Im looking for the following akill type script
Users with A flag on my eggy to be able to type the following akill command via a message command to the bot /botnick akill +1d nick2akill reason (time will be eather in hours or days so should just be able to read +1d or watever that is set as) because akill uses the users ip it should be able to to auto read the users ip from the nick2akill option if possible
example of akill /os akill add +1d usersip reason
Would also need something to send the akill list to a user via privmsg with the command /botnick akill view would send the following command to server /os akill view and would then out put the akill list to the nickname requesting akill view
Another possible if it can be done would be for the bot to log all akills to a file with something along the lines username akilled date time reason for akill and who used the akill command
I currently have the bot using glines but id like for it to beable to use akills instead