hi I don't know but there was a script I don't know the author it had very useful public commands script such as
.nb nickname
The bot would place a ban on that specific channel like this
BOT Sets mode: +b nickname!*@*
nickname was kicked by BOTS (Reason_here)
For .vb nickname
The bot would place a ban on that specific channel like this
BOT Sets mode: +b *!*@host
nickname was kicked by BOTS (You are infected with a virus)
For .ib nickname
BOT sets mode: +b *!*ident@*
nickname was kicked by bots (Your ident is not appropriate)
shoud have
.kick nick1 reason
.k nick1 reason
nickname was kicked by BOTS ((handle) reason)
should have
.kb nick1 reason
nickname was kicked by bots ((handle) reason)
BOT Sets mode: +b *!*@host
.ub nick1 or *!*@host
to remove the bans on the channel
It should have .op nick1 nick2 nick3 (for op) commands as well with .v nick1 nick2 nick3 (for voice)
.dv nick1 nick2 nick3 (for devoice)
.o nick1 nick2 nick3
.up nick1 nick2 nick3
.down nick1 nick2 nick3
.adduser handle/nick host flag_here
.remuser handle/nick
(.adduser .remuser should only be used by +n)
where as the other public commands can be used by +o
also .help command so the bot displays all the commands to the user in private.