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Post by blake »


How do a script to work that has html in it every time i load one up i can never get it to show the html pages its supposed to create

example html i want to use

Code: Select all

### KillLog.tcl		 ###
### Version 2.0		 ###
### By Wcc		 ###
###	 ###
### ###
###		 ###

## This script logs kills seen in the channel to a log file and	##
## generates an html file. You can also optionally not log	## 
## ghost kills.							##

## Just load the script, set the variables, and rehash. ##

# Would you like to also log ghost kills? (DALNet and similar networks) #

set killlog_setting(logghost) 0

# Set the html filename here. #

set killlog_setting(page) "/web/kills.html"

# Set the table header colors here. #

set killlog_setting(tableheader_color_1) 8080c0
set killlog_setting(tableheader_color_2) 8080e0

# Set the table cell colors here. #

set killlog_setting(tablecell_color_1) c0c0c0
set killlog_setting(tablecell_color_2) e0e0e0

# Set the background color here. #

set killlog_setting(bgcolor) FFFFFF

# Set the text color here. #

set killlog_setting(textcolor) 000000

# Set the log filename here. #

set killlog_setting(log) "/web/kills.log"

# Set the database filename here. #

set killlog_setting(logdb) "/web/kills.db"

# Enable use of bold in DCC chat? #

set killlog_setting(bold) 1

# Prefix "KILLLOG:" in DCC chat messages? #

set killlog_setting(KILLLOG:) 1

# Code begins here #

if {![string match 1.6.* $version]} {
	putlog "\002KILLLOG:\002 \002CRITICAL ERROR\002 KillLog.tcl requires eggdrop 1.6.x to run."
	die "\002KILLLOG:\002 \002CRITICAL ERROR\002 KillLog.tcl requires eggdrop 1.6.x to run."
bind sign - * killlog_log

proc killlog_dopre {} {
	global killlog_setting
	if {!$killlog_setting(KILLLOG:)} {
		return ""
	} elseif {!$killlog_setting(bold)} {
		return "KILLLOG: "
	} else {
		return "\002KILLLOG:\002 "
proc killlog_log {nick host hand chan kill} {
	global killlog_setting
	if {([string match -nocase "killed*" $kill]) || ([string match -nocase "autokilled*" $kill]) || ([string match -nocase "kline*" $kill]) || ([string match -nocase "SVSKill*" $kill])} {
		if {($killlog_setting(logghost)) || (![string match -nocase "Killed (NickServ (Ghost*" $kill])} {
			killlog_putkilllog $nick $host $chan $kill
proc killlog_putkilllog {nick host chan kill} {
	global killlog_setting
	set databaseid [open $killlog_setting(logdb) a+]
	puts $databaseid "<tr><td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tablecell_color_1)><font size=\"4\">[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%I:%M:%S %p %x"]</font></td>"
	puts $databaseid "<td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tablecell_color_2)><font size=\"4\"><center>$nick</center></font></td>"
	puts $databaseid "<td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tablecell_color_1)><font size=\"4\"><center>$host</center></font></td>"
	puts $databaseid "<td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tablecell_color_2)><font size=\"4\"><center>$kill</center></font></td>"
	puts $databaseid "<td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tablecell_color_1)><font size=\"4\"><center>$chan</center></font></td></tr>"
	close $databaseid
	set logid [open $killlog_setting(log) a+]
	puts $logid "KILL: $nick - $host - $kill"
	close $logid
	set killpageid [open $killlog_setting(page) w]	
	puts $killpageid "<html>"
	puts $killpageid "<head>"
	puts $killpageid "<title>Kill Log</title>"
	puts $killpageid "<META NAME=\"description\" CONTENT=\"Kill Log\">" 
	puts $killpageid "<META NAME=\"keywords\" CONTENT=\"kill, akill, kline, stats, ircd, irc, server, clones, abuse, flood\">"
	puts $killpageid "</head>"
	puts $killpageid "<body bgcolor=$killlog_setting(bgcolor)>"
	puts $killpageid "<font size=\"6\" color=$killlog_setting(textcolor)><center>Kill Log</center></font><br>"
	puts $killpageid "<center>"
	puts $killpageid "<table>"
	puts $killpageid "<tr>"
	puts $killpageid "<td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tableheader_color_1)><font size=\"5\"><center>Time</center></font></td>"
	puts $killpageid "<td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tableheader_color_2)><font size=\"5\"><center>Nick</center></font></td>"
	puts $killpageid "<td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tableheader_color_1)><font size=\"5\"><center>Host</center></font></td>"
	puts $killpageid "<td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tableheader_color_2)><font size=\"5\"><center>Kill</center></font></td>"
	puts $killpageid "<td align=left bgcolor=$killlog_setting(tableheader_color_1)><font size=\"5\"><center>Channel</center></font></td>"
	puts $killpageid "</tr>"
	set databaseid [open $killlog_setting(logdb) r]
	while {![eof $databaseid]} {
		gets $databaseid line
		puts $killpageid $line
	close $databaseid
	puts $killpageid "</table>"
	puts $killpageid "<br>"
	puts $killpageid "<br>"
	puts $killpageid "<font color=$killlog_setting(textcolor)>Last Updated: [clock format [clock seconds] -format %D] [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%I:%M %p"]</font>"
	puts $killpageid "</center>"
	puts $killpageid "</body>"
	puts $killpageid "</html>"
	close $killpageid
	putlog "[killlog_dopre]$nick has been killed. \($chan\)"
putlog "\002KILLLOG:\002 KillLog.tcl Version 2.0 by Wcc is loaded."
putlog "\002KILLLOG:\002 Logging kills as html to $killlog_setting(page)."
putlog "\002KILLLOG:\002 Logging kills as text to $killlog_setting(log)."
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