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Connecting vBulletin Users Database Table with IRC

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:53 am

Post by danswano »

Hello dude, i saw a field called "salt" in my vb_user table contain random characters that adds the extra encryption, can you write something so the tcl can read both the password and the salt fields together as vbulletin read them?

someone assured for me that vbulletin use this method of hashing:

Code: Select all

$password_hash = md5(md5($password_text) . $user_salt);
please help me :)
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:49 pm

Post by Murtific »

I'm very interested in this, However I would like it if the bot had o:line access to be able to kick people off the server within 10 seconds if they did not /msg bot username pass.

I saw this in another forum and thought it might be helpful for this thread. ... connecting

If it is at all possible for somebody to code this, this would be awesome.

I also want the bot to invite users to multiple channels on authorization and I want it to have commands so that I can add people to @ list +list and regular.

Also depending upon what access they have (@+) I'd like them to be invited to those channels as well.

WOULD LOVE TO SEE THIS!!!!!!!!!! I dont know anything about this type of coding or how to put it into my IRCD, but I'm willing to learn and if somebody is able to create this, would be nice for a step by step tutorial. <3 in advance.
Posts: 97
Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:53 am

Post by doggo »

this should do the trick, bit late with the response but... :D

Code: Select all

package require mysqltcl 3.05
package require md5 

namespace eval reqs { 
namespace eval sett { 

variable req_chan "#YOUR_CHAN" 

variable db_host "DB_HOST" 
variable db_port "3306" 
variable db_username "DB_USER" 
variable db_password "DB_PASSWORD" 
variable db_name "DB_NAME" 

variable db_table "TABLE_NAME" 
variable db_user "USERNAME_FIELD" 
variable db_pass "PW_FIELD" 
variable db_salt "SALT_FIELD" 


bind MSGM -|- "*" reqs::user_add_voice::voice_add_user 



namespace eval user_add_voice {  
proc voice_add_user {nick uhost handle text} { 

set check_nick [lindex $text 0] 
set get_pass [lindex $text 1] 
set salt [lindex $text 1]

# from what you said above
# $password_hash = md5(md5($password_text) . $user_salt);
# but without acces to a forum db i cannot test and have no idea on how the pws are stored/encrypted...

set check_pass [md5 [md5 $salt][md5[$getpass]]

set find_it [::mysql::connect -host $reqs::sett::db_host -port $reqs::sett::db_port -user $reqs::sett::db_username -password $reqs::sett::db_password -db $reqs::sett::db_name]; 
set it_find [::mysql::sel $find_it "SELECT $reqs::sett::db_user,$reqs::sett::db_pass FROM $reqs::sett::db_table WHERE $reqs::sett::db_user = '$check_nick' AND $reqs::sett::db_pass = '$check_pass'" AND $reqs::sett::db_salt = '$check_pass'"-flatlist]; 
::mysql::endquery $find_it 
::mysql::close $find_it 

if {$it_find == ""} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :invalid login";return} else { 

set valid_nick [lindex $it_find 0] 
set valid_pass [lindex $it_find 1] 

if {![isvoice $nick $reqs::sett::req_chan] && $check_nick == "$valid_nick" && $check_pass == "$valid_pass"} {

   putquick "MODE $reqs::sett::req_chan +v $nick" 
   putquick "NOTICE $nick :thanks for logging in.." 

    } else { 



untested :)
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