I remembered this:wtechboy18 wrote:Is there a way I can make no-one exempt from the bot's badword checking? I left the exmpt field blank but then it didn't trigger anything.
Are you saying that setting exmptype to {} results in the bot not responding to any offense whatsoever from any user? Because nothing in the script indicates such behavior, when set to {} it should not exempt anyone from punishment.wtechboy18 wrote:Thanks for the link. Unfortunately it appears to still not be working... It won't actually kick anyone unless I have something there :/
I tried leaving the exmptype blank and testing it but then it wouldn't trigger for anyone at all. Is there a higher level than ops that I can put in there?
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
paste the tcl script line to help you better.Frozn wrote:Is there a way to modify which mods the bot will remove after a flood? I did specify to put on mr mods on every kinds of flood, but it always puts smir and removes -sminrl. I don't load any other scripts except the ones coming with the default eggdrop1.6.19.
## 23 ## Bad chans/Excess chans.
# Use .chanset #channel ap:bchans + <btime> <pmeth> <btype> <scan-time> (in DCC to enable)
# <scan-time> is the time in minutes in which the bot will scan the channel for users in bad chans. (0 disable)
# Set default value here: (+ enabled, - disabled)
lappend ap:udefs {ap:bchans "+ 5 kb 2 0"}
# For excess channels use:
# .chanset #channel ap:echans <excess-chan-number> <btime> <pmeth> <btype> <scan-time> (in DCC to enable)
# if <excess-chan-number> is 0, then it is disabled.
lappend ap:udefs {ap:echans "0 60 w:kb 2 0"}
# Set default global badchan list here:
set bchans(global) { #example1 #example2 #example3 }
# Bad chans flood protect, stop whois/ctcp incase of x joins in y seconds: (applies on bad versions too)
set bchan(floodprot) 4:10
# Bad chans kick message:
set bchan(kmsg) "Bad chan detected. $kckcount(form)"
# Excess chans kick message:
set bchan(ekmsg) "Excess chans detected. $kckcount(form)"
# Bad/Excess chans check after warning time in seconds.
# Incase you chose to warn the offender (punish method), this is the time in seconds to wait
# before checking again. (keep it 0 if you're not using warn)
# Setting this to 50 or less will be useless, also make sure this is less than pwait.
set bchan(caw) 0
# Bad chans warning message:
set bchan(wmsg) "Warning: You're on a bad chan %bchan, leave it or you'll be kicked from %chan. You have $bchan(caw) seconds to leave %bchan."
# Excess chans warning message:
set bchan(ewmsg) "Warning: You're on excess chans (%echan), maximum allowed is %max. You have $bchan(caw) seconds to leave excess chans."
## Edit the following only if you choose a punish method above 5 (oper commands):
set bchan(ktype) 2
set bchan(klmsg) "Joining bad channels is prohibited on this network."
set bchan(ktime) 0
When i load this on the scripts this is what happen:speechles wrote:Try this..Code: Select all
# AntiSpamBot basic settings # You can edit all these settings as you wish # example: set antispam(nick) AntiSpamBot set antispam(nick) $altnick set antispam(altnick) ${altnick}1 # ADD HERE set antispam(nicks) { nick1 nick2 nick3 } ... putlog "\002AP\002: AntiSpamBot: Cycling $c..." putdcc $antispam(idx) "part $c" # ADD: putdcc $antispam(idx) "nick [lindex $antispam(nicks) [rand [llength $antispam(nicks)]]" # REPLACE: putdcc $antispam(idx) "join $c" WITH: timer 5 [list putdcc $antispam(idx) "join $c"]
It will part, then change nickname randomly, then wait the 5 minutes to rejoin with it's new randomly selected nickname. In this way users in the channel don't witness the event.
* bot1 (bot@bot.org) has joined #channel
* bot3 (bot@bot.org) has joined #channel
* bot1 (bot@bot.org) Quit (Killed (global.hub.dal.net (Nick Collision)))
* bot1 (bot@bot.org) has joined #channel
* bot2 (bot@bot.org) has joined #channel
* bot1 (bot@bot.org) has joined #channel
* bot1 (bot@bot.org) Quit (Killed (toronto.on.ca.dal.net (Nick Collision)))
* bot2 (bot@bot.org) has joined #channel
* bot1 (bot@bot.org) has joined #channel
* bot2 (bot@bot.org) Quit (Killed (ninja.hub.dal.net (Nick Collision)))
* bot1 (bot@bot.org) Quit (Killed (ninja.hub.dal.net (Nick Collision)))
it's happen if I added AllProtection.tcl to my eggdrop.[13:31:57] * Last context: stats:tclstats.c/66 []
[13:31:57] * Please REPORT this BUG!
[13:31:57] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
[13:31:57] * Wrote DEBUG
Connection closed by foreign host.
I used AllProtection version 4.7 stable one.Debug (eggdrop v1.6.20) written Wed Apr 27 15:00:00 2011
Full Patch List:
Tcl library: /usr/local/lib/tcl8.5
Tcl version: 8.5.6 (header version 8.4.9)
Compile flags: gcc -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -I.. -I.. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
Link flags: gcc
Strip flags: touch
Context: stats:slang.c/264, []
stats:slang.c/526, []
stats:slang.c/264, []
stats:slang.c/526, []
stats:slang.c/264, []
stats:slang.c/526, []
stats:slang.c/264, []
stats:slang.c/526, []
stats:slang.c/264, []
stats:slang.c/526, []
stats:slang.c/264, []
stats:slang.c/526, []
stats:slang.c/264, []
stats:slang.c/526, []
stats:slang.c/255, []
stats:tclstats.c/66 []
---- -------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----
3 CCBCD916 17777 (telnet) * lstn 17777
4 00000000 0 (dns) dns (ready)
5 DEADF00D 8036 livestats * lstn port
Compiled without extensive memory debugging (sorry).
Open sockets: 3 (listen), 4 (passed on), 5 (listen), 7 (file), done.