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Request OP

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Post by Arkadietz »

Bro, i just give an example, i'm smarter than you be sure in that. my eggs have around 1 years and more uptime. So I'm no need to restart and for your notice just open the THANKS ( you can found it in eggdrop source ) and there you can see my email with my username i'm supporter to eggdrop. Don't talk like a little boy in frount of you mom ok? I think the problem is may be in source code in eggdrop or may be i wrong. This stuff with request op is only when bot is restarting and how i said before I AM NOT RESTARTING MY BOT LIKE A DUMMIE THIS IS TO SHOW YOU EXACTLY WHERE IS THE PROBLEM.

The thread will open to resolve the case!
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Post by speechles »

Arkadietz wrote:Bro, i just give an example, i'm smarter than you be sure in that. my eggs have around 1 years and more uptime. So I'm no need to restart and for your notice just open the THANKS ( you can found it in eggdrop source ) and there you can see my email with my username i'm supporter to eggdrop. Don't talk like a little boy in frount of you mom ok? I think the problem is may be in source code in eggdrop or may be i wrong. This stuff with request op is only when bot is restarting and how i said before I AM NOT RESTARTING MY BOT LIKE A DUMMIE THIS IS TO SHOW YOU EXACTLY WHERE IS THE PROBLEM.

The thread will open to resolve the case!
Dude, STFU.. If you are smarter than me, you would understand what the hell you are asking.. (because nobody else does, ask willyw :D)

Sheesh.. Thank you for donating to eggdrop, appreciate that. What I don't appreciate is you being some type of douche bag foreigner. Learn English. I didn't attack you, you flipping ass gasket douche bag, but I will now. The problem you demonstrated is in RESTARTING. If that wasnt the problem, then WTF. Describe the god damned problem properly. Otherwise, dude, of anyone able to help you. You are spitting in the face of someone you shouldn't be. I won't waste another second in this thread because as I've said before, and I'm saying again. THIS THREAD SHOULD BE CLOSED.
Last edited by speechles on Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hrz »

Also, nice English!
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Post by nml375 »

Lets all take it a little easy, leave the cursing, insulting, name calling, etc in the Junk Yard; and stick with the constructive fragments in here...

Regarding the need-op event; it's triggered at three points in the irc module, under three different events:
  • On a minutely basis, among many sanity checks (see check_lonely_channel() in mod/irc.mod/irc.c).
  • When your eggdrop sees a -o mode on the channel that matches itself. This would be instantly triggered.
  • When your eggdrop receives the 352 or 354 numeric response (END_OF_WHO). This might take a little while on larger channels...
Speechles, if you'd like to petition a thread for locking, PM one of us moderators. We're more likely to notice the issue, and respond more promptly that way.
In this case, the only reason for locking this thread would be all the insulting and name-calling.
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Post by nml375 »

Oh, almost forgot;
Your best bet at sending the op request before eggdrop does all it's internal crunching, would be to use a raw binding to listen for the 366 (END_OF_NAMES) numeric. However, doing it this way means that eggdrop has no idea of the current state of the channel, so classic botisop and botonchan checks will not work reliably.

Code: Select all

bind raw - "366" requestOp

proc requestOp {from cmd text} {
  set args [split $text]
  if {[string equal -nocase [lindex $args 1] "#Copacabana"]} {
    #We *probably* just joined #Copacabana...
    puthelp "PRIVMSG cs :op #Copacabana"
  return 0
The code above is untested, and might very well prevent your eggdrop from working at all. Test it throughoutly before using in "production enviroment".

Edit: Fixed incorrect list index.
Edit: Corrected ChanServ command to suite OP's network.
Last edited by nml375 on Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Arkadietz »

It's not working..

So: here i'm writing the write names and host for services, also they have aliases like nickserv = ns and chanserv = cs

-----< Beginning >----------------------------
» Nick: NickServ
» Real Name: Nickname Services
» Hostmask:
» Server Info:ShakeIT network services
» Signed on at: Monday 22/08/2011 18:20:50
» Time idle: 0secs
» Time online: 1wk 6hrs 34mins 27secs
-----< The End >-----------------------------
-----< Beginning >----------------------------
» Nick: ChanServ
» Real Name: Channel Services
» Hostmask:
» Server Info:ShakeIT network services
» Signed on at: Monday 22/08/2011 18:20:50
» Time idle: 0secs
» Time online: 1wk 6hrs 34mins 30secs
-----< The End >-----------------------------

Here: i'm put the syntax to get an op for proparly making a tcl.

[00:55:46] -> *cs* help op
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- Syntax: OP <channel | ALL> [nicknames]
[00:55:46] -ChanServ-
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- Gives channel operator status to [nicknames]. If no
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- nicknames are specified, ChanServ will op the nick who gave
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- the command. Placing a - in front of a nick will
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- deop that nick. If SECUREOPS is ON, ChanServ will not
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- op nicks who do not have a level of AutoOp or higher.
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- Examples:
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- /msg ChanServ OP #channel
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- Ops the nick who gave the command on #channel.
[00:55:46] -ChanServ-
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- /msg ChanServ OP #channel nick1 -nick2 nick3
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- Ops nick1 and nick3, but deops nick2 on #channel.
[00:55:46] -ChanServ-
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- /msg ChanServ OP ALL
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- Ops you in all channels you are currently in, if
[00:55:46] -ChanServ- you have CMDOP access.

If you're figured out something i'm ready to test and post the result.

From all of posts here only the nml375 making this that i want.
Will great if works for every channel not for one.
On a unix system everything is a file ; if something is not a file , it is a proccess.
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Post by nml375 »

Modified version to work for any channel, as requested on IRC

Code: Select all

bind raw - "366" requestOp

proc requestOp {from cmd text} {
  set args [split $text]
  puthelp "PRIVMSG cs :op [lindex $args 1]"
  return 0
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