@Luminous The best suggestion I can give you is upgrade to 4.6
@Spectre The same suggestion applies to you. However, to fix that problem, fix your script's configuration (you have invalid settings). The settings must be the same as documented.
Sir_Fz: I actually figured you would tell me that.
Before I do... the reason I have kept 4.5, was because in this script, I found out how to disable the ctcp-version reply appendment, but when I looked through the 4.6 one, I did not see it. I'm pretty anal about my ctcp replies, lol. Did you disable that already? If not, where is it in the script? Thanks.
@Luminous Yeah I just made it a little bit "harder" to find that line in the script but with a little digging you can easily find it. I won't guide you on how to remove it However, a quick hack would be setting ctcp-version after loading the script.
@Spectre Once the script has been loaded, adding words to the lists inside the script won't affect the actual lists the bot uses (since these are stored in a separate file generated by the script when ran). You must always use the '.ap:add' DCC command to add new elements to the list(s) (documented in the script).
It's like this: The examples in the script are added to the global bwords list. Now, if you add new words to the same list (global) then these words will be appended to the existing ones. However, when you create a channel-specific list the script ignores the words in the global list and will only consider words from the channel-specific list for that channel.
Basically global lists are for channels that do not have channel-specific lists.
if {![info exists bwords($chan)]} {
set l $bwords(global)
} else {
set l [lsort -unique [concat $bwords(global) $bwords($chan)]]
A word of caution though, concat is very sensitive to list structures, and if not all arguments are proper lists, the result is not guarantee'd to be a valid list.
Yes you're right nml375, I should have implemented it that way from the beginning. Thanks for your suggestion, I'll definitely apply it in the final release.
When you set an invalid setting on a channel, the script automatically resets it to the default settings defined in the script. Follow the documentation. For example if one of the settings is supposed to be {+/- <pmethod> <ban-time> <ban-type>} and you set it to any different format, the script resets it to initial default.