As with my previous thread, I'm not really sure if this is a bug or it's designed to work like this, but ... I don't really think it's the correct behaviour.
So, as the topic title says - I'm unable to ban another user with a global +f flag. Not placing the ban through eggdrop itself, I just do a normal chanmode +b from my IRC client. Eggdrop instantly removes the ban.
- I am the eggdrop's owner (I have +n AND my handle is set as the owner in eggdrop.conf)
- the user I want to ban has no other flags than +f
- there are no custom (tcl) scripts or modules loaded, nor any patches
- I have set chanmode -protectfriends, -revenge, +userbans and even -protectops, etc.
- the banmask doesn't match any other user on the channel(or another user's mask in the eggdrop user file) except for the one I want banned
- this only happens since I use eggdrop 1.6.20
I would submit a ticket through trac, but I can't seem to receive my validation mail for days now ...