this is DCC chat showing that the userfile IS being sent, but nothing is being saved or some foolishness, sharing is enabled, and being used, here is a bot tree output from the two bots as well
From sl00tz
<H_D_T> .bottree
<sl00tz> [10:57:12] #T_D_H# bottree
<sl00tz> sl00tz
<sl00tz> `-+hubby0
<sl00tz> |-+flopdick
<sl00tz> |-+b1unt
<sl00tz> |-+spurgle
<sl00tz> |-+b3rn4rd
<sl00tz> |-+jiggleit
<sl00tz> |-+piehole
<sl00tz> `-+rooskie
<sl00tz> Average hops: 1.9, total bots: 9
and from hubby0
<H_D_T> .bottree
<hubby0> [10:57:23] #T_D_H# bottree
<hubby0> hubby0
<hubby0> |-+flopdick
<hubby0> |-+b1unt
<hubby0> |-+spurgle
<hubby0> |-+b3rn4rd
<hubby0> |-+jiggleit
<hubby0> |-+piehole
<hubby0> |-+rooskie
<hubby0> `-+sl00tz
<hubby0> Average hops: 1.0, total bots: 9
I am completly baffled what the issue is, any suggestions would be GREAT!!!!
all bots running version eggdrop v1.8.0
Thank you