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Need Help with ourTube 1.0.2

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Posts: 101
Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 7:57 am

Need Help with ourTube 1.0.2

Post by Fraud »

Well just got the 1.0.2 VErsion, but its still buggy

The outout is not workking well. If u want to output a Video with views and comments u dont get them.

If i want get infos from, e.g.:
the output is:

Code: Select all

( MyBOT ) - FOOD BATTLE 2060?! (Lunchtime w/ Smosh) - - Views: no - Rating: no - Last comment:
There are comments, ratings and quit a lot views to.
Here is what i am using

Code: Select all

set ourtube(output) "<title> - <category> - Views: <views> - Rating: <rating> - Last comment: <comment>"
and thats the whole code of the Script

Code: Select all

# ourTube.tcl 1.0.2 --
# This file search the web target and show relevant information about.
# Is posible define a YouTube account and the bot will log in. Useful
# when the link are for adult people i.e. It will show the first link
# that finds in a whole phrase.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Eggdrop Spain 15-november-2009
#   HackeMate (Sentencia)
#   Andoidsk (Redrum)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it _only for your own use_
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Please, use the email to contact with the author for let him know about all
# what you could do. Everyone wants develop his software as well.
#                   Thank you for feed my empiric life.
# If you like, you can contact with the author to suggest him features. By the
# way, do not ask him to make Login, he is working on that.

# This is what you need to get this script work:
# Type in partyline: .chanset #channel +ourtube

# Changelog 1.0.2:
# (RedRrum)
#   Fixes:
#	Resolved Tcl error [otPub]: wrong # args: should be "otLog target string"
#	Resolved broken line in the actual youtube html title format (new regsub)
#   Changes:
#	Changed description Youtube match.
#	Modify otPub function(minor cost):
#		- Regular expresion by exact uri.
#		- Break before nothing else if not youtube link.

#   Added features:
#	Add category Youtube match.
#	AntiSpam on Results: spliting URIs on points.
#   TODO:
#	Add related links match.
#	Move HTTP errors to logs only or disable them.
#	Delete ourtubecolors flag. If want colors write them on ourtube(output)
#	AÃadir opciÃn para detectar links sucios.
#	Permitir a los ops del canal decidir que opciones mostrar (registrar usuarios)

# Changelog 1.0.1:
# (HackeMate)
#   Fixes:
#       Resolved Tcl error [otPub]: can't read "views": no such variable
#       Resolved eternal ignore-protection  issue
#   Added features:
#       Now will forward to new location 302 http code received when pasting
#       http://youtube. links
#       Explicit message when 404 error (not found)
#       All non 200, 302, 303, 404 errors will stop the procedure showing proper reason
#       -*- IMPORTANT -*-
#       Auto Update checker: You can verify if your ourTube copy is the lastest
#       version available typing .ourtube update in partyline
#       FeedBack feature. Type in partyline .ourtube feedback [your email] <message>
#       to send the author any suggestion or comment. Insults are not welcome.
#       Added seacher, !youtube string and it will return matches
#       it is customizable (configure ourtube(outputsearch))

# initializes a user defined channel flag
setudef flag ourtube
setudef flag ourtubecolors

global ourtube tcl_platform


## Configuration for bot admins
# Module Record user links

## Configuration for channel operators

## Configuration for users

# Busqueda sucia
set ourtube(dirtysearch) 1

# (1) Enable or (0) disable logs.
set ourtube(logs) 1

# (1-8) Level log.
set ourtube(levellog) 1

# (1) Enable or (0) disable colors
set ourtube(colors) 0

# Flood Protection: after show a link, will ignore all links few seconds
# This means 1 link per 10 seconds.
set ourtube(flood) 10

# What language you can receive the youTube data? (if works heh)
set ourtube(lang) es

# Limit of links at same time
set ourtube(max) 5

# Do you want see all matches at one line? (0) Yes (1) No
set ourtube(multiline) 1

# This is the final output message what you will read in your channel.
#       -*- This is not for search command (only when someone pasted link)
# You can configure all fields that your eggdrop will show.
# <title>       will return the title of the video
# <author>      It was the author himself who had uploaded the video
# <views>       How many views the video has
# <rating>      His rating
# <description> Information by author - This may be disabled because it can
#               contain spam
# <comment>     Will show the last comment if exists - Same as description, take care
#               with spam.
# <category>	
# <link>	link clean

#set ourtube(output) "\002<title>\002. (by <author>) <views> views, <rating> rating. Last comment: <comment>"
set ourtube(output) "<title> - <category> - Views: <views> - Rating: <rating> - Last comment: <comment>"
# - <description>"

# This is the output message of search engine
#       -*- This is only for search engine
# You can configure all fields that your eggdrop will show.
# <link>        URL video link
# <time>        video's duration
# <added>       since when it is on line
# <title>       will return the title of the video
# <author>      It was the author himself who had uploaded the video
# <views>       How many views the video has
# <rating>      His rating
# <description> Information by author - This may be disabled because it can
#               contain spam

set ourtube(outputsearch) "\00312\037<link>\003\037 \00315\(<time> rating: <rating>\)\003 \"\0036<title> \0031<author> said\0036: <description>\003\" <views>,  added <added>"

# Do you want auto update this file when it is possible?
# (1) Yes (0) No - It is recommended, if youtube changes his tags probably this script will broke
set ourtube(autoupdate) 0

## END EDITABLE ZONE #############

# This is not required to edit, or yes.

set ourtube(author) "HackeMate"
set ourtube(contact) "HackeMate <>"
set ourtube(name) "ourTube"
set ourtube(fileName) [info script]
set ourtube(projectName) "ourTube"
set ourtube(version) "1.0.2"
set ourtube(package.http) [package require http]
## No inicializar (uso interno)
set ourtube(protection) ""
if {$tcl_platform(os) eq "Linux"} {
    set platfrm "X11"
} else {
    set platfrm $tcl_platform(os)
http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 ($platfrm; U; $tcl_platform(os) $tcl_platform(machine); $ourtube(lang); rv: ourTube 1.0" -accept "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"

bind pubm - * otPub

proc otPub {nick uhost hand chan text} {
#	putloglev 1 * "lalala: $text"
#	putserv "PRIVMSG #p :$hand   [countusers]"
#	adduser $nick
#	if {[validuser hand]} {
#		putserv "PRIVMSG #p :$nick $uhost "
#	}

	if {![channel get $chan ourtube]} { return }
	global ourtube

	# Clean all colour marks
	regsub -all -- {\017|\002|\037|\026|\003(\d{1,2})?(,\d{1,2})?} $text "" text
	if {$ourtube(dirtysearch)} {
		set id [regexp -inline -nocase -- {youtube.*watch\?v=.{11}} $text]
		regsub -nocase -- {.*watch\?v=} $id "" id
		if {$id eq ""} { return }
		set uri "$id"

	} else {
		set uri [regexp -inline -nocase -- {http://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=.{11}} $text]
		if {$uri eq ""} { return }

	if {[string is digit -strict $ourtube(protection)]} {
		set flood [expr [clock seconds]-$ourtube(protection)]
		if {$flood >= $ourtube(flood)} {
			set ourtube(protection) ""
		} else {
			otLog log "Resting... (flood protection) [duration [expr ($ourtube(flood) - [expr ([clock seconds]-$ourtube(protection))])]] left"
	set ourtube(protection) [clock seconds]

	otLog log "Getting $uri ... from $nick on $chan"
	set data [otGet $uri]

	##pasar a otGet
	if {![string length $data]} {
		set data "I was not able to reach $uri. Probably I get a timeout. Try again."
	if {!$ourtube(colors)} {
		regsub -all -- {\017|\002|\037|\026|\003(\d{1,2})?(,\d{1,2})?} $data "" data
	# Este formato de log facilita el paso a xml para posterior posible procesado.
	otLog log "$chan:$nick:$uri:$data"

	putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$data"

	utimer $ourtube(flood) [list set ourtube(protection) ""]

proc otGet {web {relocation ""}} {
	global ourtube
	set token [http::geturl $web -timeout 4000]
	upvar #0 $token state
	set lastcode $state(http)

#	set ncode ""
	set ncode [regexp -inline -- {[0-9]{3}} $lastcode]
#	regexp {[0-9]{3}} $lastcode ncode
#	if {$ncode eq ""} {
#		set ncode $lastcode
#	}
	switch -- $ncode {
		"200" { }
		"302" {
			foreach {flag value} $state(meta) {
				if {$flag eq "Location"} {
					# Due to invalid youtube link but valid url syntax we can
					# receive an url forward. this handles that
					http::cleanup $token
					otLog log "$web forwards us to $value"
					return [otGet $value "(Relocated)"]
		"303" {
			otLog log "This video does not exists."
			http::cleanup $token
			return "That video does not exists. Server responded: $lastcode"
		"404" {
			otLog log "$web - No such webpage."
			http::cleanup $token
			return "$web - No such webpage"
		default {
			http::cleanup $token
			otLog log "unforeseen circumstances. Server responded: $lastcode"
			return "unforeseen circumstances. Server responded: $lastcode"
	set data [string map {"&quot\;" "\"" "&amp\;quot\;" "\"" "&" "&"} $state(body)] 
	http::cleanup $token

	set author ""
	set description ""
	set views ""
	set rating ""
	set comment ""
	set category ""
	set desc ""

	regexp {<title>(.*?)</title>} $data "" title
	regexp {class="hLink fn n contributor">(.*?)</a><br>} $data "" author

	#regexp {<meta name=\"description\" content=\"(.*?)\">.*} $data "" description
	#regexp {<div([:blank:]+)class="watch-video-desc description">(.*?)</div>} $data "" desc

	# Description
	regexp {class="watch-video-desc description">(.*?)</div>} $data "" description
	regsub -all -- {<a href=(.*?)</a>} $description "" description
	regsub -all -- {\<(.*?)\>} $description "" description
	regsub -all -- {\n|\t} $description "" description
	regsub -all -- {\. *} $description ". " description
	regsub -all -- {  +} $description " " description
	regsub -all -- {^(- *)} $description "" description
	regsub -all -- {\.*( *)$} $description "" description

	set description ${description}.

#	if {[string length $description] > 300} {
#	} else {
#	}

	regexp {VideoCategoryLink'\);\">(.*?)</a>} $data "" category
	regexp {<span id=\"watch-view-count\">(.*?)</span>} $data "" views
	regexp {<div id=\"defaultRatingMessage\">(.*?)</span>.*} $data "" rating
	# This is not so smart way. I know, sorry about :)
#	set comments ""
#	set description ""

#	regexp {<div id="recent_comments" class="comments">(.*?)<div id="div_comment_form_id} $data "" comments
#	if {$comments ne ""} {
#		regexp { rel="nofollow">(.*?)</a>} $comments "" user
#		regexp {<span class="watch-comment-time">(.*?)</span>} $comments "" timeago
#		regexp {<div class="watch-comment-body">(.*?)</div>} $comments "" comment
#		set comment [string map {\n " " "<br>" ""} $comment]
#		regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $comment "" comment
#		regsub -all {\s+} $comment " " comment
#		set comment "\<$user [string trim $timeago]\> [string trim $comment]"
#	} else {
#		set comment ""
#	}
	regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t|\n|YouTube} $title "" title
	regsub -all -- {^- } $title "" title
	regsub -all -- {( *)\.( *)} $title ". " title
	#regsub -all -- {http://[^ ]* } $description "" description
	#regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $description "" description
	regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $views "" views
	regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $rating "" rating
#	regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t|\>} $category "" category
	set rating [lindex [split $rating] 0]
	set title "$relocation $title"
	set title [string trim $title]
	if {![string is digit -strict $views]} {
		set views "no"
	if {![string is digit -strict $rating]} {
		set rating "no"
#	if {$comment eq ""} {
#		set comment "This video doesn't have any comments until now"
#	}
#	if {$description eq ""} {
#		set description "This video doesn't have any description"
#	}

	set output [string map [list "<title>" $title "<author>" $author "<description>" $description "<views>" $views "<rating>" $rating "<comment>" $comment "<category>" $category <link> $web] $ourtube(output)]
	return $output

# upvar #0 $token state

proc otLog {target string} {
    global ourtube
    if {![validchan $target]} {
	if {$ourtube(logs) == "1"} {
		putloglev $ourtube(levellog) * "$ourtube(name)\: $string"
    } else {
        putserv "PRIVMSG $target :$ourtube(name)\: $string"

bind pubm - !youtube otYoutube

proc otYoutube {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	if {![channel get $chan ourtube]} {
		if {$text eq "enable"} {
			channel set $chan +ourtube
            		channel set $chan +ourtubecolors
			otLog $chan "Usage: !youtube <search string> To see a list of matches."
			putserv "NOTICE $nick :You also can use .ourtube update and .ourtube feedback in partyline to upgrade your script or send a feedback to author of this script."
		} else {
			putserv "NOTICE $nick :$chan has this command disabled."
		if {[matchattr $hand n]} {
			putserv "NOTICE $nick :You can enable it directly typing: /msg $chan !youtube enable"
	putserv "NOTICE k4rma :in"
	putserv "PRIVMSG k4rma :$text"
	otLog log $text

    	regsub -all -- {\017|\002|\037|\026|\003(\d{1,2})?(,\d{1,2})?} $text "" arg
	global ourtube
	# This is a generic protection to prevent flood
        # No utimer required
	putserv "NOTICE k4rma :in"

	if {![info exists ourtube(protection)]} {
		set ourtube(protection) [clock seconds]
	} else {
		if {![string is digit -strict $ourtube(protection)]} {
			set ourtube(protection) [clock seconds]
		} else {
			set time [expr [clock seconds]-$ourtube(protection)]
			if {$time >= $ourtube(flood)} {
				set ourtube(protection) [clock seconds]
			} else {
				otLog log "Flood protection in $chan from $nick\."

	putserv "NOTICE k4rma :in"
	if {$arg eq ""} {
		putserv "NOTICE $nick :Tell me what to search."

	putserv "NOTICE k4rma :in"
	set data [ourtubeGet $arg]
	if {![channel get $chan ourtubecolors]} {
		regsub -all -- {\017|\002|\037|\026|\003(\d{1,2})?(,\d{1,2})?} $data "" data
	if {[string length $data] == 0} {
		set data "I was unable to connect to that website. Probably I get timeout."
	if {$ourtube(multiline) != "1"} {
		putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$data"
	} else {
		foreach line $data {
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$line"

proc ourtubeGet {ask} {
	global ourtube
	regsub -all -- {\s+} $ask " " search
	set search [http::formatQuery $search]
	http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT; U; Windows NT x86; en-ES; rv: Firefox 3.0.7" -accept "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
	set token [http::geturl$search -timeout 10000]
	upvar #0 $token state
	set data $state(body)
	regsub -all {\n|\t} $data "" data
	set ncode ""
	regexp {[0-9]{3}} $state(http) ncode
	if {$ncode eq ""} {
        	set ncode $state(http)
    	set list {}
    	switch -- $ncode {
        "200" 	{
		set videos [regexp -all -inline {<div class="video-entry">(.*?)<div class="video-clear-list-left"></div>} $data]
		set total [expr [llength $videos] /2]
		if {$total > $ourtube(max)} {
			set list [list "Showing $ourtube(max) of $total."]
		set i 2
		set title ""
		set description ""
		set rating ""
		set added ""
		set views ""
		set author ""
		set link ""
		foreach {id line} $videos {
			set map {}
			foreach {entity number} [regexp -all -inline {&#(\d+);} $line] {
			lappend map $entity [format \\u%04x [scan $number %d]]
                set line [string map [subst -nocomm -novar $map] $line]
                regexp {<img title="(.*?)"} $line "" title
                regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $title "" title
                regexp {<div class="video-time">(.*?)</span>} $line "" time
                regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $time "" time
                regexp {class="video-description">(.*?)</div>} $line "" description
                regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $description "" description
                regexp {<button class="master-sprite ratingVS ratingVS-(.*?)"} $line "" rating
                regexp {class="video-date-added">(.*?)</span>} $line "" added
                regexp {class="video-view-count">(.*?)</span>} $line "" views
                regexp {<span class="video-username">(.*?)</a>} $line "" author
                regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $author "" author
                regexp {<a id="video-url-(.*?)"} $line "" link
                set link "$link"
                set output [string map [list "<link>" $link "<time>" $time "<added>" $added "<title>" $title "<author>" $author "<description>" $description "<views>" $views "<rating>" $rating] $ourtube(outputsearch)]
                lappend list $output
                if {$i > $ourtube(max)} {
                incr i
            	return $list
        "404" 	{
            	otLog log "No such file or webpage."
            	http::cleanup $token
            	return [list "No such file or webpage."]
        default {
            	otLog log "unforeseen circumstance. Server responded: $ncode"
            	http::cleanup $token
            	return [list "unforeseen circumstance. Server responded: $ncode"]

bind dcc n ourtube communication::welcome

namespace eval communication {
	# communication.tcl --
	# 	This is a little library for eggdrop as internal use
	# 	It is done to portablility - You cannot use it without a file.cgi in your
	# 	http server. If you really want that, contact me.	
	variable version 1.0
	variable feedback {}
	variable update {}
	proc welcome {hand ipx text} {
		global ourtube
		set arg [lindex [split $text] 0]
		switch -- $arg {
			"feedback" {
				set contact [lindex [split $text] 1]
				set message [join [lrange [split $text] 1 end]]
				if {($contact eq "") || ($message eq "")} {
					putdcc $ipx "$ourtube(projectName) - FeedBack"
					putdcc $ipx "Thank you for tell what you think."
					putdcc $ipx "This command sends to author an message with your suggestion, you are able to send one feedback per day (aprox)"
					putdcc $ipx "Usage: .webfeedback <your email (put it if you may want a reply or conversation with author, if not, put anything)> <tell me in english or spanish what you want say>"
				} else {
					set result [[namespace current]::Feedback $contact $ourtube(projectName) $message]
					if {$result eq ""} {
						putdcc $ipx "The server responded nothing. Did you sent a previous feedback already?"
					putdcc $ipx "The server responded:"
					foreach line [split $result \n] {
						putdcc $ipx $line
			"update" {
				set download [lindex [split $text] 1]
				putdcc $ipx [join [lrange [split [[namespace current]::Update $ourtube(fileName) $ourtube(projectName) $ourtube(version) $download]] 1 end]]
			default {
				putdcc $ipx "You can use '.ourtube update' to verify the last version and '.ourtube feedback' to send to author a suggestion"
	proc Feedback {reporter projectName message} {
		variable feedback
		http::config -useragent "$reporter $projectName"
		set token [http::geturl "$feedback\?suggest=[http::formatQuery $message]" -timeout 4000]
		set data [http::data $token]
		http::cleanup $token
		return $data
	proc Update {fileName projectName version {download ""}} {
		variable update
		set fs [open $fileName]
		set data [read $fs]
		close $fs
		set md5 [md5 $data]
		set query [http::formatQuery project $projectName version $version md5 $md5 download $download]
		set token [http::geturl "$update\?$query" -timeout 4000]
		set data [http::data $token]
		http::cleanup $token
        set result ""
        set info ""
        set url ""
		regexp {<!-- result -->(.*?)<!-- /result -->} $data "" result
		regexp {<!-- info -->(.*?)<!-- /info -->} $data "" info
		if {($download ne "") && ($download ne "no") && ($result == 1)} {
			regexp {<!-- data -->(.*?)<!-- /data -->} $data "" url
			if {![regexp -nocase {^(http://)?([^/:]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)?$} $url]} {
				return "0 Invalid URL target file link."
			set token [http::geturl $url -binary 1 -timeout 4000]
			set fileData [http::data $token]
            file rename -force -- $fileName $fileName\.bak
			set fs [open $fileName w]
			puts -nonewline $fs $fileData
			close $fs
            catch {source $fileName}
			set info "$projectName was (purged) downloaded and sourced succesfully, now you are using the lastest version available. There is a backup in $fileName\.bak"
		return "$result $info"
if {![info exists ourtube(loaded)]} {
    if {$ourtube(autoupdate) == "1"} {
        set ourtube(status) [communication::Update $ourtube(fileName) $ourtube(projectName) $ourtube(version) $ourtube(autoupdate)]
        set ourtube(result) [lindex [split $ourtube(status)] 0]
        set ourtube(info) [join [lrange [split $ourtube(status)] 1 end]]
        otLog log $ourtube(info)
otLog log "[file tail $ourtube(fileName)] $ourtube(version) Loaded - by $ourtube(author) (Feedback and update commands available, type .ourtube in partyline)"

set ourtube(loaded) 1
Appreciate any help
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Location: Russian Federation, Podolsk

Post by username »

I use version 1.0 with my little modifications.
<@lamestbot> YouTube :: FOOD BATTLE 2060?! (Lunchtime w/ Smosh) - NEWEST EPISODE: ------------------------------------- Today we eat Tex-Mex food (Wannabe Mexican food)! Every Thursday you guys are invi.... К: Люди и блоги/В: 04:28/А: IanH/П: 149939. Последний комментарий: <jack032001 1 час назад> tpir loser horn?
You can download it from this page.
Архив TCL скриптов для ботов Eggdrop/Windrop:
Posts: 101
Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 7:57 am

Post by Fraud »

Thank you.. But.. hell.... where is the Download Link :D

Ah found it.

btw. is there a way to get the whole output in lines?


bot: Title: <title> - By: <author> - Category: <category>
bot: Views: <views> - Rating: <rating> - Last comment: <comment>

Right now its all behind... Thanks
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Posts: 28
Joined: Sun May 17, 2009 3:56 am

Post by pogue »

I had the same problem w/ Ourtube, so I went to the eggdrop channel on efnet and asked speechless and the author of Ourtube, HackeMate, about the problems.

Apparently it has to do with Youtube giving localized outputs for results. So, for example, HackeMate lives in Spain, so when his bot queries Spanish Youtube which has a totally different code structure than other parts of the world. I showed HackeMate and speechless this erronous outputs from the script, but they didn't really have anything to contribute because it appears the entire script would need to be started from scratch and localized for different Youtube regions.

Here's another thread on the same issue: ... highlight=

After waiting a very long time trying to get some help with this, I finally just gave up and switched to urltitle (I had to search for this because apparently perplexa's site is down). Although it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of ourtube (displaying views, ratings, & comments).

There are also some good alternate scripts here you can try as well.

Youtube title & Youtube searching script would both be suitable alternatives.

Hope that helps,
Helpful Tools:
  • Notepad++: Windows Text Editor with TCL Syntax Highlighting
  • Pastebin TCL: For easy script collaboration
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