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urban dictionary problem

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urban dictionary problem

Post by Angel »

Code: Select all

# Urban Dictionary Script by Trixar_za
# Based on the Twitter script by Warlord v1.0
# Type in partyline: ".chanset #channel +urban" to enable it.

# Sets the logo
set urban(logo) "\002\[UD\]:\002"

# Sets the user agent
set urban(agent) "Mozilla/4.75 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17; i586; Nav)"

setudef flag urban

if {[catch {package require http 2.5} e] != 0} {
  set urban(noutf8) 1
  package require http

bind pub - !urban proc:urban
bind pub - .urban proc:urban
bind pub - !ud proc:urban
bind pub - .ud proc:urban

# wordwrap code by speechless
proc msg {type dest data} {
   set len [expr {500-[string len ":$::botname $type $dest :\r\n"]}]
   foreach line [wordwrap $data $len] {
      putserv "$type $dest :$line"

proc wordwrap {data len} {
   set out {}
   foreach line [split [string trim $data] \n] {
      set curr {}
      set i 0
      foreach word [split [string trim $line]] {
         if {[incr i [string len $word]]>$len} {
            lappend out [join $curr]
            set curr [list $word]
            set i [string len $word]
         } {
            lappend curr $word
         incr i
      if {[llength $curr]} {
         lappend out [join $curr]
   set out

proc proc:urban {nick uhand handle chan input} {
  if {[channel get $chan urban]} {
     global urban

    if {![llength [split $input]]} {
       msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) Please be more specific. Ex: !urban word"
    } else {
       putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$urban(logo) Getting defintion for $input..."
       if {[info exists urban(noutf8)]} {
          set http [::http::config -useragent $urban(agent)]
       } else {
          set http [::http::config -useragent $urban(agent) -urlencoding "utf-8"]

       foreach word [split $input] {
          lappend query [lindex [split [http::formatQuery a $word] =] 1]

       catch { set http [::http::geturl "[join $query %20]" -timeout 10000]} error
       if {![string match -nocase "::http::*" $error]} {
          msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) [string totitle [string map {"\n" " | "} $error]] \( $query \)"
          return 0

       if {![string equal -nocase [::http::status $http] "ok"]} {
          msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) [string totitle [::http::status $http]] \( $query \)"
          return 0

       set html [::http::data $http]

       # Clean up :P
       regsub -all {\n} $html { } html
       regsub -all {\t} $html { } html
       regsub -all {<br/>} $html { } html
       regsub -all { } $html { } html
       regsub -all {    } $html { } html
       regsub -all {   } $html { } html
       regsub -all {  } $html { } html
       regsub -all {<a.+?>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {</a>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {<strong.+?>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {</strong>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {—} $html {-} html
       regsub -all {>} $html {>} html
       regsub -all {<} $html {<} html
       regsub -all {&} $html {\&} html
       regsub -all {×} $html {*} html
       regsub -all {(?:\x91|\x92|’|‘|')} $html {'} html
       regsub -all {(?:\x93|\x94|“|”|")} $html {"} html
       regsub -all {×} $html {x} html
       regsub -all {(?:<!\[CDATA\[)} $html {} html

       if {[regexp -- {<div class='definition'>(.+?)</div>} $html - uddef]} {
          set uddef [string trim $uddef]

       if {[regexp -- {<div class='example'></div>} $html - -]} {
          set uddex "None"
       } elseif {[regexp -- {<div class='example'>(.+?)</div>} $html - uddex] && $uddex != "None"} {
          set uddex [string trim $uddex]

       if {[info exists uddef]} {
          msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) \002Definition:\002 $uddef"
          if {$uddex != "None"} {
             msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) \002Example:\002 $uddex"
       } else {
          msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) Word not found or doesn't exist."

i got this error msg

Code: Select all

[21:24:43] invalid command name "}"
    while executing
    (file "scripts/urban.tcl" line 127)
    invoked from within
"source scripts/urban.tcl"

i think this tcl is not tested yet...

edit:already fixed now but there's another error again about the "else" clause "if"

please help
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Location: South Africa

Post by Trixar_za »

It's in current use, so you can say it's tested...

I noticed a few inconsitancies between it and the one you posted like the last closing bracket having a space before it where there should be none). Going on the error, I'm guessing it's expecting atleast one command before the program loads - probably the putlog which you removed. Try leaving it in and see if it works this time.

Anyway, this is the script I'm using with my bot:

Code: Select all

# Urban Dictionary Script by Trixar_za
# Based on the Twitter script by Warlord v1.0
# Type in partyline: ".chanset #channel +urban" to enable it.

# Sets the logo
set urban(logo) "\002\[UD\]:\002"

# Sets the user agent
set urban(agent) "Mozilla/4.75 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17; i586; Nav)"

setudef flag urban

if {[catch {package require http 2.5} e] != 0} {
  set urban(noutf8) 1
  package require http

bind pub - !urban proc:urban
bind pub - .urban proc:urban
bind pub - !ud proc:urban
bind pub - .ud proc:urban

# wordwrap code by speechless
proc msg {type dest data} {
   set len [expr {500-[string len ":$::botname $type $dest :\r\n"]}]
   foreach line [wordwrap $data $len] {
      putserv "$type $dest :$line"

proc wordwrap {data len} {
   set out {}
   foreach line [split [string trim $data] \n] {
      set curr {}
      set i 0
      foreach word [split [string trim $line]] {
         if {[incr i [string len $word]]>$len} {
            lappend out [join $curr]
            set curr [list $word]
            set i [string len $word]
         } {
            lappend curr $word
         incr i
      if {[llength $curr]} {
         lappend out [join $curr]
   set out

proc proc:urban {nick uhand handle chan input} {
  if {[channel get $chan urban]} {
     global urban

    if {![llength [split $input]]} {
       msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) Please be more specific. Ex: !urban word"
    } else {
       putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$urban(logo) Getting defintion for $input..."
       if {[info exists urban(noutf8)]} {
          set http [::http::config -useragent $urban(agent)]
       } else {
          set http [::http::config -useragent $urban(agent) -urlencoding "utf-8"]

       foreach word [split $input] {
          lappend query [lindex [split [http::formatQuery a $word] =] 1]

       catch { set http [::http::geturl "[join $query %20]" -timeout 10000]} error
       if {![string match -nocase "::http::*" $error]} {
          msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) [string totitle [string map {"\n" " | "} $error]] \( $query \)"
          return 0

       if {![string equal -nocase [::http::status $http] "ok"]} {
          msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) [string totitle [::http::status $http]] \( $query \)"
          return 0

       set html [::http::data $http]

       # Clean up :P
       regsub -all {\n} $html { } html
       regsub -all {\t} $html { } html
       regsub -all {<br/>} $html { } html
       regsub -all { } $html { } html
       regsub -all {    } $html { } html
       regsub -all {   } $html { } html
       regsub -all {  } $html { } html
       regsub -all {<a.+?>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {</a>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {<strong.+?>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {</strong>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {—} $html {-} html
       regsub -all {>} $html {>} html
       regsub -all {<} $html {<} html
       regsub -all {&} $html {\&} html
       regsub -all {×} $html {*} html
       regsub -all {(?:\x91|\x92|’|‘|')} $html {'} html
       regsub -all {(?:\x93|\x94|“|”|")} $html {"} html
       regsub -all {×} $html {x} html
       regsub -all {(?:<!\[CDATA\[)} $html {} html

       if {[regexp -- {<div class='definition'>(.+?)</div>} $html - uddef]} {
          set uddef [string trim $uddef]

       if {[regexp -- {<div class='example'></div>} $html - -]} {
          set uddex "None"
       } elseif {[regexp -- {<div class='example'>(.+?)</div>} $html - uddex] && $uddex != "None"} {
          set uddex [string trim $uddex]

       if {[info exists uddef]} {
          msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) \002Definition:\002 $uddef"
          if {$uddex != "None"} {
             msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) \002Example:\002 $uddex"
       } else {
          msg "PRIVMSG" $chan "$urban(logo) Word not found or doesn't exist."

putlog "Urban Dictionary Script by Trixar_za Loaded"
I also updated the one on my website with this one. Hopefully it works now, otherwise it might be a issue with the latest eggdrop (which will mean bug hunting for me :P)
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