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Eggdrop Seen Problem.

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Eggdrop Seen Problem.

Post by Smartie »

I have compiled an eggdrop1.6.10 on a FreeBSD 4.5 System with an similar howto as yours (additional tcl install howto.)
i rewrote the eggdrop.simple.conf to eggdrop.conf
now, although i installed the seen module in make iconfig, it isn`t started automatically when the bot enters the channel.
(if it is important, it runs in the euirc network)
now, how can i activate my seen module ?

ps: dust on my head, i didnt know to search with the right keywords that are related to such a topic, i`m sure it is answered quite often
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Post by kain »

In your bots *.conf file, look for:

#### SEEN MODULE ####

# This module provides very basic seen commands via msg, on channel or via dcc.
# This module works only for users in the bot's userlist. If you are looking for
# a better and more advanced seen module, try the gseen module by G'Quann. You
# can find it at
#loadmodule seen

The bottom line needs to be: "loadmodule seen" remove the # and the basic seen module will be loaded.

Post by Smartie »

hmm, in the eggdrop.simple.conf this lines doesnt exist
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Post by ppslim »

You can simply add this line, without any issue.
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Post by kain »

Thats the problem, your using the most simple config file. however that doesnt matter, add the following text to your .conf file and the seen module will be loaded:

#### SEEN MODULE ####

loadmodule seen

Thats all you need to do, but you must remember that the seen module included with your eggdrop is basic, it will only store seen data on users who exist in its userfile, ie: they must have an account on your bot.
There are other seen scripts in the TCL Archive, Bass's seen script is very good and has other functions like !lastspoke <nick> (returns time since nick last spoke) and wildcard searches. check the TCL Archive

Post by Smartie »

in which part ?
at the beginning with e.g. blowfish it has no effect :((
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Post by kain »

like i just said, if your trying to do a !seen on someone that isnt in the userfile it wont work, either try it on a nick that is, or download Bass's seen script

Post by Smartie »

when wth is somebody in the userfile ?!
somebody enter and leave the chan, and he isn't seen with the bot ...
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Post by ppslim »

Eggdrop is heavily based on it's userfile.

The usefile stores and records user information, like password, flags, hostmasks, last seen times and more.

Only people that are specificaly added by a master or owner are recorded.

The seen module works by recalling data allready stored int he userfile, and as such, only recalls users it knows. It can't recall any old joe that comes a knocking!!

To do this, see the seen script bseen, or it's module equivilant gseen.

Searches on google or looking in the links and tcl archive will help you find these.

Post by Smartie »

so, to compile the seen module within is useless, or not ?
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Post by ppslim »

As stated, it's up to you, and it depends on your requirments.

Compiling the seen module, if you need it or not, will not affect your use of eggdrop.

Post by munkfish »

Smartie wrote:when wth is somebody in the userfile ?!
somebody enter and leave the chan, and he isn't seen with the bot ...
One tip in addition to the above (I hope this is valid!) is to type: .save in the eggdrop console after you add the user and before you try and run a seen query on the bot.

If the user isn't registered in the eggdrop's user file (by typing .adduser user hostname? in console) AND the userfile isn't updated (ie by typing .save in console), then as I understand it no seen data will be logged for that user and consequently no seen requests will be successful.

I had this problem a few times when trying to get the seen mod to work.
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Post by ppslim »

There is no need for the .save.

The userfile is just a filesystem based version of what it has in memory about the users (with the exception of storing the current channel modes the user has).

The user file is just used to re-create what it has in memory about the user, when the bot requires a restart.