {
$output .= "<td class=\"tdtop\"";
$output .= " colspan=\"$self->{cfg}->{userpics}\"" if ($self->{cfg}->{userpics} > 1);
$output .= "><b>" . $self->_template_text('userpic') ."</b></td>";

$output .= "\n</tr>";
undef $output;

for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{cfg}->{activenicks}; $i++) {
my $c = $i + 1;
my $nick = $active[$i];
my $visiblenick;

my $randomline;
if (not defined $self->{stats}->{sayings}{$nick}) {
if ($self->{stats}->{actions}{$nick}) {
$randomline = $self->{stats}->{actionlines}{$nick};
} else {
$randomline = "";
} else {
$randomline = $self->{stats}->{sayings}{$nick};

if ($randomline) {
$randomline = $self->_format_line($randomline);

# Add a link to the nick if there is any and quote nick
if ($self->{users}->{userlinks}{$nick}) {
$visiblenick = $self->_format_word($self->{users}->{userlinks}{$nick}, $nick);
} else {
$visiblenick = $self->_format_word($nick);

my $style = $self->generate_colors($c);

my $class = 'rankc';
if ($c == 1) {
$class = 'hirankc';

my $lastseen;

if ($self->{cfg}->{showlastseen}) {
$lastseen = $self->{stats}->{days} - $self->{stats}->{lastvisited}{$nick};
my %hash = ( days => $lastseen );
if ($lastseen == 0) {
$lastseen = $self->_template_text('today');
} elsif ($lastseen == 1) {
$lastseen = $self->_template_text('lastseen1', %hash);
} else {
$lastseen = $self->_template_text('lastseen2', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"$class\" align=\"left\">$c</td>");

my $line = $self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick};
my $w = $self->{stats}->{words}{$nick} ? $self->{stats}->{words}{$nick} : 0;
my $ch = $self->{stats}->{lengths}{$nick};
my $sex = $self->{users}->{sex}{$nick};

my $output = "";
$output .= "<td $style>";

# Hilight nick with gendercolors
if ($sex and $sex eq 'm') {
$output .= "<span class=\"Chelsea\">";
} elsif ($sex and $sex eq 'f') {
$output .= "<span class=\"Man Utd\">";
} elsif ($sex and $sex eq 'b') {
$output .= "<span class=\"Liverpool\">";
} else {
$output .= "<span>";
$output .= $visiblenick;
$output .= "</span></td>";

if ($self->{cfg}->{showlines}) {
if ($self->{cfg}->{showlinetime}) {
$output .= "<td $style nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $self->_user_linetimes($nick,$active[0]) . "</td>";
} else {
$output .= "<td $style>$line</td>";

$output .= "<td $style>" . $self->_user_times($nick) . "</td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showtime});

if ($self->{cfg}->{showwords}) {
if ($self->{cfg}->{showwordtime}) {
$output .= "<td $style nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $self->_user_wordtimes($nick,$active[0]) . "</td>";
} else {
$output .= "<td $style>$w</td>";

$output .= "<td $style>" . sprintf("%.1f", $w/$line) . "</td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showwpl});
$output .= "<td $style>" . sprintf("%.1f", $ch/$line) . "</td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showcpl});
$output .= "<td $style>$lastseen</td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showlastseen});
$output .= "<td $style>\"$randomline\"</td>" if ($self->{cfg}->{showrandquote});

undef $output;

if ($self->{cfg}->{userpics} && $i % $self->{cfg}->{userpics} == 0) {
for my $ii (0 .. $self->{cfg}->{userpics} - 1) {
last if $i + $ii >= $self->{cfg}->{activenicks};
$self->_user_pic($active[$i + $ii], $style);

_html("</table><br />");

# Almost as active nicks ('These didn't make it to the top..')

my $toshow = $self->{cfg}->{activenicks2} - $self->{cfg}->{activenicks};
my $remain = $self->{cfg}->{activenicks} + $toshow;

unless ($toshow > $nicks) {
$remain = $self->{cfg}->{activenicks} + $self->{cfg}->{activenicks2};
if ($remain > $nicks) {
$remain = $nicks;

if ($self->{cfg}->{activenicks} < $remain) {
_html("<br /><b><i>" . $self->_template_text('nottop') . "</i></b><table><tr>");
for (my $i = $self->{cfg}->{activenicks}; $i < $remain; $i++) {
my $visiblenick;
my $nick = $active[$i];
if ($i != $self->{cfg}->{activenicks} and ($i - $self->{cfg}->{activenicks}) % 5 == 0) {
my $items;
if ($self->{users}->{userlinks}{$nick}) {
$visiblenick = $self->_format_word($self->{users}->{userlinks}{$nick}, $nick);
} else {
$visiblenick = $self->_format_word($nick);
if ($self->{cfg}->{sortbywords}) {
$items = $self->{stats}->{words}{$active[$i]};
} else {
$items = $self->{stats}->{lines}{$active[$i]};
my $sex = $self->{users}->{sex}{$active[$i]};

my $output = "";
$output .= "<td class=\"rankc10\">";

if ($sex and $sex eq 'm') {
$output .= "<span class=\"Chelsea\">";
} elsif ($sex and $sex eq 'f') {
$output .= "<span class=\"Man Utd\">";
} elsif ($sex and $sex eq 'b') {
$output .= "<span class=\"Liverpool\">";
} else {
$output .= "<span>";
$output .= "$visiblenick ($items)";
$output .= "</span></td>";

undef $output;


my %hash;
$hash{totalnicks} = $nicks - $remain;
if ($hash{totalnicks} > 0) {
_html("<br /><b>" . $self->_template_text('totalnicks', %hash) . "</b><br />");

sub generate_colors
my $self = shift;
my $c = shift;

# if hicell or hicell2 is "", do not print the class as it could mess up the gendercode
return "" if not (length $self->{cfg}->{hicell} and length $self->{cfg}->{hicell2});

my $h = $self->{cfg}->{hicell} or return "class=\"hicell\"";
$h =~ s/^#//;
$h = hex $h;
my $h2 = $self->{cfg}->{hicell2} or return "class=\"hicell\"";
$h2 =~ s/^#//;
$h2 = hex $h2;
my $f_b = $h & 0xff;
my $f_g = ($h & 0xff00) >> 8;
my $f_r = ($h & 0xff0000) >> 16;
my $t_b = $h2 & 0xff;
my $t_g = ($h2 & 0xff00) >> 8;
my $t_r = ($h2 & 0xff0000) >> 16;
my $blue = sprintf "%0.2x", abs int(((($t_b - $f_b) / $self->{cfg}->{activenicks}) * +$c) + $f_b);
my $green = sprintf "%0.2x", abs int(((($t_g - $f_g) / $self->{cfg}->{activenicks}) * +$c) + $f_g);
my $red = sprintf "%0.2x", abs int(((($t_r - $f_r) / $self->{cfg}->{activenicks}) * +$c) + $f_r);

return "style=\"background-color: #$red$green$blue\"";

sub _html
my $html = shift;
print OUTPUT "$html\n" or die "Could not write to disk: $!\n";

sub _questions
# Persons who asked the most questions
my $self = shift;

my %qpercent;

foreach my $nick (sort keys %{ $self->{stats}->{questions} }) {
if ($self->{topactive}{$nick} || !$self->{cfg}->{showonlytop}) {
if ($self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} > $self->{cfg}->{bignumbersthreshold}) {
$qpercent{$nick} = sprintf("%.1f", ($self->{stats}->{questions}{$nick} / $self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick}) * 100);

my @question = sort { $qpercent{$b} <=> $qpercent{$a} } keys %qpercent;

if (@question) {
my %hash = (
nick => $question[0],
per => $qpercent{$question[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('question1', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");
if (@question >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $question[1],
per => $qpercent{$question[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('question2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");

} else {
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">" . $self->_template_text('question3') . "</td></tr>");

sub _shoutpeople
# The ones who speak with exclamation marks!
my $self = shift;

my %spercent;

foreach my $nick (sort keys %{ $self->{stats}->{shouts} }) {
if ($self->{topactive}{$nick} || !$self->{cfg}->{showonlytop}) {
if ($self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} > $self->{cfg}->{bignumbersthreshold}) {
$spercent{$nick} = sprintf("%.1f", ($self->{stats}->{shouts}{$nick} / $self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick}) * 100);

my @shout = sort { $spercent{$b} <=> $spercent{$a} } keys %spercent;

if (@shout) {
my %hash = (
nick => $shout[0],
per => $spercent{$shout[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('shout1', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");
if (@shout >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $shout[1],
per => $spercent{$shout[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('shout2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");

} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('shout3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");


sub _capspeople
# The ones who speak ALL CAPS.
my $self = shift;

my %cpercent;

foreach my $nick (sort keys %{ $self->{stats}->{allcaps} }) {
if ($self->{topactive}{$nick} || !$self->{cfg}->{showonlytop}) {
if ($self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} > $self->{cfg}->{bignumbersthreshold}) {
$cpercent{$nick} = sprintf("%.1f", $self->{stats}->{allcaps}{$nick} / $self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} * 100);

my @caps = sort { $cpercent{$b} <=> $cpercent{$a} } keys %cpercent;

if (@caps) {
my %hash = (
nick => $caps[0],
per => $cpercent{$caps[0]},
line => $self->_format_line($self->{stats}->{allcaplines}{$caps[0]})

my $text = $self->_template_text('allcaps1', %hash);
if($self->{cfg}->{showshoutline}) {
my $exttext = $self->_template_text('allcapstext', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text<br /><span class=\"small\">$exttext</span>");
} else {
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");
if (@caps >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $caps[1],
per => $cpercent{$caps[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('allcaps2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");

} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('allcaps3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _violent
# They attacked others (words defined by $self->{cfg}->{violent})
my $self = shift;

my @aggressors = sort { $self->{stats}->{violence}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{violence}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{violence} };

@aggressors = $self->_istoponly(@aggressors);

if(@aggressors) {
my %hash = (
nick => $aggressors[0],
attacks => $self->{stats}->{violence}{$aggressors[0]},
line => $self->_format_line($self->{stats}->{violencelines}{$aggressors[0]})
my $text = $self->_template_text('violent1', %hash);
if($self->{cfg}->{showviolentlines}) {
my $exttext = $self->_template_text('violenttext', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text<br /><span class=\"small\">$exttext</span>");
} else {
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");
if (@aggressors >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $aggressors[1],
attacks => $self->{stats}->{violence}{$aggressors[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('violent2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('violent3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

# They got attacked
my @victims = sort { $self->{stats}->{attacked}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{attacked}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{attacked} };

@victims = $self->_istoponly(@victims);

if(@victims) {
my %hash = (
nick => $victims[0],
attacks => $self->{stats}->{attacked}{$victims[0]},
line => $self->_format_line($self->{stats}->{attackedlines}{$victims[0]})
my $text = $self->_template_text('attacked1', %hash);
if($self->{cfg}->{showviolentlines}) {
my $exttext = $self->_template_text('attackedtext', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text<br /><span class=\"small\">$exttext</span>");
} else {
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");
if (@victims >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $victims[1],
attacks => $self->{stats}->{attacked}{$victims[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('attacked2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");

sub _gotkicks
# The persons who got kicked the most
my $self = shift;

my @gotkick = sort { $self->{stats}->{gotkicked}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{gotkicked}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{gotkicked} };

@gotkick = $self->_istoponly(@gotkick);

if (@gotkick) {
my %hash = (
nick => $gotkick[0],
kicks => $self->{stats}->{gotkicked}{$gotkick[0]},
line => $self->_format_line($self->{stats}->{kicklines}{$gotkick[0]})

my $text = $self->_template_text('gotkick1', %hash);

if ($self->{cfg}->{showkickline}) {
my $exttext = $self->_template_text('kicktext', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text<br /><span class=\"small\">$exttext</span>");
} else {
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@gotkick >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $gotkick[1],
kicks => $self->{stats}->{gotkicked}{$gotkick[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('gotkick2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");

sub _mostjoins
my $self = shift;

my @joins = sort { $self->{stats}->{joins}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{joins}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{joins} };

@joins = $self->_istoponly(@joins);

if (@joins) {
my %hash = (
nick => $joins[0],
joins => $self->{stats}->{joins}{$joins[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('joins', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _mostwords
# The person who got words the most
my $self = shift;

my @words = sort { $self->{stats}->{words}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{words}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{words} };

@words = $self->_istoponly(@words);

if (@words) {
my %hash = (
nick => $words[0],
words => $self->{stats}->{words}{$words[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('words1', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@words >= 2) {
my %hash = (
oldnick => $words[0],
nick => $words[1],
words => $self->{stats}->{words}{$words[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('words2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('words3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _mostkicks
# The person who kicked the most
my $self = shift;

my @kicked = sort { $self->{stats}->{kicked}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{kicked}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{kicked} };

@kicked = $self->_istoponly(@kicked);

if (@kicked) {
my %hash = (
nick => $kicked[0],
kicked => $self->{stats}->{kicked}{$kicked[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('kick1', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@kicked >= 2) {
my %hash = (
oldnick => $kicked[0],
nick => $kicked[1],
kicked => $self->{stats}->{kicked}{$kicked[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('kick2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('kick3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _mostmonologues
# The person who had the most monologues (speaking to himself)
my $self = shift;

my @monologue = sort { $self->{stats}->{monologues}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{monologues}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{monologues} };

@monologue = $self->_istoponly(@monologue);

if (@monologue) {
my %hash = (
nick => $monologue[0],
monos => $self->{stats}->{monologues}{$monologue[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('mono1', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");
if (@monologue >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $monologue[1],
monos => $self->{stats}->{monologues}{$monologue[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('mono2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");

sub _linelengths
# The person(s) who wrote the longest lines
my $self = shift;

my %len;

foreach my $nick (sort keys %{ $self->{stats}->{lengths} }) {
if ($self->{topactive}{$nick} || !$self->{cfg}->{showonlytop}) {
if ($self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} > $self->{cfg}->{bignumbersthreshold}) {
$len{$nick} = sprintf("%.1f", $self->{stats}->{lengths}{$nick} / $self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick});

my @len = sort { $len{$b} <=> $len{$a} } keys %len;

my $all_lines = 0;
my $totallength;
foreach my $nick (keys %{ $self->{stats}->{lines} }) {
$all_lines += $self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick};
$totallength += $self->{stats}->{lengths}{$nick};

my $totalaverage;

if ($all_lines > 0) {
$totalaverage = sprintf("%.1f", $totallength / $all_lines);

if (@len) {
my %hash = (
nick => $len[0],
letters => $len{$len[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('long1', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text<br />");

if (@len >= 2) {
%hash = (
avg => $totalaverage

$text = $self->_template_text('long2', %hash);
_html("<span class=\"small\">$text</span></td></tr>");
} else {

# The person(s) who wrote the shortest lines

if (@len) {
my %hash = (
nick => $len[$#len],
letters => $len{$len[$#len]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('short1', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text<br />");

if (@len >= 2) {
%hash = (
nick => $len[$#len - 1],
letters => $len{$len[$#len - 1]}

$text = $self->_template_text('short2', %hash);
_html("<span class=\"small\">$text</span></td></tr>");
} else {

sub _mostfoul
my $self = shift;

my %spercent;

foreach my $nick (sort keys %{ $self->{stats}->{foul} }) {
if ($self->{topactive}{$nick} || !$self->{cfg}->{showonlytop}) {
if ($self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} > 15) {
my $dec = $self->{cfg}->{showfouldecimals};
$dec = 1 if($dec < 0); # default to 1
$spercent{$nick} = sprintf("%.${dec}f", $self->{stats}->{foul}{$nick} / $self->{stats}->{words}{$nick} * 100);

my @foul = sort { $spercent{$b} <=> $spercent{$a} } keys %spercent;

if (@foul) {

my %hash = (
nick => $foul[0],
per => $spercent{$foul[0]},
line => $self->_format_line($self->{stats}{foullines}{$foul[0]}),

my $text = $self->_template_text('foul1', %hash);

if($self->{cfg}->{showfoulline}) {
my $exttext = $self->_template_text('foultext', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text<br /><span class=\"small\">$exttext</span>");
} else {
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@foul >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $foul[1],
per => $spercent{$foul[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('foul2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");

} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('foul3');

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _mostsad
my $self = shift;

my %spercent;

foreach my $nick (sort keys %{ $self->{stats}->{frowns} }) {
if ($self->{topactive}{$nick} || !$self->{cfg}->{showonlytop}) {
if ($self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} > $self->{cfg}->{bignumbersthreshold}) {
$spercent{$nick} = sprintf("%.1f", $self->{stats}->{frowns}{$nick} / $self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} * 100);

my @sadface = sort { $spercent{$b} <=> $spercent{$a} } keys %spercent;

if (@sadface) {
my %hash = (
nick => $sadface[0],
per => $spercent{$sadface[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('sad1', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@sadface >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $sadface[1],
per => $spercent{$sadface[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('sad2', %hash);

_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('sad3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _mostop
my $self = shift;

my @ops = sort { $self->{stats}->{gaveops}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{gaveops}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{gaveops} };

@ops = $self->_istoponly(@ops);

my @deops = sort { $self->{stats}->{tookops}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{tookops}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{tookops} };

@deops = $self->_istoponly(@deops);

if (@ops) {
my %hash = (
nick => $ops[0],
ops => $self->{stats}->{gaveops}{$ops[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('mostop1', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@ops >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $ops[1],
ops => $self->{stats}->{gaveops}{$ops[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('mostop2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostop3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

if (@deops) {
my %hash = (
nick => $deops[0],
deops => $self->{stats}->{tookops}{$deops[0]}
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostdeop1', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@deops >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $deops[1],
deops => $self->{stats}->{tookops}{$deops[1]}
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostdeop2', %hash);

_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostdeop3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _mostvoice
my $self = shift;

my @voice = sort { $self->{stats}->{gavevoice}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{gavevoice}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{gavevoice} };

@voice = $self->_istoponly(@voice);

my @devoice = sort { $self->{stats}->{tookvoice}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{tookvoice}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{tookvoice} };

@devoice = $self->_istoponly(@devoice);

if (@voice) {
my %hash = (
nick => $voice[0],
voices => $self->{stats}->{gavevoice}{$voice[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('mostvoice1', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@voice >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $voice[1],
voices => $self->{stats}->{gavevoice}{$voice[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('mostvoice2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostvoice3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

if (@devoice) {
my %hash = (
nick => $devoice[0],
devoices => $self->{stats}->{tookvoice}{$devoice[0]}
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostdevoice1', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@devoice >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $devoice[1],
devoices => $self->{stats}->{tookvoice}{$devoice[1]}
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostdevoice2', %hash);

_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostdevoice3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");


sub _mosthalfop
my $self = shift;

my @halfops = sort { $self->{stats}->{gavehalfops}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{gavehalfops}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{gavehalfops} };

@halfops = $self->_istoponly(@halfops);

my @dehalfops = sort { $self->{stats}->{tookhalfops}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{tookhalfops}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{tookhalfops} };

@dehalfops = $self->_istoponly(@dehalfops);

if (@halfops) {
my %hash = (
nick => $halfops[0],
halfops => $self->{stats}->{gavehalfops}{$halfops[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('mosthalfop1', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@halfops >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $halfops[1],
halfops => $self->{stats}->{gavehalfops}{$halfops[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('mosthalfop2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('mosthalfop3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

if (@dehalfops) {
my %hash = (
nick => $dehalfops[0],
dehalfops => $self->{stats}->{tookhalfops}{$dehalfops[0]}
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostdehalfop1', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@dehalfops >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $dehalfops[1],
dehalfops => $self->{stats}->{tookhalfops}{$dehalfops[1]}
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostdehalfop2', %hash);

_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('mostdehalfop3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _mostactions
# The person who did the most /me's
my $self = shift;

my @actions = sort { $self->{stats}->{actions}{$b} <=> $self->{stats}->{actions}{$a} }
keys %{ $self->{stats}->{actions} };

@actions = $self->_istoponly(@actions);

if (@actions) {
my %linehash =
my %hash = (
nick => $actions[0],
actions => $self->{stats}->{actions}{$actions[0]},
line => $self->_format_line($self->{stats}->{actionlines}{$actions[0]})
my $text = $self->_template_text('action1', %hash);
if($self->{cfg}->{showactionline}) {
my $exttext = $self->_template_text('actiontext', %hash);
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text<br /><span class=\"small\">$exttext</span>");
} else {
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");

if (@actions >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $actions[1],
actions => $self->{stats}->{actions}{$actions[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('action2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");
} else {
my $text = $self->_template_text('action3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _mostsmiles
# The person(s) who smiled the most :-)
my $self = shift;

my %spercent;

foreach my $nick (sort keys %{ $self->{stats}->{smiles} }) {
if ($self->{topactive}{$nick} || !$self->{cfg}->{showonlytop}) {
if ($self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} > $self->{cfg}->{bignumbersthreshold}) {
$spercent{$nick} = sprintf("%.1f", $self->{stats}->{smiles}{$nick} / $self->{stats}->{lines}{$nick} * 100);

my @smiles = sort { $spercent{$b} <=> $spercent{$a} } keys %spercent;

if (@smiles) {
my %hash = (
nick => $smiles[0],
per => $spercent{$smiles[0]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('smiles1', %hash);

_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text");
if (@smiles >= 2) {
my %hash = (
nick => $smiles[1],
per => $spercent{$smiles[1]}

my $text = $self->_template_text('smiles2', %hash);
_html("<br /><span class=\"small\">$text</span>");

} else {

my $text = $self->_template_text('smiles3');
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">$text</td></tr>");

sub _lasttopics
my $self = shift;

if ($self->{stats}->{topics}) {

my %topic_seen;

my %hash = (
total => scalar @{ $self->{stats}->{topics} }

my $ltopic = $#{ $self->{stats}->{topics} };
my $tlimit = 0;

$self->{cfg}->{topichistory} -= 1;

if ($ltopic > $self->{cfg}->{topichistory}) {
$tlimit = $ltopic - $self->{cfg}->{topichistory};

for (my $i = $ltopic; $i >= $tlimit; $i--) {
my $topic = $self->{stats}->{topics}[$i]{topic};
# This code makes sure that we don't see the same topic twice
next if ($topic_seen{$topic});
$topic_seen{$topic} = 1;

# Strip off the quotes (')
$topic =~ s/^\'(.*)\'$/$1/;

my $nick = $self->{stats}->{topics}[$i]{nick};
my $hour = $self->{stats}->{topics}[$i]{hour};
my $min = $self->{stats}->{topics}[$i]{min};

$hash{nick} = $nick;
$hash{time} = "$hour:$min";
$hash{days} = $self->{stats}->{days} - $self->{stats}->{topics}[$i]{days};
if ($hash{days} == 0) {
$hash{date} = $self->_template_text('today');
} elsif ($hash{days} == 1) {
$hash{date} = $self->_template_text('lastseen1', %hash);
} else {
$hash{date} = $self->_template_text('lastseen2', %hash);

_html('<tr><td class="hicell"><i>' . $self->_format_line($topic) . '</i></td>');
_html('<td class="hicell"><b>' . $self->_template_text('bylinetopic', %hash) . '</b></td></tr>');
_html("<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" class=\"asmall\">" . $self->_template_text('totaltopic', %hash) . "</td></tr>");
} else {
_html("<tr><td class=\"hicell\">" . $self->_template_text('notopic') ."</td></tr>");

sub _template_text
# This function is for the homemade template system. It receives a name
# of a template and a hash with the fields in the template to update to
# its corresponding value
my $self = shift;
my $template = shift;
my %hash = @_;

my $text;

unless ($text = $self->{tmps}->{$self->{cfg}->{lang}}{$template}) {
# Fall back to English if the language template doesn't exist

if ($text = $self->{tmps}->{EN}{$template}) {
print "Note: No translation in '$self->{cfg}->{lang}' for '$template' - falling back to English.\n"
unless ($self->{cfg}->{silent});
} else {
die("No template for '$template' in language file.\n");
if($self->{iconv}) {
$text = $self->{iconv}->convert($text);
die("Could not convert charset for template '$template'.\n") unless $text;

$hash{channel} = $self->{cfg}->{channel};
# the nick is sanitized here, everything else outside of _template_text
$hash{nick} = $self->_format_word($hash{nick}) if $hash{nick};

foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
$text =~ s/\[:$key\]/$hash{$key}/;

if ($text =~ /\[:[^:]*?:[^:]*?:[^:]*?:\
Idling at #Football, Quakenet.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:05 am
Location: Chicago, IL, USA

Post by JEAH »

I think your best bet for this kind of help is going to be on the PISG developer/user mailing list.

Check out ... sg-general
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