You need to install megahal to get this behavior. Once installed, you need to train it's "aritifical intelligence". This is done with a *.trn file which is located in your eggdrop's root. This is merely a text file of sentences ending with newlines. The first time you start your eggdrop with megahal module loaded is the only time the *.trn file is of use. After this a *.brn and *.dic file are created and these are used subsequently. This is how the "intelligence" is built. You can then .chanset #yourchan +megahal and communicate with your bot on IRC by either prefixing what you say with it's nickname, or using it's nickname somewhere in what you say.Toruk wrote:so how do i go about using the "artificial intelligence" on my bot?
On twitter this behavior gets carried over. Your bot will communicate with people posting tweets to your profile, as long as those tweet's aren't a reply to an @username or an RT. It will also reply to people who @mention your username in their tweet. This will sometimes reply to usernames you wish it wouldn't. This is where the services list comes in. You merely +service the usernames you wish the bot not to reply to in @mentions. To have it reply to them again -service the usernames.
Megahal can also learn directly from these tweets if you have learning enabled for both of these functions. At present, these are the only two functions which involve "artificial intelligence".
Also, in june 2010, twitter will end support for basic authenticaion. Before that time I will have incorporated an Oauth for this script and it will have it's own application name. At that point storing passwords will no longer be required.
For an example of how this intelligence looks in use, see this profile, or this one, or even this one. On all 3, sp33chy is the eggdrop, running this exact script using megahal. One bot is doing all of it, yes.