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When eggdrop has no op on channel

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When eggdrop has no op on channel

Post by dhalus »

When eggdrop has no op on channel,to take op with command /opmode #channel +o nick.
I have a irc server, and i have an eggdrop caled help.. is the best eggdrop but is missing one of best part ... i wanna the eggdrop to take autoop on channel with oper,if some one try to deop him to give kill!! with command /kill nick to lazy! to the client. thank you who can help me with tcl script 8) 8) 8) :)
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

I didn't test this, but it sounds like something you want.

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# Auto TCL - istok @
# $Id: auto.tcl,v1 20/01/2012 04:37:42am GMT +12 (NZST) istok Exp $

bind join - * join:op
proc join:op {nick uhost hand chan} {
  if {![isbotnick $nick]} {return}
  utimer 5 check:status

proc check:status {} {
  global botnick
  foreach chan [channels] {
    if {![isop $botnick $chan]} {
    putquick "opmode $chan +o $botnick"

bind mode - "-o" deop:check
proc deop:check {nick uhost hand chan mode {target ""}} {
  global botnick
  if {$botnick != $target} {return}
  putquick "kill $nick :too lazy!"

putlog "Loaded: auto.tcl"
Hope it works.
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Post by caesar »

Why don't you use isbotnick (in all places) and botisop built-in functions?

Instead of:

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if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { 
would be:

Code: Select all

if {![botisop $chan]} { 
Also, why not take advantage on the 'bind need' (again, a built-in function) instead of that utimer (useless) check? Or you've could have used a cron bind instead of it too.

Code: Select all

bind need - "% op" bot:needop

proc bot:needop {chan type} { 
	putquick "opmode $chan +o $::botnick"
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

Why don't you use isbotnick (in all places) and botisop built-in functions?
I was going to, and did use it (isbotnick) within the join procedure, but I got lazy. I'm self taught, mostly by reading other peoples code. I just do things the way I know works.
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Post by willyw »

caesar wrote:
Also, why not take advantage on the 'bind need' (again, a built-in function)

Wouldn't this (built in) accomplish it too, and be the most simple? :
and see:
need-op tcl command to execute when the bot doesn't have ops

Thus something like:
.chanset #channel need-op "whatever commands you want go here"
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Post by caesar »

Sure, but then if he has multiple channels would have to issue the same command for each channel. This ways is easier. :)
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Post by willyw »

I had not considered that possibility.

But then something like this should do it:
.chanset * need-op "whatever commands you want go here"
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

I didn't bother with need-op because that wasn't what the user asked for. Also, it tends to flood services, most people add a "chanserv op" command to their bot, so anytime anyone deops the bot it will autoop again. This can cause issues, in a desync, with flooding, etc. My code triggers a single time, making sure that it doesn't attempt to op itself if already opped.
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Post by caesar »

Get_A_Fix wrote:My code triggers a single time, making sure that it doesn't attempt to op itself if already opped.

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utimer 5 check:status 
then what this do? :)

The need of OP is triggered only when the bot needs OP, not every 5 seconds like in your case. Anyway, if he wants to have the bot on a channel where it doesn't have op then he can add a user defined channel flag (see 'setudef') and then check if that flag is on/off for that channel and proceed with what command he wishes to issue.


Code: Select all

setudef flag botneeds
bind need - "% op" bot:needop

proc bot:needop {chan type} {
   if {![channel get $chan botneeds]} return
   putquick "opmode $chan +o $::botnick"
The need bind can be extended to fill the other needs too (join, limit, ban, key, etc.) if needed.
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