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Outputting color codes in a dictionary type script

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Outputting color codes in a dictionary type script

Post by cimeran »

Please note: I fixed this error by stripping curly braces from the definitions before they were output by the bot....

Howdy all. I'm using this script to do simple getting/setting of messages. Trying like the dickens to set a message to use some color like so:

!learn test One word is \002bold\002 and \00312some are in\003 color.

But when it gets echoed back it literally prints the backslashes and numbers rather than formatting the message. The script speaks thusly:

putserv "privmsg $target :$msg"

So it seems like it should end up bolded, in color, whatever. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by nml375 »

There is no substitution done on the entered text, neither is there of the contents of $msg in that line of code you posted. Thus, \002 will be printed literally, and not the control-codes you expected.
You could use the "subst" command to force another iteration of substitutions, though you'll have to be careful to not introduce remote exploits (make sure you use -nocommands -novariables for starters).

Also, this script has a few issues with mixed lists and strings, though I don't think these will affect the use of "subst".
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:52 pm

Post by cimeran »

Thanks for the information. I've solved the problem, but as I get more comfy in tcl I'll try to address the issues you mention.

nml375 wrote:There is no substitution done on the entered text, neither is there of the contents of $msg in that line of code you posted. Thus, \002 will be printed literally, and not the control-codes you expected.
You could use the "subst" command to force another iteration of substitutions, though you'll have to be careful to not introduce remote exploits (make sure you use -nocommands -novariables for starters).

Also, this script has a few issues with mixed lists and strings, though I don't think these will affect the use of "subst".
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