Is there any way to make the Eggdrop-bot refrain from leaving channels that it is added and/or invited to?
I have looked through the Eggdrop.conf file, but I seem unable to find anything that helps. =1
I managed to connect the bot through BitlBee, talking to it in private conversations, but when I try to make it join a group chat (using BitlBee commands through putty), it just immediately leaves it, saying it did not want to join the channel (Literally).
nml375 wrote:Use the "channel add" tcl command, or using the partyline, use the ".+chan" command?
The problem is that using BitlBee, when you type the BitlBee command for joining a MSN-group chat, it joins the channel &Chat000. If that channel is taken, it joins &chat001, etc - Issue being that it just immediately tries to join it, without giving me time to add it to the "channels list":
Ahh, unfortunately, eggdrop has never played nicely with forced-join servers..
You could have a script trigger on join commands - if the target nick is your eggdrop's nick, issue the "channel add" command. Might be best to use a raw binding to prevent eggdrop from noticing the unexpected join.
I am afraid I do not have any idea how to make such a script. =1
Are there no settings that can be added to the configuration folder that kills the part of the Eggdrop that leaves channels it does not have in its list? Any modules that does such?
.say &bitlbee chat with Zeyrawr
[23:01] tcl: builtin dcc call: *dcc:say Zeyra 5 &bitlbee chat with Zeyrawr
[23:01] #Zeyra# (&bitlbee) say chat with Zeyrawr
Said to &bitlbee: chat with Zeyrawr
[23:02] <root> (Possible) failure while trying to open a groupchat with zeyrawr.
[23:02] joined &chat_004 but didn't want to!
[23:02] Oops. Someone made me join &chat_004... leaving...