Sometime ago I had great success running different irc games like Trivia and Uno so I've decided to make it full time uptime by setting up an eggdrop with such scripts.
Since our channel is public, lately we had a couple of trolls coming and ruining our fun by triggering multiple games at once - when we played trivia they triggered uno or hangman, etc.
It got me so frustrated that I had to revert back to mIrc scripts and only enable single game at a time.
My request is if it's possible to make a script that would disable triggering the other games while a certain one is played.
I was thinking about something like this:
When bot says the words " Starting the trivia...." it would set a counter. Then when another trigger is typed (!uno) it would do nothing, because a counter is set. Then when bot finishes a game by saying " Stopping the trivia..." the counter is set to 0 and other triggers to start the games can be used again.
Is that possible?
My TCL and MSL scripting knowledge is pretty much null and I failed miserably when I tried to make this script for mIrc at least.
Thank you for all your help in advance.
With a simple 'setudef int game' and define 0 = no game is active, 1 = trivia, 2 = hangman and 3 = uno (or whatever order you wish) you can achieve this goal.
Get the active running game (if any) with '[channel get #channel game]' you get an integer number representing the current running game (if any).
Then in trivia for instance, at the '!start' proc add a line like:
# will block the start of the game
if {[channel get $chan game] != 1} return
# since no game is active, we let them start this game
if {![channel get $chan game]} {
channel set $chan game 1
# if the 'trivia' game is the current game running we stop it and allow other games to be started
if {[channel get $chan game] == 1} {
channel set $chan game 0
And similar lines added to other games, the only difference is the number defining the game. Be sure to replace '$chan' with the actual variable representing the channel and drop a message if you get stuck or you don't understand anything from what I wrote above.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
Hey caesar, thanks for your quick reply.
If I understood it right I have to write "setudef int game" somewhere in the script too? Now, I've tried this with around 3 different trivias, Marky's color uno and Crack the code script, before I gave up. Nothing worked for me and I don't know what I was doing wrong. I searched for the start and stop processes and inserted the code there, but when I started my bot the scripts suddenly stopped working and did not want to start even. Basically they weren't responding to !trivia nor !uno nor !ctc nor any start command.
I'll copy-paste the part of Marky's color uno script code and please correct me what I am doing wrong.
(notice: the start proc is after the stop so I've put setudef here)
# stop a game
setudef int game
proc UnoStop {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
global UnoOn UnoPaused UnPlayedRounds UnoStartTimer UnoSkipTimer UnoCycleTimer UnoLastWinner UnoWinsInARow
if {(![uno_ischan $chan])||($UnoOn == 0)} {return}
# if the 'trivia' game is the current game running we stop it and allow other games to be started
if {[channel get $UnoChan game] == 1} {
channel set $UnoChan game 0
catch {killutimer $UnoStartTimer}
catch {killtimer $UnoSkipTimer}
catch {killutimer $UnoCycleTimer}
# remove player dcc list
set UnoOn 0
set UnoPaused 0
set UnPlayedRounds 0
set UnoLastWinner ""
set UnoWinsInARow 0
unochanmsg "stopped by $nick"
# first entry
proc UnoInit {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
global UnoOn
if {(![uno_ischan $chan])||($UnoOn > 0)} {return}
# will block the start of the game
if {[channel get $UnoChan game] != 1} return
# since no game is active, we let them start this game
if {![channel get $UnoChan game]} {
channel set $UnoChan game 1
#unochanmsg "$nick\!$uhost"
set UnoOn 1
proc UnoStart {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
# will block the start of the game cos another game is already running
if {![channel get $chan game]} return
# no game is started so we start this one
channel set $chan game 1
proc UnoStop {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
# will block the stop of the game cos this game isn't the one that's currently running
if {[channel get $chan game] != 1} return
# will stop the game and allow any (including this one) game to be started
channel set $chan game 0
proc TriviaStart {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
# will block the start of the game cos another game is already running
if {![channel get $chan game]} return
# no game is started so we start this one
channel set $chan game 2
proc TriviaStop {nick uhost hand chan txt} {
# will block the stop of the game cos this game isn't the one that's currently running
if {[channel get $chan game] != 2} return
# will stop the game and allow any (including this one) game to be started
channel set $chan game 0
Hope it makes more sense now.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.