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Bot DEOP's everyone after netsplit.

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Location: Colorado

Bot DEOP's everyone after netsplit.

Post by Barkeep »


We have a bot up and running on Undernet. The Channel has X which is the server service that will auto op people that are approved.

When there is a net split, and the bot is not on the side of the split with X, on rejoin the bot DEOPs all the users that were with X. Then X Re-Op's the people and the bot will deop them again. This continues until the user /hop from the channel and rejoins at which point the bot does not mess with them again.

The set global-stopnethack-mode 0 is set to 0 and we have even tried to comment out the line and it did not help. The set wait-split 1800 which is less time that the last net split was.

Bitch mode is off.

+nodesync is on also.

We are not running any deop scripts so I think it's in the generic config some place.

I can post the config if needed.

Does any one have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for the help,

Revered One
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Post by nml375 »

For starters, the global-stopnethack-mode (as well as the other global-* settings) are only used when you create a new channel record. Once the channel record has been created, changing the value of the global-stopnethack-mode variable will NOT affect already-created channels. By default, your eggdrop will also retain channel records between restarts using a channels-file.

In order to update any settings for a channel record once you've created it (either using the "channel add" command in your config file, or by using the .+chan command from the dcc chat partyline), you'll have to use the .chanset and .chaninfo dcc partyline commands.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:09 pm
Location: Colorado

Post by Barkeep »

Thanks for the help.

We have used .chanset to set the global setting to change them. We have changed it to mode one. We will wait for a net split and see what happens.

We have with verified with .chaninfo that it is set to 1.

Thanks again we will see what happens.



Had another netsplit over night and the same thing happened again. when the channels rejoin X sets +l23oooo and the bot then sets -loooo. this keeps up until X kicks the bot for mass deoping. When the bot rejoins the channel and is oped then everything is okay again.

Thanks for the help



Still having issues and we keep trying various things. Thought I would post the channel info and see if that helps anyone to find the issue. We put +bitch back on recently when setting -bitch did not fix the problem. X is part of the known ops so the bot should not be mad when X ops, and does not have an issue when X ops and it's in the channel only after net-splits when the channel rejoins. The bot also unsets l when the channel rejoins.

Thanks in advance.

Settings for static channel #XXXXXX:
Protect modes (chanmode): +tn
Idle Kick after (idle-kick): DON'T!
stopnethack: DON'T!
aop-delay: 5:30
revenge-mode: 0
ban-type: 3
ban-time: 120
exempt-time: 60
invite-time: 60
Other modes:
-inactive +statuslog -secret -shared
-greet -seen +cycle +dontkickops
+protectops +protectfriends -revenge -revengebot
+bitch -autoop -autovoice +nodesynch
+enforcebans +dynamicbans -userbans -autohalfop
-protecthalfops +static
+dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
flood settings: chan ctcp join kick deop nick
number: 15 3 5 3 3 5
time : 60 60 60 10 10 60
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