The bot is not getting spam via ctcp or notice and, as I use this same script using the two options or two scripts in order to receive the notice via spam in the channel?
(7) NOTC (stackable)
bind notc <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <text> <dest>
Description: dest will be a nickname (the bot's nickname,
obviously) or a channel name. mask is matched against the entire
notice and can contain wildcards. It is considered a breach of
protocol to respond to a /notice on IRC, so this is intended for
internal use (logging, etc.) only. Note that server notices do
| not trigger the NOTC bind. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will
| not log the message that triggered this bind.
New Tcl procs should be declared as
proc notcproc {nick uhost hand text {dest ""}} {
global botnick; if {$dest == ""} {set dest $botnick}
for compatibility.
Module: server
(15) CTCP (stackable)
bind ctcp <flags> <keyword> <proc>
proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <dest> <keyword> <text>
Description: dest will be a nickname (the bot's nickname, obviously)
or channel name. keyword is the ctcp command (which can contain
wildcards), and text may be empty. If the proc returns 0, the bot
will attempt its own processing of the ctcp command.
Module: server
Since these bindings provide different sets of parameters, you'll have to adopt your procs accordingly; either making one proc for each kind of binding, or altering your proc to support optional or arbitrary arguments. I'd generally suggest you go for the first option.