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Unknown error while starting Eggdrop

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Post by nml375 »

The nickname it asks for would be your nickname, not the nickname you gave your eggdrop. Instead of telnet, you could also use /dcc chat.

Also, as I've said multiple times, the userfile is not saved instantly, but only once an hour (unless you use the .save command from the dcc chat / telnet partyline).
If you terminate your eggdrop by any other means than the .die command (from dcc chat / telnet), such as using the kill command from shell, the eggdrop will instantly terminate without saving the latest changes to the user file.
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Post by planetX »

Can you please more brifly describe it ?
when my Bot enters the channel... what should I exactly do ?

please tell in details... thank you
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Post by nml375 »

If you are starting your eggdrop in "user file creation mode" (the -m option), send a /msg to your eggdrop containing "hello" (without the quotes).
This will add you as the owner of the bot, using your current nickname as "handle" (or username, if you prefer that). You'll also see your eggdrop responding with a lot of text, including it telling you you're the owner.
Now you should set a password; send a /msg to your eggdrop containing "pass password" (without the quotes, replace password with a password of your choosing).

Within an hour, your eggdrop will save the userlist into the user file. If you're not that patient, or just want to make sure; dcc chat your eggdrop (or telnet it).
With most irc clients, you simply type "/dcc chat <target>", where <target> is the nickname of your bot. It will then ask for a password, which is the same as you set earlier.

If you'd rather telnet, first make sure you're using the right port! In your earlier posts, it seems you've tried to use the port 3333, though it's already occupied - thus your eggdrop was actually listening on port 3334, and later 3335. Once you know you've got the right port (check the text your eggdrop produced while starting up), telnet there...
It will ask for a Nickname, this would be the nickname YOU used when first greeting your eggdrop. If it's valid, it'll ask for a password; if not, it'll simply drop the connection.

Once connected (either through dcc chat or telnet), first try the ".help" command.. It should give you a long list of available commands. Then try ".help save".. Now that sounds exactly what we'd like to do...
Hence, issue the ".save" command. Your eggdrop will tell you that it's saving the user and channels files, and shortly after, you'll find these files present in your eggdrop's directory.

Most certainly, you do not need to start your eggdrop again (with or without the -m option) unless you terminate your eggdrop first.
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Post by planetX »


I give up )

I am unable to do this, did Try Alottttttt but failed...
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Post by while »

save this lines in a file and name it BOTNAME.user(be careful that the extension of the file is .user in order to work not to be BOTNAME.user.txt, then upload it to your eggdrop dir and start the eggdrop ./eggdrop rwpc.conf.
if you are on undernet then you can leave both of them if not erase the the first user.

X - abfloLW
--XTRA created 1243322443
planetx - fjlmnoptx
--HOSTS *!* (or replace with what host you have)
--HOSTS -telnet!*@*
--XTRA created 1244731662
--PASS +9F93o1OxwgK1 (a default password (123456), you can change it later on)

that's all, you now have a userfile for your eggdrop.
the bot joined the channel type /ctcp nicknamebot chat
enter planetx as nickname and 123456 as password. now you can use the dcc commands.
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Post by planetX »

Okay... I did as you told
and here is reply..
./eggdrop rwpc.conf

Eggdrop v1.6.20 (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2010 Eggheads
[16:10:11] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.20 (Sun Aug 28 2011)
[16:10:11] Listening at telnet port 3333 (all).
[16:10:11] Module loaded: blowfish
[16:10:11] Module loaded: dns
[16:10:11] Module loaded: channels
[16:10:11] Module loaded: server
[16:10:11] Module loaded: ctcp
[16:10:11] Module loaded: irc
[16:10:11] Module loaded: notes (with lang support)
[16:10:11] Module loaded: console (with lang support)
[16:10:11] Module loaded: assoc (with lang support)
[16:10:11] Module loaded: wire (with lang support)
[16:10:11] Module loaded: uptime
[16:10:11] Loading dccwhois.tcl...
[16:10:11] Loaded dccwhois.tcl
[16:10:11] Userinfo TCL v1.07 loaded (URL BF GF IRL EMAIL DOB PHONE ICQ).
[16:10:11] use '.help userinfo' for commands.
[16:10:11] Writing channel file...
[16:10:11] * Old userfile, use 'tclsh scripts/weed <userfile> c' to convert
ircadmin@Test:~/egg$ tclsh scripts/weed Botworm.user c

WEED 18jun97, robey

Reading Botworm.user ...
Unknown userfile version! (not v4)

here is the file Botworm.user which i used

Code: Select all

 X - abfloLW
--XTRA created 1243322443
BOTOWNERNICK - fjlmnoptx
--HOSTS *!*
--HOSTS -telnet!*@*
--XTRA created 1244731662
--PASS +9F93o1OxwgK1
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Post by planetX »

any reply ?????
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Post by nml375 »

Trying to craft a userfile by hand really does not solve any issues; if it can't create it at first, it most likely will not be able to save changes to it in the future.

I'm still wondering if you're not simply trying to start your eggdrop over and over while it's still running...
Could you please confirm whether you actively shut down your bot or not between the times you start it?
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Post by planetX »

When I type
./eggdrop rwpc.conf

Botworm <-- this joins Channel, I don't shut it down, unless I reboot my server , then i have to again type
./eggdrop rwpc.conf

so that Bot should enter room
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Post by nml375 »

Then I am unfortunately running very low on ideas...
Since your eggdrop is able to create logfiles, there would be no filesystem permission issues to prevent userfile generation.

Possibly, check these settings:
  • hourly-updates - Specifies at which point, during the hour, that the user file is saved.
    Setting this to 15 means the user file gets written/saved/created at 0:15, 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, 4:15, 5:15 ... 23:15, etc.
    Make sure that you've already "greeted" your bot before this, and it remains running (present in the channel) until you're well past this time.
  • quiet-save - Setting this to "0" instructs your eggdrop to write a notice in the logfiles each time it tries to save the user file.
    Keep this set to 0, and check your logs for any signs of the user file being saved.
Also check your logfiles for any warnings such as "Could not write XXX file!"
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Post by nml375 »

One more thing; if you use the following command when starting your eggdrop, it will verify that there is no eggdrop already running:

Code: Select all

if [ -f pid.Botworm ] && ps -p `head -n1 pid.Botworm`; then echo "Eggdrop is already running"; else ./eggdrop rwpc.conf; fi
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Post by planetX »

I am sending you my config files in PM..
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Post by nml375 »

I see now that you've changed the "hello"-binding;
That means you'll have to use the new word when creating your owner account as well - "/msg BOTNAME hello" will not work anymore.
As for the rest of your config-file, it looks fine enough
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Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:39 am

Post by planetX »

Sorry bro I didn't understand.... You mean

/msg Botworm Hello <- this will not work ?

then what will work ? what line in rwpc.conf should I change ??
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Post by nml375 »

I assume you'd rather not have the actual trigger posted here, so I'll use the more generic "myword" instead for this example:

Code: Select all

unbind msg - hello *msg:hello
bind msg - myword *msg:hello
In this case, you'd have to send the word "myword" to your bot instead of "hello":

/msg Botworm myword
(Bot responds with a few lines of text telling you that you're the new owner of the bot and so on)
/msg Botworm pass topsecret
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