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OpList with Chanserv

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Post by TCL_no_TK »

Nope I've run it again to make sure, it does not say "end of list" either on the channel nor in the console.
:roll: I was hoping you won't reply back saying that. bugga :!: errrm... I think I'll re-rite the get sop/aop then, so it will remove its selfs its not reciving anything from chanserv. Thou without eggdrop reciving the "End of List", I cant say this will be 100% effective at preventing it from getting corrupted(*1)
As for networks, thats a good point. If you will be releasing this script publicly, you may need to have a bind there that people can change depending on their network, be it efnet dalnet or unet.

Maybe a variable with a 1 2 or 3 and they can select the network they use perhaps. I testing this on Dalnet btw
narr, i took this request cos it interested me. I doubt id release the script, so i dont really plan on making it so it works on multi-network or whateva. As long as it works, i think thats pretty much as far as i'll take it. But anyone else is welcome to modify/change or even release it if they can offer support for it(*2).

Hopefully then everything should be fixed in my next re-rite of the script :D Will keep yah posted.

*1 - SOP/AOP list being mixed with INFO for example
*2 - <offtopic>usually I consider everything I post on the forum to be "public domain" these days. There is always a better way of doing something i've done, and i know alot of people on this forum can do half the things it takes me days to learn how to do in less than a seconds :)</offtopic>
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