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Cracked my egg

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
scrambled egg
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Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:13 am

Cracked my egg

Post by scrambled egg »

Having just a few problems with the bot, Any help would be appreciated.

Running Fedora 15 // Linux knowledge = Beginner.
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Post by nml375 »

Well, first off.. Your mod-path setting is incorrect, usually the default "modules" works just fine (as long as you remember the "make install" step during compile-time). On the other hand, if this is a rpm'd eggdrop (which it does look like to me), this would have to point to the directory where your package manager installed the eggdrop modules instead.

Next, tcl treats characters such as [] in a special manner; they're known as command substitutions. Simply put, it executes whatever is inside as a new tcl command, and replaces the brackets (and content) with whatever is returned by this command.
There are two ways of preventing this; either escape all brackets using \, or enclose the string with braces {} instead of double-quotes; a few examples:

Code: Select all

#Bad, won't work:
channel add "#test[die]" ...

#Good, will work:
channel add "#test\[die\]" ...

#Also good, will work:
channel add {#test[die]} ...
Further, you cannot define more than one channel per channel command:

Code: Select all

#Bad, won't work:
channel add "#test1" "#test2" {

#Good, will work:
channel add "#test1" {
channel add "#test2" {
scrambled egg
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:13 am

Post by scrambled egg »

Ok so i changed the channel names so now the [] are not in the channel names but now i am getting this error.

invalid command name "chanmode" while executing "chanmode "+tn""
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Post by nml375 »

You've most likely forgotten the opening brace ({) after the channel name.
In the examples in my previous post, the chanmode, idle-kick, flood-* settings should replace the ...
scrambled egg
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:13 am

Post by scrambled egg »

So you mean like this?, just changed it going to test now.

set global-chanset {
+autoop +autovoice
-bitch -cycle
+dontkickops +dynamicbans
+dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites
+enforcebans -greet
-inactive +nodesynch
+protectfriends +protectops
-revenge -revengebot
-secret +seen
+shared -statuslog
+userbans +userexempts
+userinvites -protecthalfops
channel add #DNABF3 {
channel add #DNA {
chanmode "+tn"
idle-kick 0
flood-chan 5:4
flood-join 5:10
flood-ctcp 3:60
flood-deop 5:4
flood-kick 0:0
channel set #DNA #DNABF3 +enforcebans +dynamicbans +autoop +autovoice +protectops +protectfriends


[21:16:27] Tcl error in file 'usr/share/doc/eggdrop/overwatch.conf':
[21:16:27] illegal channel option: #DNABF3

while executing
"channel set #DNA #DNABF3 +enforcebans +dynamicbans +autoop +autovoice +protectops +protectfriends"
(file "usr/share/doc/eggdrop/overwatch.conf" line 116)
Last edited by scrambled egg on Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nml375 »

Almost, you're still using two channel names with the "channel set" at the end.
scrambled egg
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:13 am

Post by scrambled egg »

So you mean have it like this:

"channel set #DNA +enforcebans +dynamicbans +autoop +autovoice +protectops +protectfriends"

i have made it like that but i have a new error // a wrong path // going to fix this path and try again.


[22:27:58] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.20 (Sun Dec 4 2011)
[21:27:58] Listening at telnet port 1967 (all).
[21:27:58] Module loaded: channels
[21:27:58] Module loaded: dns
[21:27:58] Module loaded: transfer (with lang support)
[21:27:58] Module loaded: share
[21:27:58] Module loaded: server
[21:27:58] Module loaded: ctcp
[21:27:58] Module loaded: irc
[21:27:58] Module loaded: notes (with lang support)
[21:27:58] Module loaded: console (with lang support)
[21:27:58] Module loaded: blowfish
[21:27:58] Module loaded: uptime
[21:27:58] Loaded cmd_resolve.tcl successfully.
[21:27:58] Creating channel file
[21:27:58] Couldn't create channel file: overwatch.chan. Dropping
[21:27:58] ERROR writing channel file.

[21:27:58] === OverWatch: 2 channels, 0 users.
* Warning! Could not write pid.overwatch file!
Launched into the background (pid: 5630)

I kinda messed something up i have 2 bots in my channel

How can i kill the extra bot in channel?
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Post by nml375 »

In this case, the user account does not have write permissions in the current working directory. Looking at the screenshot you posted earlier, it would seem you are trying to start your eggdrop from the root directory / ?

To stop your processes, you'll need their PID's (process id). Unfortunately, your eggdrops were unable to write these down in the pid file due to the reason mentioned above. Thus, you'll have to use the ps command on your shell to find the pids of the eggdrops, and then kill them using the kill command.
scrambled egg
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:13 am

Post by scrambled egg »

No the bot is not running on the root account, Its running on its own account.

I managed to remove the extra bot in channel by killing the eggdrop processes.

How can i change the file permissions in order to have it to write pid.overwatch file & reate channel file: overwatch.chan.

Also when ddc chat with the bot this is the reply: Waiting for acknowledgement...
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Post by nml375 »

I didn't write "root account", I wrote "root directory". Big difference there.
Best thing would be to start your eggdrop from the home directory of that user (the user you are starting it as). That directory should, provided that it was created properly, already have all the needed privileges set. Otherwize, you'd use the chown command to change ownership, and chmod to change user, group and other's access (read/write/execute).
Regarding the "Waiting for acknowledgement" - there can be any number of reasons why your eggdrop does not accept your dcc chat request. The reason is usually explained in the log files, you you're best of sorting the directory/permission issue first of all (the userfile most likely suffers the same issue as the pid and channel file).
scrambled egg
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Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:13 am

Post by scrambled egg »

Sorry my bad, about the root.

I currently have problems with the log so i used # on all lines, so basic the is no logging atm.

The account i am running the bot from should already have all the needed privileges set so i don't understand why this is not working.

Oh well going to kill the bot for now and try again tomorrow.
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Post by nml375 »

Have you made sure you're starting it from the correct directory yet?
As I stated earlier, the screenshot you posted clearly shows you trying to start your eggdrop from the root directory, not the user's home directory. If your eggdrop can't write files, it won't be able to save it's userfile either.
scrambled egg
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Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:13 am

Post by scrambled egg »

Removed the first install of eggdrop and created a new account for the bot.

I am not doing a "yum install eggdrop" this time i am attempting to compile the bot the normal way.

After running the ./configure command "Tcl cannot be found on this system"
Tcl is installed, but I cant find the path to the highlighted files as seen in the image below.
Revered One
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Post by nml375 »

Did you install the tcl development package ("yum install tcl-devel")?
scrambled egg
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:13 am

Post by scrambled egg »

I did run the command twice and twice it said nothing to do?

Rebooted the dedicated server entered the command again and it installed the files needed.

Continued to configure the bot and edited the .conf file and the bot is now running.

However i have one question remaining.

when i do a whois i get this: ( how can i change where is says ~eggdrop

I do not want it to say ( i want it to be something like ( for example.
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