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Op issue

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Joined: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:30 am

Op issue

Post by TheDirtyK »

I have edited my bot config and comment out all lines that say op mecox i'm lame how ever my bot still posts this and even if i op the bot it still continues to say this in one of the channels?

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Re: Op issue

Post by willyw »

TheDirtyK wrote:I have edited my bot config and comment out all lines that say op mecox i'm lame how ever my bot still posts this
For channel config, the bot reads eggdrop.conf one time - when it creates the channel.
After that, the bot reads the .chan file.
Thus, changing the channel configuration in the .conf file does not affect the channel on subsequent restarting of the bot - as you are experiencing.

Change the .chan file (the configuration of any given channel) by using the .chanset command
View the channels config, with the .chaninfo command.
( You can DCC chat with your bot, or telnet into its partyline - correct?)

Join the partyline of your bot - either via DCC or telnet.
.chaninfo #channelname
and you will get a list of settings for that channel.
Look for:
<botnick> To regain op's (need-op):
<botnick> putserv "{ putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :op me cos i'm lame!" }
or something very similar to those two lines.

You can edit this line easily, if you wish.

.chanset #channelname need-op ""
if you wish to eliminate it. (It has been a while, but I believe that will eliminate it)
Check your work, by doing:
.chaninfo #channelname
Is it gone?

You can be sure the changes are saved, with:

...and even if i op the bot it still continues to say this in one of the channels?
Sounds like the bot does not realize that it has been op'd.

A couple things to check:
Go here -
and find:
# Some IRC servers are using some non-standard op-like channel prefixes/modes.
# Define them here so the bot can recognize them. Just "@" should be fine for
# most networks. Un-comment the second line for some UnrealIRCds.
Compare to your .conf . Is your set opchars set correctly?
Not sure if that could be the problem, but it won't hurt to check.

Next, find this section:
# What is your network?
# 0 - EFnet
# 1 - IRCnet
# 2 - Undernet
# 3 - DALnet
# 4 - +e/+I/max-modes 20 Hybrid
# 5 - Others
and compare to yours. Is yours set correctly?

Again, I'm unsure that this could be it, but it can't hurt to check.

Perhaps someone else will be along, with a definite answer for you, as to why your bot continues to display the message, even after it is op'd.
(I've seen this... I know I have... it just escapes me at the moment.)

I hope this helps.
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