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Problem to dcc chat with the eggdrop on same machine

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Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:13 pm

Problem to dcc chat with the eggdrop on same machine

Post by deejayb »

I've read some posts but I can't solved the problem about chat to my eggdrop with dcc chat.
I'm using Windows Xp and the eggdrop is running in the same machine ( localhost / and I'm also under a firewall of the U.S. Robotics.

Into a post I've read "If you've opened a telnet-port, you may telnet to your bot using your favourite telnet client. You could also create a script such as below to make your bot send a dcc-chat request to you using the local network IP rather than the external one. Just remember to replace "port" with whatever port your eggdrop is listening at." and after a code:

Code: Select all

bind msg - dccme MsgDccMe
proc MsgDccMe {nick host handle text} {
 puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :\001DCC CHAT chat [myip] port\001"
I've create a dcc.tcl file with this code.
I've set into the file the port where I make the telnet connection.....I'm right?

When I go to see the message on telnet (when I make the dcc chat connection I see a message that said: CTCP DCC: CHAT chat -a number- 1024 from nick ...... is the number 1024 the port number that I must set into the dcc.tcl ?)

When I go to see the dcc chat message on mirc (after that I've recognize myself to the eggdrop with command /msg nick ident pass) the message that appear is:
Chat with Eggdrop1
Waiting for acknowledgement...
DCC Chat connection established
DCC session closed

I've also open the tcp/udp port of the router 3333 and 1024.
I'm in a right way or what I've done is wrong? What can I try to set/modify ?

Tnx so much to all for the answers.
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