For the opchars issue, the opchars feature in Eggdrop is useless, it only works on the initial join of the bot, it doesn't even parse +a/+q changes. It's planned to be fixed, but in the meantime you can use a script like this which will provide you [isadmin] and [isowner] so you can use them in your code ({[isop $n $c] || [isadmin $n $c] || [isowner $n $c]}). It's adjusted for UnrealIRCd, if you have different modes you might need to adjust the "parsemodestr" procedure to account for other modes (raw 005 tells you about them).
i checked and it already says: set opchars "@&~"
These are correct for my server too but if u are a & or ~ ie: admin or founder it dont work.
It only works with ops, @ :/
I don't know what to say.
I just tried it with a bot of mine, in a channel I own.
The ircd is Unreal3.2.1
and I do not appear with @. I appear in my channel with ~.
In the partyline:
.tcl isop <mynick> #mychan
<botnick> Tcl: 1
So, the bot is detecting me as an op.
I'm sorry that it isn't working for you, and I wish I knew what else to tell you to try. If it is something simple, then it is escaping me at the moment.
Ok, just figured it out, if the chan is reged and u are the owner u get ~ and when u join it sets u as +oq and as admin sets u as +oa so u always get the +o flag as op.
I had my auto op turned off so i had to manually set my self as owner thus i wasent getting the +o flag.