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DCC Chat make me disconnect

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:13 pm

DCC Chat make me disconnect

Post by deejayb »

I've set my eggdrop.conf but when I try to make a dcc chat, connection (of the mirc) fall down.
What can I do? (the Eggdrop and the Mirc are on the same machine -localhost-).
Here the conf. file:
#! /path/to/executable/eggdrop
# ^- This should contain a fully qualified path to your eggdrop executable.
# $Id: eggdrop.complete.conf,v 1.53 2002/03/10 18:10:27 wcc Exp $
# This is a sample eggdrop configuration file which includes all possible
# settings that can be used to configure your bot.
# More detailed descriptions of all those settings can be found in
# doc/settings/.

##### BASIC SETTINGS #####

# This setting defines the username the bot uses on IRC. This setting has
# no effect if an ident daemon is running on your bot's machine.
set username "Bruno"

# This setting defines which contact person should be shown in .status,
# /msg help, and other places. You really should include this information.
set admin "botmaster <email:>"

# This setting is used only for info to share with others on your botnet.
# Set this to the IRC network your bot is connected to.
#set network "I.didn'"

# This setting defines the timezone is your bot in. It's used for internal
# routines as well as for logfile timestamping and scripting purposes.
# The timezone string specifies the name of the timezone and must be three
# or more alphabetic characters. For example, Central European Time(UTC+1)
# should be "CET".
set timezone "EST"

# The offset setting specifies the time value to be added to the local
# time to get Coordinated Universal Time (UTC aka GMT). The offset is
# positive if the local timezone is west of the Prime Meridian and
# negative if it is east. The value (in hours) must be between -23 and
# 23. For example, if the timezone is UTC+1, the offset is -1.
set offset "5"

# If you don't want to use the timezone setting for scripting purposes only,
# but instead everywhere possible, un-comment the following line.
#set env(TZ) "$timezone $offset"

# If you're using virtual hosting (your machine has more than 1 IP), you
# may want to specify the particular IP to bind to. You can specify either
# by hostname or by IP. You may also want to set the hostname here if
# eggdrop has trouble detecting it when it starts up.
#set my-hostname ""
#set my-ip ""

# If you want to have your eggdrop messages displayed in a language other
# than English, change this setting to match your preference. An alternative
# would be to set the environment variable EGG_LANG to that value.
#addlang "english"

##### LOG FILES #####

# Eggdrop is capable of logging various things, from channel chatter to
# commands people use on the bot and file transfers. Logfiles are normally
# kept for 24 hours. Afterwards, they will be renamed to "(logfile).yesterday".
# After 48 hours, they will be overwritten by the logfile of the next day.
# Events are logged by certain categories. This way, you can specify
# exactly what kind of events you want sent to various logfiles.
# The most common log file flags are:
# m private msgs/ctcps to the bot
# k kicks, bans, mode changes on the channel
# j joins, parts, netsplits on the channel
# p public chatter on the channel
# s server connects/disconnects/notices
# b information about bot linking and userfile sharing
# c commands people use (via msg or dcc)
# x file transfers and file-area commands
# r (if use-console-r enabled) EVERYTHING sent to the bot by the server
# o other: misc info, errors -- IMPORTANT STUFF
# w wallops: msgs between IRCops (be sure to set the bot +w in init-server)
# There are others, but you probably shouldn't log them, it'd be rather
# unethical. ;) There are also eight user-defined levels (1-8) which
# are used by Tcl scripts.
# Each logfile belongs to a certain channel. Events of type 'k', 'j', and 'p'
# are logged to whatever channel they happened on. Most other events are
# currently logged to every channel. You can make a logfile belong to all
# channels by assigning it to channel "*".

# This is the maximum number of logfiles allowed. This setting can be
# increased; however, don't decrease it.
set max-logs 5

# This is the maximum size of your logfiles. Set it to 0 to disable.
# This value is in kilobytes, so '550' would mean cycle logs when it
# reaches the size of 550 kilobytes.
# Note that this only works if you have keep-all-logs 0 (OFF).
set max-logsize 0

# This could be good if you have had problem with the logfile filling
# your quota/hard disk or if you log +p and publish it to the web and
# need more up-to-date info.
# Note that this setting might increase the CPU usage of your bot (on
# the other hand it will decrease your mem usage).
set quick-logs 0

# This creates a logfile named eggdrop.log containing private msgs/ctcps,
# commands, errors, and misc. info from any channel.
logfile mco * "logs/eggdrop.log"

# This creates a logfile named lamest.log containing joins, parts,
# netsplits, kicks, bans, mode changes, and public chat on the
# channel #lamest.
logfile jpk #Camelot "logs/kingarthur.log"

# Use this feature to timestamp entries in the log file.
set log-time 1

# If you want to keep your logfiles forever, turn this setting on. All
# logfiles will get suffix ".[day, 2 digits][month, 3 letters][year, 4 digits]".
# Note that your quota/hard-disk might be filled by this, so check your logfiles
# often and download them.
set keep-all-logs 0

# If keep-all-logs is 1, this setting will define the suffix of the logfiles.
# The default will result in a suffix like "04May2000". "%Y%m%d" will produce
# the often used yyyymmdd format. Read the strftime manpages for more options.
# NOTE: On systems which don't support strftime, the default format will
# be used _always_.
set logfile-suffix ".%d%b%Y"

# You can specifiy when eggdrop should switch logfiles and start fresh. You must
# use military time for this setting. 300 is the default, and describes 00:00.
# Note that a leading 0 will make Tcl think this is an octal value,
# something you probably don't want.
set switch-logfiles-at 300

# "Writing user file..." and "Writing channel file..." messages
# won't be logged anymore if this option is enabled.
set quiet-save 0

##### CONSOLE #####

# This is the default console mode. It uses the same event flags as the log
# files do. The console channel is automatically set to your "primary" channel,
# which is set in the modules section of the config file. Masters can change
# their console channel and modes with the '.console' command.

set console "mkcobxs"


# Specify here the filename your userfile should be saved as.
set userfile "KingArthurBot.user"

# Specify here the filename eggdrop will save its pid to. If no
# pidfile is specified, pid.(botnet-nick) will be used.
#set pidfile "pid.${botnet-nick}"

# If you want your userfile to be sorted upon saving, enable this setting.
# This causes the bot to use bit more CPU when saving the usefile.
set sort-users 0

# Specify here where eggdrop should look for help files.
# Don't modify this setting unless you know what you're doing!
set help-path "help/"

# Specify here where eggdrop should look for text files. This is
# used for certain Tcl and DCC commands.
set text-path "text/"

# Set here a place to store temporary files.
set temp-path "tmp/"

# The MOTD (Message Of The day) is displayed when people dcc chat or telnet
# to the bot. Look at doc/text-substitutions.doc for options.
set motd "text/motd"

# This banner will be displayed on telnet connections.
set telnet-banner "text/banner"

# This specifies what permissions the user, channel, and notes files should be set to.
# The octal values are the same as for the chmod system command.
# To remind you:
# u g o u g o u g o
# 0600 rw------- 0400 r-------- 0200 -w------- u - user
# 0660 rw-rw---- 0440 r--r----- 0220 -w--w---- g - group
# 0666 rw-rw-rw- 0444 r--r--r-- 0222 -w--w--w- o - others
# Note that the default 0600 is the most secure one and should only be
# changed if you need your files for shell scripting or other external
# applications.
set userfile-perm 0600


# Settings in this section should be unimportant for you until you deal
# with botnets (multiple eggdrops connected together to maximize efficiency).
# You should read doc/BOTNET before modifying these settings.

# If you want to use a different nickname on the botnet than you use on
# IRC (i.e. if you're on an un-trusted botnet), un-comment the next line
# and set it to the nick you would like to use.
#set botnet-nick "LlamaBot"

# This opens a telnet port by which you and other bots can
# interact with the eggdrop by telneting in.
# There are more options for the listen command in doc/tcl-commands.doc.
# Note, if you are running more than one bot on the same machine, you will
# want to space the telnet ports at LEAST 5 apart. 10 is even better.
# Valid ports are typically anything between 1025 and 65535 assuming the
# port is not already in use.

# If you would like the bot to listen for users and bots in separate ports,
# use the following format.
# listen 3333 bots
# listen 4444 users
# If you wish to use only one port, use this format:
listen 3333 all

# This setting defines whether or not people can boot users on the eggdrop
# from other bots in your botnet. Valid settings are:
# 0 - allow *no* outside boots
# 1 - allow boots from sharebots
# 2 - allow any boots
set remote-boots 0

# This setting prohibits remote bots from telling your eggdrop to unlink from
# share bots.
set share-unlinks 1

# This setting will drop telnet connections not matching a known host. It
# greatly improves protection from IRCOps, but makes it impossible for NOIRC
# bots to add hosts or have NEW as a valid login.
set protect-telnet 0

# This setting will make the bot ignore DCC chat requests which appear to
# have bogus information on the grounds that the user may have been trying
# to make the bot connect to somewhere that will get it into trouble, or
# that the user has a broken client (like mIRC tends to do), in which case
# the connect wouldn't work anyway. It's suggested that you turn this on.
#set dcc-sanitycheck 0

# This settings defines a time in seconds that the bot should wait before
# a dcc chat, telnet, or relay connection times out.
set ident-timeout 5

# Define here whether or not a +o user still needs the +p flag to dcc the bot.
set require-p 0

# If you want people allow to telnet in and type 'NEW' to become a new user,
# set this to 1. This is similar to the 'hello' msg command. The protect-telnet
# setting must be set to 0 to use this.
set open-telnets 0

# If you don't want eggdrop to identify itself as an eggdrop on a telnet connection,
# set this setting to 1. Eggdrop will display 'Nickname' instead.
set stealth-telnets 0

# If you want eggdrop to display a banner when telneting in, set this setting
# to 1. The telnet banner is set by 'set telnet-banner'.
set use-telnet-banner 0

# This settings defines a time in seconds that the bot should wait before
# a dcc chat, telnet, or relay connection times out.
set connect-timeout 5

# Specify here the number of lines to accept from a user on the partyline
# within 10 seconds before they are considered to be flooding and therefore
# get booted.
set dcc-flood-thr 3

# Define here how many telnet connection attempts in how many seconds from
# the same host constitute a flood. The correct format is Attempts:Seconds.
set telnet-flood 5:60

# If you want telnet-flood to apply even to +f users, set this setting to 1.
set paranoid-telnet-flood 1

# Set here the amount of seconds before giving up on hostname/address
# lookup (you might want to increase this if you are on a slow network).
set resolve-timeout 15


# Set this to your socks host if your eggdrop sits behind a firewall.
# If you use a Sun "telnet passthru" firewall, use this setting:
#set firewall "!sun-barr.ebay:3666"

# If you have a NAT firewall (you box has an IP in one of the following
# ranges:,,
# and your firewall transparently changes your
# address to a unique address for your box) or you have IP masquerading
# between you and the rest of the world, and /dcc chat,/ctcp chat or
# userfile sharing aren't working, enter your outside IP here. Do not
# enter anything for my-ip or my-hostname if you use this setting.
set nat-ip ""

# If you want all dcc file transfers to use a particular portrange either
# because you're behind a firewall, or for other security reasons, set it
# here.
#set reserved-portrange 2010:2020

# Set the time in minutes that temporary ignores should last.
set ignore-time 15

# Define here what eggdrop considers 'hourly'. All calls to it, including such
# things as note notifying or userfile saving are affected by this. For example:
# set hourly-updates 15
# The bot will save its userfile 15 minutes past every hour.
set hourly-updates 00

# Un-comment the next line and set the list of owners of the bot.
# You NEED to change this setting.
set owner "botmaster"

# Who should a note be sent to when new users are learned?
set notify-newusers "$owner"

# Enter the flags that all new users should get by default.
# See '.help whois' on the partyline for a list of flags and
# their descriptions.
set default-flags "hp"

# Enter all user-defined fields that should be displayed in a '.whois'.
# This will only be shown if the user has one of these extra fields.
# You might prefer to comment this out and use the userinfo1.0.tcl script
# which provides commands for changing all of these.
set whois-fields "url birthday"

# Enable this setting if you want your eggdrop to die upon receiving a SIGHUP
# kill signal. Otherwise, the eggdrop will just save its userfile and rehash.
set die-on-sighup 0

# Enable this setting if you want your eggdrop to die upon receiving a SIGTERM
# kill signal. Otherwise, the eggdrop will just save its userfile and rehash.
set die-on-sigterm 1

# Comment these two lines if you wish to enable the .tcl and .set commands.
# If you select your owners wisely, you should be okay enabling these.
#unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
#unbind dcc n set *dcc:set

# If you enable this setting, only permanent owners (owner setting) will be
# able to use .tcl and .set. Moreover, if you want only let permanent owners
# use .dump, then set this to 2.
set must-be-owner 1

# Comment out this line to add the 'simul' partyline command (owners
# can manipulate other people on the party line). Please select owners
# wisely and use this command ethically!
#unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul

# Set here the maximum number of dcc connections you will allow. You can
# increase this later, but never decrease it.
set max-dcc 50

# Enable this setting if you want to enable the 'dccsimul' Tcl command.
set enable-simul 1

# Enable this setting if you want +d & +k users to use commands bound as -|-.
set allow-dk-cmds 1

# If your eggdrop rejects bots that actually have already disconnected from
# another hub, but the disconnect information has not yet spread over the
# botnet due to lag, use this setting. The bot will wait dupwait-timeout
# seconds before it checks again and then finally reject the bot.
set dupwait-timeout 5

# You MUST remove this line for your bot to start. This has been added to
# prevent you from starting up a bot that is not fully configured. Bots
# that have not been fully configured may join the wrong IRC network, the
# wrong channels, or generally do things that you do not want. Please make
# sure that you have double-checked every setting. There's also a similar line
# lower down, just to make sure you're reading :)

#die "Please make sure you edit your config file completely."

##### MODULES #####

# Below are various settings for the modules available with eggdrop.
# PLEASE READ AND EDIT THEM CAREFULLY, even if you're an old hand at
# eggdrop, things change.

# This path specifies the path were eggdrop should look for its modules.
# If you run the bot from the compilation directory, you will want to set
# this to "". If you use 'make install' (like all good kiddies do ;), this
# is a fine default. Otherwise, use your head :)
set mod-path "modules/"

#### DNS MODULE ####

# This module provides asynchronous dns support. This will avoid long
# periods where the bot just hangs there, waiting for a hostname to
# resolve, which will often let it timeout on all other connections.
loadmodule dns


# This module provides channel related support for the bot. Without it,
# you won't be able to make the bot join a channel or save channel
# specific userfile information.
loadmodule channels

# Enter here the filename where dynamic channel settings are stored.
set chanfile "Camelot.chan"

# Set here how long temporary bans will last (in minutes). If you
# set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove them.
set ban-time 120

# Set here how long temporary exempts will last (in minutes). If you
# set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove them. The bot will
# check the exempts every X minutes, but will not remove the exempt if
# a ban is set on the channel that matches that exempt. Once the ban is
# removed, then the exempt will be removed the next time the bot checks.
# Please note that this is an IRCnet feature.
set exempt-time 60

# Set here how long temporary invites will last (in minutes). If you
# set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove them.
# The bot will check the invites every X minutes, but will not remove
# the invite if a channel is set to +i. Once the channel is -i then
# the invite will be removed the next time the bot checks.
# Please note that this is an IRCnet feature.
set invite-time 60

# Set this setting to 1 if you want your bot to expire bans/exempts/invites set
# by other opped bots on the channel.
set force-expire 0

# Set this setting to 1 if you want your bot to share user greets with other
# bots on the channel if sharing user data.
set share-greet 0

# Set this setting to 1 if you want to allow users to store an info line.
set use-info 1

# The following settings are used as default values when you .+chan #chan or .tcl
# channel add #chan. Look in the section below for explanation of every option.

set global-flood-chan 10:60
set global-flood-deop 3:10
set global-flood-kick 3:10
set global-flood-join 5:60
set global-flood-ctcp 3:60
set global-flood-nick 5:60
set global-aop-delay 5:30
set global-idle-kick 0
set global-chanmode "nt"
set global-stopnethack-mode 0
set global-revenge-mode 1

set global-chanset {
-autoop -autovoice
-bitch +cycle
+dontkickops +dynamicbans
+dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites
-enforcebans +greet
-inactive -nodesynch
-protectfriends +protectops
-revenge -revengebot
-secret -seen
+shared +statuslog
+userbans +userexempts

# Add each static channel you want your bot to sit in using this command.
# There are many different possible settings you can insert into this
# command, which are explained below.

channel add #Camelot {
chanmode "+nt-likm"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
revenge-mode 1
aop-delay 5:30
need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG #Camelot :op me cos i'm lame!" }
need-invite { putserv "PRIVMSG #Camelot :let me in!" }
need-key { putserv "PRIVMSG #Camelot :let me in!" }
need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG #Camelot :let me in!" }
need-limit { putserv "PRIVMSG #Camelot :let me in!" }
flood-chan 10:60
flood-deop 3:10
flood-kick 3:10
flood-join 5:60
flood-ctcp 3:60
flood-nick 5:60

# chanmode +/-<modes>
# This setting makes the bot enforce channel modes. It will always add
# the +<modes> and remove the -<modes> modes.
# idle-kick 0
# This setting will make the bot check every minute for idle
# users. Set this to 0 to disable idle check.
# stopnethack-mode 0
# This setting will make the bot de-op anyone who enters the channel
# with serverops. There're seven different modes for this settings:
# 0 turn off,
# 1 isoptest (allow serverop if registered op)
# 2 wasoptest (allow serverop if op before split)
# 3 allow serverop if isop or wasop
# 4 allow serverop if isop and wasop.
# 5 If the channel is -bitch, see stopnethack-mode 3
# If the channel is +bitch, see stopnethack-mode 1
# 6 If the channel is -bitch, see stopnethack-mode 2
# If the channel is +bitch, see stopnethack-mode 4
# revenge-mode 1
# This settings defines how the bot should punish bad users when
# revenging. There are four possible settings:
# 0 Deop the user.
# 1 Deop the user and give them the +d flag for the channel.
# 2 Deop the user, give them the +d flag for the channel, and kick them.
# 3 Deop the user, give them the +d flag for the channel, kick, and ban them.
# aop-delay (minimum:maximum)
# This is used for autoop and autovoice. If an op or voice joins a channel
# while another op or voice is pending, the bot will attempt to put both
# modes on one line.
# aop-delay 0 No delay is used.
# aop-delay X An X second delay is used.
# aop-delay X:Y A random delay between X and Y is used.
# need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :op me cos i'm lame!" }
# This setting will make the bot run the script enclosed in brackets
# if it does not have ops. This must be shorter than 120 characters.
# If you use scripts like getops.tcl or botnetop.tcl, you don't need
# to set this setting.
# need-invite { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :let me in!" }
# This setting will make the bot run the script enclosed in brackets
# if it needs an invite to the channel. This must be shorter than 120
# characters. If you use scripts like getops.tcl or botnetop.tcl, you
# don't need to set this setting.
# need-key { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :let me in!" }
# This setting will make the bot run the script enclosed in brackets
# if it needs the key to the channel. This must be shorter than 120
# characters. If you use scripts like getops.tcl or botnetop.tcl, you
# don't need to set this setting
# need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :let me in!" }
# This setting will make the bot run the script enclosed in brackets
# if it needs to be unbanned on the channel. This must be shorter than
# 120 characters. If you use scripts like getops.tcl or botnetop.tcl,
# you don't need to set this setting
# need-limit { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :let me in!" }
# This setting will make the bot run the script enclosed in brackets
# if it needs the limit to be raised on the channel. This must be
# shorter than 120 characters. If you use scripts like getops.tcl or
# botnetop.tcl, you don't need to set this setting
# flood-chan 10:60
# Set here how many channel messages in how many seconds from one
# host constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables
# flood protection for the channel.
# flood-deop 3:10
# Set here how many deops in how many seconds from one host constitutes
# a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables deop flood protection for
# the channel.
# flood-kick 3:10
# Set here how many kicks in how many seconds from one host constitutes
# a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables kick flood protection for
# the channel.
# flood-join 5:60
# Set here how many joins in how many seconds from one host constitutes
# a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables join flood protection for
# the channel.
# flood-ctcp 3:60
# Set here how many channel ctcps in how many seconds from one host
# constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables ctcp flood
# protection for the channel.
# flood-nick 5:60
# Set here how many nick changes in how many seconds from one host
# constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables nick flood
# protection for the channel.

# There are many different options for channels which you can
# define. They can be enabled or disabled by a plus or minus
# in front of them.
# A complete list of all available channel settings:
# enforcebans
# When a ban is set, kick people who are on the channel and match
# the ban?
# dynamicbans
# Only activate bans on the channel when necessary? This keeps
# the channel's ban list from getting excessively long. The bot
# still remembers every ban, but it only activates a ban on the
# channel when it sees someone join who matches that ban.
# userbans
# Allow bans to be made by users directly? If turned off, the bot
# will require all bans to be made through the bot's console.
# dynamicexempts
# Only activate exempts on the channel when necessary? This keeps
# the channel's exempt list from getting excessively long. The bot
# still remembers every exempt, but it only activates a exempt on
# the channel when it sees a ban set that matches the exempt. The
# exempt remains active on the channel for as long as the ban is
# still active.
# userexempts
# Allow exempts to be made by users directly? If turned off, the
# bot will require all exempts to be made through the bot's console.
# dynamicinvites
# Only activate invites on the channel when necessary? This keeps
# the channel's invite list from getting excessively long. The bot
# still remembers every invite, but the invites are only activated
# when the channel is set to invite only and a user joins after
# requesting an invite. Once set, the invite remains until the
# channel goes to -i.
# userinvites
# Allow invites to be made by users directly? If turned off, the
# bot will require all invites to be made through the bot's console.
# autoop
# Op users with the +o flag as soon as they join the channel?
# This is insecure and not recommended.
# bitch
# Only let users with +o) flag be opped on the channel?
# greet
# Say a user's info line when they join the channel?
# protectops
# Re-op a user with the +o flag if they get deopped?
# protectfriends
# Re-op a user with the +f flag if they get deopped?
# statuslog
# Log the channel status line every 5 minutes? This shows the bot's
# status on the channel (op, voice, etc.), The channel's modes, and
# the number of +m/+o/+v/+n/+b/+e/+I users on the channel. A sample
# status line follows:
# [01:40] @#lamest (+istn) : [m/1 o/1 v/4 n/7 b/1 e/5 I/7]
# revenge
# Remember people who deop/kick/ban the bot, valid ops, or friends
# and punish them? Users with the +f flag are exempt from revenge.
# revengebot
# This is similar to to the 'revenge' option, but it only triggers
# if a bot gets deopped, kicked or banned.
# autovoice
# Voice users with the +v flag when they join the channel?
# secret
# Prevent this channel from being listed on the botnet?
# shared
# Share channel-related user info for this channel?
# cycle
# Cycle the channel when it has no ops?
# dontkickops
# Do you want the bot not to be able to kick users who have the +o
# flag, letting them kick-flood for instance to protect the channel
# against clone attacks.
# inactive
# This prevents the bot from joining the channel (or makes it leave
# the channel if it is already there). It can be useful to make the
# bot leave a channel without losing its settings, channel-specific
# user flags, channel bans, and without affecting sharing.
# seen
# Respond to seen requests in the channel? The seen module must be
# loaded for this to work.
# nodesynch
# Allow non-ops to perform channel modes? This can stop the bot from
# fighting with services such as ChanServ, or from kicking IRCops when
# setting channel modes without having ops.

channel set #Camelot +enforcebans
channel set #Camelot +dynamicbans
channel set #Camelot +userbans
channel set #Camelot +dynamicexempts
channel set #Camelot +userexempts
channel set #Camelot +dynamicinvites
channel set #Camelot +userinvites
channel set #Camelot +greet
channel set #Camelot +protectops
channel set #Camelot +protectfriends
channel set #Camelot +statuslog
channel set #Camelot +revenge
channel set #Camelot +revengebot
channel set #Camelot +autovoice
channel set #Camelot +cycle
channel set #Camelot +dontkickops
channel set #Camelot -autoop
channel set #Camelot -bitch
channel set #Camelot -secret
channel set #Camelot -shared

# Here is a shorter example:
# channel add #botcentral {
# chanmode "+mntisl 1"
# idle-kick 1
# }
# channel set #botcentral +bitch +enforcebans -greet +revenge


# This module provides the core server support. You have to load this
# if you want your bot to come on IRC. Not loading this is equivalent
# to the old NO_IRC define.
loadmodule server

# What is your network?
# 0 = EFnet (non +e/+I hybrid)
# 1 = IRCnet
# 2 = Undernet
# 3 = DALnet
# 4 = EFnet +e/+I hybrid
# 5 = Others
set net-type 1

# Set the nick the bot uses on IRC, and on the botnet
# unless you specify a separate botnet-nick, here.

set nick "^^King^Arthur^^"

# Set the alternative nick which the bot uses on IRC if the nick specified
# by 'set nick' is unavailable. All '?' characters will be replaced by random
# numbers.

set altnick "ERROR_666"

# Set what should be displayed in the real-name field for the bot on IRC.
set realname "KingArthur"

# Set here a script to run (if any) when first connecting to a server.
# This is limited to 120 characters.
set init-server { putserv "MODE $botnick +i-ws" }

# Set the default port which should be used if none is specified with
# '.jump' or in 'set servers'.
set default-port 6667

# This is the bot's server list. The bot will start at the first server listed,
# and cycle through them whenever it gets disconnected. You need to change these
# servers to YOUR network's servers.
# The format is:
# server[:port[:password]]
# Both the port and password fields are optional; however, if you want to set a
# password you must also set a port. If a port isn't specified it will default to
# your default-port setting.
set servers {

# This setting makes the bot try to get his original nickname back if its
# primary nickname is already in use.
set keep-nick 1

# Set this to 1 if you don't want your the bot to strip a leading '~'
# on user@hosts.
set strict-host 0

# This setting makes the bot squelch the error message when rejecting a DCC
# CHAT or SEND. Normally it tells the DCC user that the CHAT or SEND has
# been rejected because they don't have access.
# Please note, sometimes IRC server operators detect bots that way.
set quiet-reject 1

# If you want your bot to answer lower case ctcp requests (non rfc-
# compliant), set this setting to 1. mIRC will do this, most other
# clients will not.
set lowercase-ctcp 0

# Set how many ctcps should be answered at once.
set answer-ctcp 3

# Set here how many msgs in how many seconds from one host constitutes
# a flood. If you set this to 0:0, msg flood protection will be disabled.
set flood-msg 5:60

# Set here how many ctcps in how many seconds from one host constitutes
# a flood. If you set this to 0:0, ctcp flood protection will be disabled.
set flood-ctcp 3:60

# This settings makes the bot cycle forever through the server list until
# it successfully connects to one.
set never-give-up 1

# Often, IRC servers call themselves a name other than their actual
# hostname. If you want eggdrop to replace your entry in the config
# file with this name, set this to 1. If you set this setting to 0,
# eggdrop will keep a separate list of what IRC servers call themselves.
set strict-servernames 0

# This setting defines how long eggdrop should wait before moving from one
# server to another on disconnect. If you set 0 here, eggdrop will not wait
# at all and will connect instantly. Setting this too low could result in
# your bot being K:Lined.
set server-cycle-wait 60

# Set here how long eggdrop should wait for a response when connecting to a
# server before giving up and moving on to next server.
set server-timeout 60

# If the number of servers on the net gets below this number, the bot
# will jump to a new server (it will assume it's on the losing end of
# a netsplit). Set this to 0 to turn off. If your bot is running on
# any major IRC network, this should probably be turned off.
set servlimit 0

# Set this to 1 if eggdrop should check for stoned servers? (where the
# server connection has died, but eggdrop hasn't been notified yet).
set check-stoned 1

# This setting allows you the logging of all information received from the
# server via console mode 'r'.
# NOTE: This is a large security hole, allowing people to see user passwords.
# This is now restricted to +n users only. Please choose your owners with
# care.
set use-console-r 0

# This setting allows you the logging of all information sent to the server
# via console mode 'v'.
# NOTE: This is a large security hole, allowing people to see passwords.
# This is now restricted to +n users only. Please choose your owners with
# care.
set debug-output 0

# If you want your bot to exit the server if it receives an ERROR message,
# set this to 1.
set serverror-quit 1

# Set here the maximum number of lines to queue to the server. If you're
# going to dump large chunks of text to people over IRC, you will probably
# want to raise this. 300 is fine for most people though.
set max-queue-msg 300

# If you want eggdrop to trigger binds for ignored users, set this to 1.
set trigger-on-ignore 0

# Allow identical messages in the mode queue?
set double-mode 0

# Allow identical messages in the server queue?
set double-server 0

# Allow identical messages in the help queue?
set double-help 0

# This optimizes the kick queue. It also traces nick changes and parts in
# the channel and changes the kick queue accordingly. There are three
# different options for this setting:
# 0 = Turn it off.
# 1 = Optimize the kick queue by summarizing kicks.
# 2 = Trace nick changes and parts on the channel and change the queue
# accordingly. For example, bot will not try to kick users who have
# already parted the channel.
# ATTENTION: Setting 2 is very CPU intensive.
set optimize-kicks 2

### SERVER MODULE - OTHER NETWORKS (net-type 5) ###

# This settings defines how umode +r is understood by eggdrop. Some
# networks use +r to indicate a restricted connection. If this is your
# case, and you want your bot to leave restricted servers and jump to
# the next server on its list, then set it to 1.
#set check-mode-r 1

# This setting allows you to specify the maximum nick-length supported by
# your network. The default setting is 9. The maximum supported length by
# eggdrop is 32.
#set nick-len 9

#### CTCP MODULE ####

# This module provides the normal ctcp replies that you'd expect.
# Without it loaded, CTCP CHAT will not work. The server module
# is required for this module to function.
loadmodule ctcp

# Set here how the ctcp module should answer ctcps. There are 3 possible
# operating modes:
# 0: Normal behavior is used.
# 1: The bot ignores all ctcps, except for CHAT and PING requests
# by users with the +o flag.
# 2: Normal behavior is used, however the bot will not answer more
# than X ctcps in Y seconds (defined by 'set flood-ctcp').
set ctcp-mode 0

# There are also several variables to help make your bot less noticeable.
# They are: ctcp-version, ctcp-finger, and ctcp-userinfo. You can use set to set
# them to values you'd like.

#### IRC MODULE ####

# This module provides basic IRC support for your bot. You have to
# load this if you want your bot to come on IRC. The server and channels
# modules must be loaded for this module to function.
loadmodule irc

# Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server bans.
set bounce-bans 1

# Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server modes.
set bounce-modes 0

# Set here the maximum number of bans you want the bot to set on a channel.
# Eggdrop will not place any more bans if this limit is reached. Undernet
# and IRCnet currently allow 30 bans, EFnet allows 20, and DALnet allows 100.
set max-bans 20

# There is a global limit for +b/+e/+I modes. This limit is currently set to
# 30 on IRCu 2.10 servers.
set max-modes 30

# Set this to 1 if you want the bot to kick for control character/ctcp
# avalanches to a channel. Remember that if it does, it won't ban them.
# This can start kick floods.
set kick-fun 0

# Set this to 1 if you want the bot to ban for control character/ctcp
# avalanches to a channel. This can prevent kick floods, but it also can
# fill the banlist.
set ban-fun 0

# If you want people to be able to add themselves to the bot's userlist
# with the default userflags (defined above in the config file) via the
# 'hello' msg command, set this to 1.
set learn-users 0

# Set here the time (in seconds) to wait for someone to return from
# a netsplit (i.e. wasop will expire afterwards). Set this to 1500
# on IRCnet since its nick delay stops after 30 minutes.
set wait-split 30

# Set here the time (in seconds) that someone must have been off-channel
# before re-displaying their info line.
set wait-info 180

# Set this to the maximum number of bytes to send in the arguments
# of modes sent to the server. Most servers default this to 200.
set mode-buf-length 200

# Many IRCops find bots by seeing if they reply to 'hello' in a msg.
# You can change this to another word by un-commenting the following
# two lines and changing "myword" to the word wish to use instead of
# 'hello'. It must be a single word.
#unbind msg - hello *msg:Hello
#bind msg - Hi *msg:Hello

# Many takeover attempts occur due to lame users blindly /msg ident'ing to
# the bot and attempting to guess passwords. We now unbind this command by
# default to discourage them. You can enable this command by un-commenting
# the following two lines.
#unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
#Kunbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost

# If you are so lame you want the bot to display peoples info lines, even
# when you are too lazy to add their chanrecs to a channel, set this to 1.
# *NOTE* This means *every* user with an info line will have their info
# line displayed on EVERY channel they join (provided they have been gone
# longer than wait-info).
set no-chanrec-info 0

### IRC MODULE - IRCnet SPECIFIC FEATURES (net-type 1) ###

# Attention: Use these settings *only* if you set 'net-type' to 1!

# Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server exemptions (+e modes).
set bounce-exempts 0

# Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server invitations (+I modes).
set bounce-invites 0

# Set here the maximum number of exempts you want eggdrop to set
# on a channel. Eggdrop will not place any more exempts if this
# limit is reached.
set max-exempts 20

# Set here the maximum number of invites you want eggdrop to set
# on a channel. Eggdrop will not place any more invites if this
# limit is reached.
set max-invites 20

# The following settings should be left commented unless the default values
# are being overridden. By default, exempts and invites are on for IRCnet,
# but off for all other large networks. This behavior can be modified with
# the following 2 flags. If your network doesn't support +e/+I modes then you
# will be unable to use these features.
# Do you want to enable exempts?
set use-exempts 0

# Do you want to use invites?
set use-invites 0

# At the moment, the current IRCnet IRCd version (2.10) doesn't support the mixing
# of b,o and v modes with e and I modes. This might be changed in the future, so
# use 1 at the moment for this setting.
set prevent-mixing 1

### IRC MODULE - OTHER NETWORKS (net-type 5) ###

# Attention: Use these settings *only* if you set 'net-type' to 5!

# If your network supports more users per kick command then 1, you can
# change this behavior here. Set this to the number of users to kick at
# once, or set this to 0 for all at once.
#set kick-method 1

# Some networks allow you to stack lots of channel modes into one line.
# They're all guaranteed to support at least 3, so that's the default.
# If you know your network supports more, you may want to adjust this.
#set modes-per-line 3

# Some networks don't include the +l limit and +k or -k key modes
# in the modes-per-line (see above) limitation. Set include-lk to 0 for
# these networks.
#set include-lk 1

# Set this to 1 if your network uses IRCu2.10.01 specific /who requests.
# Eggdrop can, therefore, ask only for exactly what's needed.
#set use-354 0

# If your network doesn't use rfc 1459 compliant string matching routines,
# set this to 0.
#set rfc-compliant 1


# The transfer module provides dcc send/get support and userfile transfer
# support for userfile sharing. Un-comment the next line to load it if you
# need this functionality.
#loadmodule transfer

# Set here the maximum number of simultaneous downloads to allow for
# each user.
set max-dloads 3

# Set here the block size for dcc transfers. ircII uses 512 bytes,
# but admits that may be too small. 1024 is standard these days.
# Set this to 0 to use turbo-dcc (recommended).
set dcc-block 1024

# Enable this setting if you want to copy files into the /tmp directory
# before sending them. This is useful on most systems for file stability,
# but if your directories are NFS mounted, it's a pain, and you'll want
# to set this to 0. If you are low on disk space, you may also want to
# set this to 0.
set copy-to-tmp 1

# Set here the time (in seconds) to wait before an inactive transfer
# times out.
set xfer-timeout 30

#### SHARE MODULE ####

# This module provides userfile sharing support between two directly
# linked bots. The transfer and channels modules are required for this
# module to correctly function. Un-comment the following line to load
# the share module.
#loadmodule share

# Settings in this section must be un-commented before setting.

# When two bots get disconnected, this setting allows them to create a
# resync buffer which saves all changes done to the userfile during
# the disconnect. When they reconnect, they will not have to transfer
# the complete user file, but, instead, just send the resync buffer.
# NOTE: This has been known to cause loss of channel flags and other
# problems. Using this setting is not recommended.
#set allow-resync 0

# This setting specifies how long to hold another bots resync data
# before flushing it.
#set resync-time 900

# When sharing user lists, DON'T ACCEPT global flag changes from other bots?
# NOTE: The bot will still send changes made on the bot, it just won't accept
# any global flag changes from other bots.
#set private-global 0

# When sharing user lists, if private-global isn't set, which global flag
# changes from other bots should be ignored?
#set private-globals "mnot"

# When sharing user lists, don't accept ANY userfile changes from other
# bots? Paranoid people should use this feature on their hub bot. This
# will force all userlist changes to be made via the hub.
#set private-user 0

# This setting makes the bot discard its own bot records in favor of
# the ones sent by the hub.
# NOTE: No passwords or botflags are shared, only ports and
# address are added to sharing procedure. This only works with hubs that
# are v1.5.1 or higher.
#set override-bots 0


# This module provides provides support for file compression. This allows the
# bot to transfer compressed user files and therefore save a significant amount
# of bandwidth. The share module must be loaded to load this module. Un-comment
# the following line to the compress module.
loadmodule compress

# Allow compressed sending of user files? The user files are
# compressed with the compression level defined in `compress-level'.
set share-compressed 1

# This is the default compression level used.
#set compress-level 9


# This module provides an area within the bot where users can store
# files. With this module, the bot is usable as a file server. The
# transfer module is required for this module to function. Un-comment
# the following line to load the filesys module.
#loadmodule filesys

# Set here the 'root' directory for the file system.
set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys"

# If you want to allow uploads, set this to the directory uploads
# should be put into. Set this to "" if you don't want people to
# upload files to your bot.
set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming"

# If you don't want to have a central incoming directory, but instead
# want uploads to go to the current directory that a user is in, set
# this setting to 1.
set upload-to-pwd 0

# Eggdrop creates a '.filedb' file in each subdirectory of your file area
# to keep track of its own file system information. If you can't do that (for
# example, if the dcc path isn't owned by you, or you just don't want it to do
# that) specify a path here where you'd like all of the database files to be
# stored instead.
set filedb-path ""

# Set here the maximum number of people that can be in the file area at once.
# Setting this to 0 makes it effectively infinite.
set max-file-users 20

# Set here the maximum allowable file size that will be received (in kb).
# Setting this to 0 makes it effectively infinite.
set max-filesize 1024

#### NOTES MODULE ####

# This module provides support for storing of notes for users from each
# other. Note sending between currently online users is supported in the
# core, this is only for storing the notes for later retrieval.
loadmodule notes

# Set here the filename where private notes between users are stored.
set notefile "KingArthurBot.notes"

# Set here the maximum number of notes to allow to be stored for
# each user (to prevent flooding).
set max-notes 50

# Set here how long (in days) to store notes before expiring them.
set note-life 60

# Set this to 1 if you want to allow users to specify a forwarding
# address for forwarding notes to another account on another bot.
set allow-fwd 0

# Set this to 1 if you want the bot to let people know hourly if they
# have any notes.
set notify-users 1

# Set this to 1 if you want the bot to let people know on join if they
# have any notes.
set notify-onjoin 1

# Comment out this next line. Otherwise, your bot won't start.
#die "You didn't edit your config file completely like you were told, did you?"


# This module provides storage of console settings when you exit the
# bot or type .store on the partyline.
loadmodule console

# Save users console settings automatically? Otherwise, they have
# to use the .store command.
set console-autosave 1

# If a user doesn't have any console settings saved, which channel
# do you want them automatically put on?
set force-channel 0

# Enable this setting if a user's global info line should be displayed
# when they join a botnet channel.
set info-party 0


# This is for demonstrative purposes only. If you are looking for starting
# point in writing modules, woobie is the right thing.
loadmodule woobie

#### SEEN MODULE ####

# This module provides very basic seen commands via msg, on channel or via dcc.
# This module works only for users in the bot's userlist. If you are looking for
# a better and more advanced seen module, try the gseen module by G'Quann. You
# can find it at
loadmodule seen


# Eggdrop encrypts its userfile, so users can have secure passwords.
# Please note that when you change your encryption method later (i.e.
# using other modules like a md5 module), you can't use your current
# userfile anymore. Eggdrop will not start without an encryption module.
loadmodule blowfish

#### ASSOC MODULE ####

# This module provides assoc support, i.e. naming channels on the botnet.
# You can load it by un-commenting the following line.
#loadmodule assoc

#### WIRE MODULE ####

# This module provides all the standard .wire commands via dcc. It is an
# encrypted partyline communication tool, compatible with wire.tcl. An
# encryption module must be loaded to use this module. Un-comment the
# following line to load the wire module.
loadmodule wire


# This module reports uptime statistics to
# Go look and see what your uptime is! It takes about 9 hours to show up,
# so if your bot isn't listed, try again later. The server module must be
# loaded for this module to function.
# Information sent to the server includes the bot's uptime, botnet-nick,
# server, version, and IP address. This information is stored in a temporary
# logfile for debugging purposes only. The only publicly available information
# will be the bot's botnet-nick, version and uptime. If you do not wish for this
# information to be sent, comment out the following line.
loadmodule uptime

##### SCRIPTS #####

# This is a good place to load scripts to use with your bot.

# This line loads script.tcl from the scripts directory inside your eggdrop's
# directory. All scripts should be put there, although you can place them where
# you like as long as you can supply a fully qualified path to them.
# source scripts/script.tcl

source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/egghttp.tcl
source scripts/autolimit.tcl
source scripts/autolimit102.tcl
source scripts/winident1.2.tcl
source scripts/amsg.tcl
source scripts/rndctcp.tcl
source scripts/talk.tcl
source scripts/aidle.tcl
source scripts/dcc.tcl
source scripts/identify.tcl

# Use this script for Tcl and eggdrop downwards compatibility.
# NOTE: This can also cause problems with some newer scripts.
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/egghttp.tcl
source scripts/autolimit.tcl
source scripts/autolimit102.tcl
source scripts/winident1.2.tcl
source scripts/amsg.tcl
source scripts/rndctcp.tcl
source scripts/talk.tcl
source scripts/aidle.tcl
source scripts/dcc.tcl
source scripts/identify.tcl

# This script provides many useful informational functions, like setting
# users' URLs, e-mail address, ICQ numbers, etc. You can modify it to add
# extra entries
source scripts/userinfo.tcl

# This is a Tcl script to be run immediately after connecting to a server.
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server
set init-server { putserv "ns identify xxxxxxxx" }

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"
Revered One
Posts: 1203
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:55 am

Re: DCC Chat make me disconnect

Post by willyw »

deejayb wrote: ...
(the Eggdrop and the Mirc are on the same machine -localhost-).

Are you trying to initiate a DCC chat with the bot, using the same method that you would start a DCC chat with any regular user?
If so, try this instead:
/ctcp botnick chat

Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:13 pm

Post by deejayb »

Yes....what can be another method for make a dcc chat with the bot sending it also the password?
Tnx so much!!!!!! :)
Revered One
Posts: 1203
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:55 am

Post by willyw »

deejayb wrote:Hi.
Yes....what can be another method for make a dcc chat with the bot sending it also the password?
Tnx so much!!!!!! :)
What happened when you tried:
/ctcp botnick chat
I cannot tell, from your reply.

Yet another method would be to telnet to the bot.
Use a telnet client program to telnet to the ip address of the bot, and the port you have set with "listen".
It appears you have left it on port 3333.
I don't know where you got your eggdrop.conf ... the .conf that I am used to seeing actually says that you should not keep this set to 3333.
But that is up to you.

If you need a telnet client, here is one: ... nload.html
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