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Channel Access Invite

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2005 11:36 pm
Location: Greece - Salonika

Channel Access Invite

Post by BlackDragon »

when you type for example !invite, it will scan the access list and if some users are not in the channel which has access on the channel they get invited by the bot... !

can this be made ?
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2005 11:36 pm
Location: Greece - Salonika

Post by BlackDragon »

anyone ??
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:33 am

Your option

Post by cyanideghost »

This is a script made by leprechau from efnet
works fine, hopefully this solves yours and anyone else who can't think for themselves purpose.

Code: Select all

# example eggdrop tcl for channel invite from txt file    #
# leprechau@Efnet 02.13.2004                              #
## NOTE: always check for new code/updates at
## this is the only official location for any of my scripts

namespace eval ::invite {

	### start settings ###

	variable idb "/home/bob/eggdrop/scripts/invite.db"
	# location and name of file to store password information
	variable icmd "!invite"
	# message command to use
	variable ichan "#testing123"
	# channel to invite people to

	### end settings ###

	variable DATA;array set DATA [list]
	if {![file isfile $idb]} {
		putlog "\[\002ERROR\002\] File '$idb' does not exist!"
		putlog "A new file will be created when you add your first user."
	} else {
		putlog "Sourcing invite database database $idb\...."
		source $idb
		putlog "Done, [array size DATA] logins found and loaded!"

	proc addi {hand idx text} {
		variable idb;variable DATA
		if {[string equal {} $text]} {
			putdcc $idx "\[\002ERROR\002\] Syntax: .addinvite <username> <password>"; return
		foreach {login pass} [split $text { }] {break}
		if {![string equal {} [array get DATA $login]]} {
			putdcc $idx "\[\002ERROR\002\] Error, the user you are trying to add already exists"; return
		array set DATA [list $login [encpass $pass]]
		if {[catch {set file [open $idb w]} open_error] != 0} {
			putdcc $idx "\[\002ERROR\002\] Could not open '$idb' for writing:  $open_error"; return
		if {[catch {puts $file "array set DATA \{[array get DATA]\}"} puts_error] != 0} {
				putdcc $idx "\[\002ERROR\002\] Could not write to idb database:  $puts_error"; return
		if {[catch {close $file} close_error] != 0} {
			putdcc $idx "\[\002ERROR\002\] Error closing idb database:  $close_error"; return
		putdcc $idx "Successfully added '$login' to invite database!"
	bind dcc n addinvite ::invite::addi

	proc deletei {hand idx text} {
		variable idb;variable DATA
		if {[string equal {} [array get DATA [set login [lindex [split $text { }] 0]]]]} {
			putdcc $idx "\[\002ERROR\002\] The login '$login' was not found in the database, and therefore not deleted."; return
		if {[catch {array unset DATA $login} catch_error] != 0} {
			putdcc $idx "\[\002\ERROR\002\] The login '$login' could not be deleted due to an unknown error."; return
		} else {
			if {[catch {set file [open $idb w]} open_error] != 0} {
				putdcc $idx "\[\002ERROR\002\] Could not open '$idb' for writing:  $open_error"; return
			if {[catch {puts $file "array set DATA \{[array get DATA]\}"} puts_error] != 0} {
				putdcc $idx "\[\002ERROR\002\] Could not write to idb database:  $puts_error"; return
			if {[catch {close $file} close_error] != 0} {
				putdcc $idx "\[\002ERROR\002\] Error closing idb database:  $close_error"; return
			putdcc $idx "Successfully removed '$login' from invite database!"
	bind dcc n deleteinvite ::invite::deletei

	# it is, the actual invite proc
	proc doinvite {nick uhost hand text} {
		variable ichan;variable icmd;variable DATA
		if {[llength [split $text { }]] != 2} {
			putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\[\002ERROR\002\] Syntax: /msg $::botnick $icmd <username> <password>"; return
		set msguser [lindex [split $text { }] 0]
		set msgpass [lindex [split $text { }] 1]
		set dbuser [lindex [array get DATA $msguser] 0]
		set dbpass [lindex [array get DATA $msguser] 1]
		if {(![string equal {} $dbuser]) && (![string equal {} $dbpass])} {
			if {[string equal [encpass $msgpass] $dbpass]} {
				putserv "PRIVMSG $ichan :\[\002INVITE\002\] Inviting '$dbuser' with irc nick '$nick' to channel."
				putserv "INVITE $nick $ichan"
			} else {
				putlog "\[\002INVITE FAILED\002\] IRC nick '$nick' attempted to invite as '$dbuser' and failed!"
				putserv "PRIVMSG $ichan :\[\002INVITE FAILED\002\] IRC nick '$nick' attempted to invite as '$dbuser' and failed!"
				putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\[\002ERROR\002\] Sorry, invalid username or password, please try again (attempt logged)"
				putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\002*******\002 Remember, username and password are case sensitive."
		} else {
			putlog "\[\002INVITE FAILED\002\] IRC nick '$nick' attempted to invite as '$msguser' and failed!"
			putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\[\002ERROR\002\] Syntax: /msg $::botnick $icmd <username> <password>"
			putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :*** Remember login and password are case sensitive."
	bind msg - $icmd ::invite::doinvite
package provide invite 0.1

#end script
putlog "public invite verion 0.1 by leprechau@EFNet loaded!"
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