None of the released eggdrop versions support any kind of encryption. 1.8 does and it is not released yet (look below). The botnet has always been clear text, there is no ssl server support and as you correctly said, the partyline is no exception.desired wrote: Does your Eggdrop Telnet Client support IPv6?
And as for encryption.... I also never comprehended why we the eggdrop partyline is cleartext (where you can execute shell command while everything else is fine (encrypted botnet, SSH to shell, SSL to irc).
This has clear advantages and is already implemented in the development version - 1.8. It supports TLS transport for every kind of connection possible. Anybody interested could get a snapshot and try it out.arfer wrote: desired - I'm sorry, i don't know.
Perhaps you should start another thread but I don't expect you'll get much response. Sounds like a huge amount of effort for little or no material advantage.
Code: Select all
[pseudo@pseudo]:~# openssl s_client -connect localhost:5555
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
Protocol : TLSv1
Cipher : AES256-SHA
Session-ID: 72BE81C3A1CDE8459D1FDFAE7BBD7E7672CC2FD058740D2A0493EDCDD0276D8B
Master-Key: AFFBFF8D1ADE843C5C55FA8A717F903D01B8F687DAAE10889701D1A55E855C7E3BEDA0F05C3E83114E97897DD871472A
Key-Arg : None
Start Time: 1318191862
Timeout : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)
___ _
| __| __ _ __ _ __| | _ _ ___ _ __
| _| / _` |/ _` |/ _` || '_|/ _ \| '_ \
|___|\__, |\__, |\__,_||_| \___/| .__/
|___/ |___/ |_|
Copyright (C) 1997 Robey Pointer
Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Eggheads Development Team
Coredump (Eggdrop v1.8.0+tclhashcrash (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2010 Eggheads)
Well, any middle man can intercept the password and insert his own commands into the stream. Without knowledge he can takeover control of the partyline and therefore execute tcl scripts, write to userspace (eggdrop runs as user) and run shell commands (as user, still dangerous as he could modify any makefiles and whatsoever and if he do make install afterwards as root we can install some evil stuff.arfer wrote:Sounds like a huge amount of effort for little or no material advantage.
Great news, thanks for posting! I am on it.pseudo wrote: This has clear advantages and is already implemented in the development version - 1.8. It supports TLS transport for every kind of connection possible. Anybody interested could get a snapshot and try it out.
You could also use the telnet-ssl utility which is just normal telnet but over ssl. I've also added support for dcc over ssl, but unfortunately kvirc is the only IRC client to support DCC SCHAT which limits it's usability.desired wrote: Great news, thanks for posting! I am on it.
The open ssl client doesn't look so pretty and comfortable, but for the security it's worth it.
arfer, do you think it's worth to implement?
arfer wrote:Looking for feedback from users of my Eggdrop Telnet Client (for windows OS) which I have called
My mistake. Sorry.arfer wrote: ...
I'm hoping you mean Defero version and not, please advise
Something similar to that is what I ended up doing.1 - 2.
I would suggest connection names that distinguish yet observe IRC nick protocol, say mybot-dalnet, mybot-undernet etc.
Is there a reason to not change it?I can obviously change this if it is not liked.
That is exactly what happened. It was not allowed.There is one thing I can't understand. If you enter characters outside the regex pattern range and try to save it, an error message box should appear. ie. you should not be able to save the connection string. I have tried my copy of with a period and with a space in the connection name. Neither time would it let me save. Can you please give more detail because I'm not clear on what happened.
Will you be able to fix that?You are correct in establishing that connection names cannot be edited. You would have to delete and input again as new.
Great!3. I have just added code in the last two days to allow a right click popup menu on the console. This will only allow copy, not cut or paste or anything else for that matter.
Got this.4. I need more detail regarding your experience with buttons and menu items. Most should not work unless the connection is established AND you are on the partyline. The software title should change from :-
after connection to :-
Defero < connection name >
Do not get this.after joining the partyline to :-
Defero < connection name > < Partyline >
YesPlease advise if you are successfully joining the partyline with Defero
I am permanent owner. Actually, I had two nicks in there as I sometimes use another. For the heck of it, I went and removed the one that I had not ever used yet with this bot.Also, many of the menu items use partyline .tcl commands, so they will not yield the expected response unless .tcl partyline commands are enabled in the bot's .conf file. The default .conf file setting is also for partyline .tcl to be available for permanent owners only.
I can see how that could be nice.The main reason I built Defero is to automate the login process, which is particularly useful for switching between multiple bots on multiple networks. Once the connection string is entered, you need never enter username/password again.
I understand.arfer wrote:I want to deal with the most important thing first, because you seem to have discovered a bug.
Now is one of those times it would be nice to be able to copy, eh?If Defero does not say in the title :-
Defero < connection name > < Partyline >
Then Defero has not successfully captured the fact, and will not activate the buttons and menu items. Can I ask you to do two things for me please :-
1. Exactly what text do you see in Defero's console telling you that you joined the partyline. This needs to be precise.
I've just experimented with this with one bot.2. Can you edit one of your connection strings to change the login mode to auto and check if you now get the expected title after joining the partyline.
Ok.arfer wrote:Thanks very much for this. I see the problem
The text is searched for '*** varUser has joined the party line'
As a temporary solution always input login username even for manual login.
The input and clear buttons refer to the input area and not the console. They are somewhat superfluous, you can use Enter and Esc keys.
I would have sworn that when it was not letting me save, I had to go back and take out the numeral in the servername that I was using in Connection Name.
Not sure what you mean by one of the server names having a number in it. Telnet hosts, login username and connection name are allowed to have numbers (but not the first character of the two latter fields) :-
Since it seems to just be a description, I assumed that any text that made it easy for me read and identify, would be allowed.There isn't a strong reason to restrict connection names to IRC nick protocol but I didn't want to leave it as free text.
A difference of opinion then.
The fact that you cannot edit a connection name does not require a fix,
If it saves you a lot of work, then that is certainly is deliberate. You are editing the telnet connection fields associated with a connection name. I think for the rare occasions a user wants to change the connection name, then it is appropriate to delete and add a new connection. It sure saves on a lot of duplicate coding.
I use mIRC as my chat client.I have created a history string list, which is manipulated as normal by the up and down cursor keys, assuming that is what you mean.
You are welcome.
Thanks again for finding the bug. Exactly why I need feedback
Code: Select all
<botnick> [16:04:57] Lost dcc connection to <myhandle> (telnet@pool-xxx-xx-xxx-xxx.*******.****.*******.net/61803)
<botnick> *** <myhandle> lost dcc link.
Code: Select all
<botnick> [16:05:32] DCC connection closed (****!telnet@pool-xxx-xx-xxx-xxx.******.****.******.net)
<botnick> *** <myhandle> left the party line.