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Birdy (OAuth, Twitter, Tweets&MegaHAL v6.01d) Jun12,2013

Support & discussion of released scripts, and announcements of new releases.
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Post by Trixar_za »

By the looks of it, you didn't really setup the script properly. Do you have the MegaHAL module compiled for your Eggdrop? If not, why didn't you disable it in the config portion of twitter.tcl?
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Post by speechles »

Farbmeister wrote:I have this error ?!?!

Code: Select all

Eggdrop: [19:21] Tcl error [proc:twitter:friendsauto]: no such channel record
Eggdrop: [19:21] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: no such channel record
Eggdrop: [19:21] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal]: no such channel record
Have I forgotten anything?
What can i do ?

Code: Select all


# Accts to tweet to
# "#channel|Login|Consumer_key|Consumer_secret|Access_token|Access_token_secret[|tweet-format]"
# --
# Channel name here uses lowercase, your actual
# channel case is irrevelant. But here you must
# use lowercase only
# --
# tweet-format is entirely optional and used as
# an optional local over-ride. If no tweet-format
# is given the globaltwitterformat will be used.
# --
# (list)
set twitter(accts) {
For this setting to work. You MUST associate a channel to each account. This channel MUST exist on your eggdrop. This channel MUST be created dynamically; with .+chan #chan via partyline. If you have used the static "channel section" within eggdrop.conf to create your channels, this is incorrect. This method of creating channels IS NOT supported, nor will it ever be.

If you need more help let me know.. :)
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Post by speechles »

Code: Select all

# 8) --> TRACK SETTINGS <--

# do you want to use search word tracking?
# this allows you to track search terms in real time
# into your irc channel. Think of it like being able
# to +follow search terms.
set twitter(usetracking) 1

# set the limit of new track announces you will see
# each update cycle.
set twitter(tracklimit) 4

# set the time interval to check for new search items
# you are tracking.
set twitter(tracktimestring) [list "*"]
A new major addition has just been added. This involves real-time search tracking. You can now use this to +track <search terms> on the fly and have them automatically relay to IRC in real time. This gives you access to 3 new commands.
+track - add items to search tracking
-track - remove items from search tracking
!track - list items being search tracked

To have this work "automatically" you must:
.chanset #yourchan +twittertrack
<speechles> +track to:justinbieber
<sp33chy> Tracking Modified for (#roms-isos@suqmuhnutz) (Added): to:justinbieber
<sp33chy> ThergAlfaro: @justinbieber love ye ♥ ! pretty handomee ♥ ! ( 59795661322854401@ThergAlfaro - 16s ago via web )
<sp33chy> Jose_Larrain: @justinbieber just I love u, I spend all day thinking about u, watching videos, photos, it's amazing how pretty u are. Follow me back ( 59795669233303553@Jose_Larrain - 14s ago via web )
<sp33chy> l3bo4lif3: @justinbieber a follow from u would be a dream come true iloveyou <3 ( 59795692100657152@l3bo4lif3 - 9s ago via Twitter for iPhone )
<sp33chy> StopMeBieber98: @justinbieber Follow Me Please ? im chilean ! ( 59795697528094722@StopMeBieber98 - 8s ago via web )
<speechles> -track to:justinbieber
<sp33chy> Tracking Modified for (#roms-isos@suqmuhnutz) (Removed): to:justinbieber
<speechles> !track
<sp33chy> There are no trackings created for (#roms-isos@suqmuhnutz).
To track multiple terms, use OR, in capitals, like below:
+track #this OR #that

Tracking such as the above, will use the OR as an operator rather than a search term.

To track multiple terms, use AND, in capitals, like below:
+track #this AND #that

Tracking such as the above, will use the AND as an operator rather than a search term. This is the same as simply doing like below:
+track #this #that

The default method when multiple terms are found is AND.

You also have use of +terms and -terms to use to force tweets to contain or not-contain those terms respectively, such as below:
+track +this -that OR +thisOtherThing -ThatThing

Everything twitter allows as search terms on is allowed within +track as well. When you go too wild with search terms you are tracking, Twitter will alert you with an OAuth error indicating It. So be creative and most important, have a fun.. ;D
This shows all the methods the script supports with tracking. Use these in combinations as well. Use the url above to learn new ways to track events.

Here's the newest version for all your downloading pleasures...
OAuth, Twitter, Tweets & MegaHAL v5.04

Note: If you need help using this script, please ask. This thread is your documentation. If you need help, if you need features explained. Please ask, don't be afraid, your questions are not stupid. Feel free to ask anything. ;)

Also, remember, the setup guide to this script can be found below:

Follow the 20 steps at the url above and report back which steps fail for you. They can always be easily solved.
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Post by Football »

Hey Speechless I need your help please.

The first time I downloaded twitter and typed !mymessages I could see who wrote me a private messages, I've messed it up a bit and can't see who messaged me now, it just writes my name instead of the user who sent me the messages.

How do I convert it backwards?


[20:39:43] <@Football> ( 1-1 ) Private timelines ( #Moderators@IRCFootball ):
[20:39:45] <@Football> IRC Football: DM is fine. ( 277563917@IRCFootball - 2w, 5m, 47s ago via )
[20:39:45] <@Football> IRC Football: I'll take some time to read it. I'll get back to you. Thanks for considering @Messistats! ( 277563917@IRCFootball - 2w, 5m, 47s ago via )
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Post by speechles »

Football wrote:Hey Speechless I need your help please.

The first time I downloaded twitter and typed !mymessages I could see who wrote me a private messages, I've messed it up a bit and can't see who messaged me now, it just writes my name instead of the user who sent me the messages.

How do I convert it backwards?


[20:39:43] <@Football> ( 1-1 ) Private timelines ( #Moderators@IRCFootball ):
[20:39:45] <@Football> IRC Football: DM is fine. ( 277563917@IRCFootball - 2w, 5m, 47s ago via )
[20:39:45] <@Football> IRC Football: I'll take some time to read it. I'll get back to you. Thanks for considering @Messistats! ( 277563917@IRCFootball - 2w, 5m, 47s ago via )
<speechl3s> !mymessages
<sp33chy> ( 4-1 ) Private timelines ( #roms-isos@suqmuhnutz ):
<sp33chy> firefox: Thanks for following us! Let us know if you have any questions. ( 1036907785@firefox - 1y, 4d, 2h, 59m, 16s ago via DM )
<sp33chy> WWEUniverse: Greetings! Thanks for following the @WWEUniverse! Visit to join WWE discussions 24/7! ( 1919138701@WWEUniverse - 21w, 3d, 3h, 14m, 40s ago via DM )
<sp33chy> emilyDENISEkyle: eMiLy_D_K uses TrueTwit validation service. To validate click here: ( 2291082534@emilyDENISEkyle - 11w, 2d, 4h, 51m, 38s ago via DM )
<sp33chy> realMickFoley: watch Conan tonight and find out. ( 2666275346@realMickFoley - 3w, 6d, 1h, 23m, 20s ago via DM )
This updated v5.04 includes, a working !mymessages now. It will now work correctly. Expect !private for tweeting private messages soon, as well as an automation to announce new direct messages as they occur all in real-time.. :wink:

Original post, below....

Hmm... You're using an undocumented command though. Which means, you found an easter egg :)

Those are commands I've partially added support for, but not entirely or correctly. So I never actually discussed the script as having a !mymessages command on this forum. It does exist, but yes, it does a few things incorrectly. If you can read your "private messages" via !mymessages, at the same time you will be able to !private your direct-messages. That's why this partial feature exists, and why it doesn't work properly. When it does, both !mymessages and !private will be documented, together, at the same time. Back and forth, forever. (poor, me and you and everyone we know joke, i know :P)

But, in the meantime, investigate the +track command.

And those who have earlier grabbed copies of the script, prior to April 19th. You will want to redownload the files again, replacing twitter.tcl. There were some early issues with early v5.04 releases, that are now corrected in the final v5.04 that exists on site now. These issues involve correctly saving and loading special characters contained within +track automations. In its earlier form, special characters like " issued within +track queries will cause your bot to crash on any rehash after. This is due to it not being able to load it's prior saved twitter.dat. This has been corrected now, feel safe by redownloading the script above and having special characters like " in your +track list will no longer crash your bot and will work as designed now... :)

Remember, some features exist in the script in partial form for a reason. Not because they are broken, but because they are "still in the womb" so to speak. They aren't born or ready to be fully born yet... :D
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Post by Football »

great work speechless, I love this script!
can't wait for the private message update!
Idling at #Football, Quakenet.
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Post by speechles »

Football wrote:great work speechless, I love this script!
can't wait for the private message update!
Well, you no longer need to wait...This update corrects many issues regarding incorrect elements displaying. Geo-tagged tweets are now supported. Re-tweets, supported fully. And also, Private is working.

The only thing that isnt yet.. The automation to announce new private messages as they come in..This will happen in the future. Many things I had in mind to include just didn't have time to include...yet. Since this is a rather huge update, including many more triggers which I will explain below:

!rt <ID#> - retweets that ID in your own timeline. This is a native retweet.
!rtofme [<range>] - your Retweets of me timeline.
!rtbyme [<range>] - your Retweets by me timeline.
!rttome [<range>] - your Retweets to me timeline.

!private <@username> <message> - sends a direct message to @username
!myprivates [<range>] - lists the private messages you've sent
!mymessages [<range>] - list the private messages you've received.
<speechles> !myprivates
<sp33chy] ( 4-1 ) Private sent timelines ( #roms-isos@suqmuhnutz ):
<sp33chy> SinR McSinR (#roms-isos@efnet): <speechles> no stuff for you #NoStuff :*( ( 3049426372@suqmuhnutz - 21m, 32s ago via DM )
<sp33chy> SinR McSinR (#roms-isos@efnet): <speechles> Hi Nao ( 3049515980@suqmuhnutz - 7m, 57s ago via DM )
<sp33chy> SinR McSinR (#roms-isos@efnet): <speechles> Hi Nao .. and now will works right and say it did ( 3049522409@suqmuhnutz - 6m, 56s ago via DM )
<sp33chy> SinR McSinR (#roms-isos@efnet): <SinR> NiHao ( 3049550359@suqmuhnutz - 2m, 35s ago via DM )

<speechles> !private @suqmuhnutz HEY LOOK I CAN EVEN MESSAGE MYSELF.. #special ;)
<sp33chy> Direct message created: ( 3049851549@suqmuhnutz - 0s ago via DM )

<speechles> !tweet -d @suqmuhnutz and i can direct message thru tweet like a normal twitter client ;)
<sp33chy> Direct message created: ( 3049856034@suqmuhnutz - 0s ago via DM )

<speechles> !tsearch "where's the eggdrop"
<sp33chy> ( 1-1 ) Search timelines ( #kangaroopocket@suqmuhnutz ):
<sp33chy> VirtualKenneth: @SimonLong_ Dude, where's the eggdrop? ;) ( 70551376039641088@VirtualKenneth - 3h, 9m, 29s ago via Trillian )

<speechles> !rt 70551376039641088
<sp33chy> ReTweet created: ( 70551376039641088@VirtualKenneth -> 70599120708059138@suqmuhnutz - 3h, 9m, 39s ago via Trillian )

<speechles> !user 1-1
<sp33chy> ( 1-1 ) User timelines ( #kangaroopocket@suqmuhnutz ) :
<sp33chy> #roms-isos@efnet (RT Kenneth v Ditmarsch): RT @VirtualKenneth: @SimonLong_ Dude, where's the eggdrop? ;) ( 70551376039641088@VirtualKenneth - 3h, 9m, 54s ago via Trillian )

<speechles> !user google
<sp33chy> ( 4-1 ) User timelines ( google ) :
<sp33chy> A Googler: Crossing the river from Kansas City, KS to Kansas City, MO: ultra high-speed broadband available in both KCs in 2012 ( 70550207703691264@google - 3h, 15m, 2s ago via web )
<sp33chy> A Googler: RT @googlecalendar How do @Etsy @Charm_CityCakes @Littletechgirl use Google Calendar? Check out our new User Stories! ( 70568488934182913@google - 2h, 2m, 23s ago via web )
<sp33chy> A Googler: Cool Google Translate tricks from beatboxing to song lyrics, ( 70572488177889282@google - 1h, 46m, 29s ago via web )
<sp33chy> A Googler (RT Google Docs(97)): RT @googledocs: Summarize your data with pivot tables, now available in Google spreadsheets ( 70579791589416960@googledocs - 1h, 17m, 28s ago via web )
The above is just a small example of how this all looks. Retweet counts will be displayed if twitter includes them, only native retweets will be seen with (RT username(count)) at the start of their tweet. Some native retweets wont contain a count, blame twitter. They sometimes include them, sometimes they don't. It isn't the script causing this.. :)

There are also, other corrections and features that you will find by experimentation.

Have a fun.. Dance like an robot.. And try this version out:
OAuth, Twitter, Tweets & MegaHAL v5.05

Questions? Comments? Feature requests?

All of these are welcome...
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Post by Football »

Hey speechless, great update.

Need your help with two errors:

[11:50:33] <Soccer> [08:50:27] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: can't read "z": no such variable

2nd Error, which I get all the time:

[11:53:52] <Soccer> [08:53:46] OAuth failed: (???) Unknown problem... No reason given...( timeout )
[11:53:57] <Soccer> [08:53:51] OAuth failed: (???) Unknown problem... No reason given...( timeout )
[11:54:02] <Soccer> [08:53:56] OAuth failed: (???) Unknown problem... No reason given...( timeout )

[11:53:07] [Soccer VERSION reply]: eggdrop v1.6.20+RC1

Any thoughts?

Idling at #Football, Quakenet.
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Post by speechles »

Football wrote:Hey speechless, great update.

Need your help with two errors:

[11:50:33] <Soccer> [08:50:27] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: can't read "z": no such variable
That error isn't really an error, as much as me releasing it half tested. After full testing, now comes version 5.05a found below. ;)
Football wrote:2nd Error, which I get all the time:

[11:53:52] <Soccer> [08:53:46] OAuth failed: (???) Unknown problem... No reason given...( timeout )
[11:53:57] <Soccer> [08:53:51] OAuth failed: (???) Unknown problem... No reason given...( timeout )
[11:54:02] <Soccer> [08:53:56] OAuth failed: (???) Unknown problem... No reason given...( timeout )
Those errors are caused by twitter. It becomes so over loaded, it doesn't give the socket any indication as to WTF is going on. So the connection is aborted, rather than halted and the process normally terminating. This causes those errors to at times tumble in sequence into party line. These only occur when twitter themselves are having capacity issues. Because the script stays as real-time as possible, it's intimacy with twitter is felt. When you experience problems on twitters web interface at you will also experience problems with this script. This is because of the intimacy I explained above, not because of any outright flaw... :)

Get the newest version, as always at the url found below:
Birdy (OAuth, Twitter, Tweets & MegaHAL) v5.05a

...and as always, any further problems, features, complaints, etc... feel free to explore them here.
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Post by Kurthalis »


Love the script. I'd like to restrict access to tweet for those I add to the bot (grant channel flags too), and not for channel ops. In my channel we have a lot of @s, but only a handful are actually users on our eggdrop.

Code: Select all

# what modes can people temporarily tweet with
# these are channel modes, not flags on the bot
# you can use op, voice, or both, or "".
# (list)
set twitter(channel) [list ""]
I set "" (I'm assuming this means neither voice or op), but I get this error when I attempt to tweet:

Code: Select all

Tcl error [proc:tweet]: invalid command name "is"
A solution would be appreciated. :)
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Post by speechles »

Kurthalis wrote:@Speechles

Love the script. I'd like to restrict access to tweet for those I add to the bot (grant channel flags too), and not for channel ops. In my channel we have a lot of @s, but only a handful are actually users on our eggdrop.

Code: Select all

# what modes can people temporarily tweet with
# these are channel modes, not flags on the bot
# you can use op, voice, or both, or "".
# (list)
set twitter(channel) [list ""]
I set "" (I'm assuming this means neither voice or op), but I get this error when I attempt to tweet:

Code: Select all

Tcl error [proc:tweet]: invalid command name "is"
A solution would be appreciated. :)
Seems the documentation for that is wrong. I need to fix that. The correct way to eliminate both ops and voices from using it.

Code: Select all

# what modes can people temporarily tweet with
# these are channel modes, not flags on the bot
# you can use op, voice, or both, or "".
# (list)
set twitter(channel) [list]
You set the list empty. Using [list ""] sets the list to having 1 element, an empty element albeit. Using
  • sets it as an empty list, with 0 elements... Sorry for that confusion.

    Also, Birdy needs a face to match it's cute new name. So if anyone with photoshop skills would like to help. For 3 scripts: Webby, Birdy, Unofficial Incith Google ... I need some graphics designed for each of these. Webby is a capable browser for eggdrop, using regexp matching to facilitate scraping. Birdy is this script of course. And finally, the Unofficial Incith Google, which will shortly be known as just "Googley". Use your imagination. For those who can do this, I will purchase the rights to use your graphics. Have a fun. ;)
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Still getting this error, channel is dynamic.

Post by Nickmman »

Still getting this error, channel is dynamic:

Code: Select all

.+chan #nick
[20:12:13] #Nick# +chan #nick
[20:12:14] NickBot joined #Nick.
[20:12:14] #Nick: mode change '+o NickBot' by ChanServ!
[20:12:14] -ChanServ ( (#Nick) Welcome to Nick's channel! Type ,help to see nanobot's commands!
[20:13:00] Tcl error [proc:twitter:friendsauto]: no such channel record
[20:13:01] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: no such channel record
.chanset #nick +twitter
.chanset #nick +twitterfriends
.chanset #nick +twittermentions
.chanset #nick +twittertrack Successfully set modes { +twitter  } on #nick.
[20:13:08] #Nick# chanset #nick +twitter
Successfully set modes { +twitterfriends  } on #nick.
[20:13:08] #Nick# chanset #nick +twitterfriends
Successfully set modes { +twittermentions  } on #nick.
[20:13:08] #Nick# chanset #nick +twittermentions
[20:14:00] Tcl error [proc:twitter:friendsauto]: no such channel record
[20:14:00] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: no such channel record

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Re: Still getting this error, channel is dynamic.

Post by speechles »

Nickmman wrote:Still getting this error, channel is dynamic:

Code: Select all

.+chan #nick
[20:12:13] #Nick# +chan #nick
[20:12:14] NickBot joined #Nick.
[20:12:14] #Nick: mode change '+o NickBot' by ChanServ!
[20:12:14] -ChanServ ( (#Nick) Welcome to Nick's channel! Type ,help to see nanobot's commands!
[20:13:00] Tcl error [proc:twitter:friendsauto]: no such channel record
[20:13:01] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: no such channel record
.chanset #nick +twitter
.chanset #nick +twitterfriends
.chanset #nick +twittermentions
.chanset #nick +twittertrack Successfully set modes { +twitter  } on #nick.
[20:13:08] #Nick# chanset #nick +twitter
Successfully set modes { +twitterfriends  } on #nick.
[20:13:08] #Nick# chanset #nick +twitterfriends
Successfully set modes { +twittermentions  } on #nick.
[20:13:08] #Nick# chanset #nick +twittermentions
[20:14:00] Tcl error [proc:twitter:friendsauto]: no such channel record
[20:14:00] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: no such channel record

within your twitter config, where you edit twitter.tcl and look at the #comments at the very top of the script.

Find this setting: set twitter(accts) {

within that list, does it start with "#nick" at the front, as the channel. This list has to be built according to certain syntax rules so the script can understand how to complete oauth exchanges.
Keep in mind: There is this easy 20 step set-up guide for this script available. ;)

If you've done all this already. Then what I need is you to give me more context to go on. Make sure within your eggdrop.conf you have found these two lines:
unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
unbind dcc n set *dcc:set

Change them to:
bind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
bind dcc n set *dcc:set

then .rehash

Now on the bot's partyline, immediately after one of these errors occurs. Type: .set $::errorInfo

Notice the uppercase I, that is important, it must be typed exactly as above.

Paste the information given from this and it will make it clearer exactly what the issue is.
Last edited by speechles on Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nickmman »

Yep, starts with #nick. Did everything you told me to, still get the same error:

Code: Select all

[10:20:01] @#nick (+tnl 22) : [m/13 o/11 h/0 v/2 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
[10:20:15] #Nick# rehash
[10:20:15] Rehashing ...
[10:20:15] Listening at telnet port 3993 (all).
[10:20:16] [Twitter]: Found zlib package! Gzip enabled.
[10:20:16] Twitter, Tweets with Megahal v5.05a (Idea and original script by Warlord, Super-Action rocket missles by speechles) Loaded..
[10:20:16] RSS Syndication Script v0.4 (2007-02-08): Loaded.
[10:20:16] <14debug> version 1.0.1 by arfer loaded
[10:20:16] Bazman`s SuPeRsCrIpT v1.1 AcTiVaTeD.
[10:20:16] pingmeter.tcl by arfer/nml375 version 1.1 loaded
[10:20:16] gconvert.tcl v2.0 by AkiraX <#AnimeFiends@EFnet> loaded!
[10:20:16] PORTCHECK: PortCheck.tcl Version 2.0 by Wcc is loaded.
[10:20:16] XE Universal Currency Convertor 0.02f by rosc loaded.
[10:20:16] Userinfo TCL v1.07 loaded (URL BF GF IRL EMAIL DOB PHONE ICQ).
[10:20:16] use '.help userinfo' for commands.
[10:20:16] DNS Lookup v1.0 by Vertex & dw loaded
[10:20:16]  - Stimps Little DNS Lookup Script v2.1 has Loaded!
[10:20:16] HOST 1.1 (ported to eggdrop 1.3.x) by Samurai_G <> loaded.
[10:20:16] nslookup v1.0 by gozzip loaded
[10:20:16] Userfile loaded, unpacking...
[10:21:00] Tcl error [proc:twitter:friendsauto]: no such channel record
[10:21:01] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: no such channel record
.set $:errorInfo
[10:21:10] #Nick# set $:errorInfo
Error: can't read "$:errorInfo": no such variable

.set $errorInfo
[10:21:47] #Nick# set $errorInfo
Error: can't read "can't read "$:errorInfo": no such variable
    while executing
"set $:errorInfo"": no such variable
[10:22:00] Tcl error [proc:twitter:friendsauto]: no such channel record
[10:22:01] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: no such channel record
[10:23:00] Tcl error [proc:twitter:friendsauto]: no such channel record
[10:23:01] Tcl error [proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply]: no such channel record
.set errorInfo
[10:23:29] #Nick# set errorInfo
Currently: no such channel record
Currently:     while executing
Currently: "channel get $chan twitter"
Currently:     (procedure "proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply" line 8)
Currently:     invoked from within
Currently: "proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply $_time1 $_time2 $_time3 $_time4 $_time5"

Need more information?
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Post by speechles »

Nickmman wrote:Yep, starts with #nick. Did everything you told me to, still get the same error:
The issue I think, is that channel. You will need to:
.-chan #nick

Removing it, then... after this..
.+chan #nick

Adding it back, all your users, all your chansets, all your settings..
This script uses [channel get $chan setting] to check chanset controls. This method requires dynamically created channels, only.

Code: Select all

Currently: no such channel record
Currently:     while executing
Currently: "channel get $chan twitter"
Currently:     (procedure "proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply" line 8)
Currently:     invoked from within
Currently: "proc:twitter:megahal:privatereply $_time1 $_time2 $_time3 $_time4 $_time5" 
This confirms my suspicion that your eggdrop is either:
a) idling in an invalid channel somehow
b) is not in #nick so how can it control chansets there
c) a mystery and we need scooby doo, the kids, and their mystery machine.
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